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Military History / Military History 18th Century

Two very rare peace treaties between Russia and the Safavid Empire

PETER II, Tsar and Shah ASHRAF. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Tractat, zwischen dem russischen Reich und dem Sultan Eschref, jetzigem Besitzer des persischen Thrones zu Ispahan. Von russischer Seite ertheilet.
St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1729.
With: (2) ANNA, Tsarina and Shah TAHMASP II. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Tractat, so zwischen Ihro Kayserl. Majest. von allen Reussen und des persischen Schachs Majest. in der Provintz Gilan zu Rätsche durch die von beyden Seiten bevollmächtigte Ministros am 21. Jan. 1732 geschlossen worden.St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1732. Two treaties between Russia and the Safavid Empire in Russian and German in 2 parallel columns. Small folio (27.5 x 19.5 cm). Disbound. 10; 12 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The art of war explained by an expert

PUYSEGUR, Jean-François DE CHASTENET, MARQUIS DE. Art de la guerre, par principes et par règles. Mis au jour par M. le Marquis De Puységur son fils.
Paris, Ch.A. Jombert, 1749. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 title-pages, each with a large engraved vignette, engraved headpiece to the dedication, 2 fine engraved headpieces at the beginning of each volume, and illustrations of war camps, battle arrays, formations of marches, plans etc. on 51 folding engraved plates. Contemporary calf, red and black spine label. [12], 411, [5]; [12], 547, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Cranes, hoists, clocks, water wheels and cannon carriages, with 12 engraved plates

SCALETTA, Carlo Cesare. Scuola mecanico-speculativo-pratica in cui si esamina la proporzione, che ha la potenza alla resistenza del corpo grave; per l'uso civile, e militare utile e necessaria ad ogni matematico, ingegnerio, architetto, machinista, e bombardiere, ... Edizione prima Veneta.
Venice, Antonio Mora, 1745. Folio. With engraved frontispiece and 12 numbered engraved plates with hundreds of figures. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [16], 204 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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On the artillery changes in the French army of 1765, with 29 engraved plates

SCHEEL, Heinrich Otto de. Memoires d'artillerie, contenant l'artillerie nouvelle, ou les changemens faits dans l'artillerie Françoise en 1765. Avec l'exposé et l'analyse des obiections qui ont été faites à ces changemens.
Copenhagen, Claude Philibert and August Frédéric Stein, 1777. 4to. With an engraved illustration on the title-page, 29 folding engraved plates and 6 folding letterpress tables. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. [4], XVI, [8], 440, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The great French master of fortification in a new Dutch jacket

SIDERIUS, Mattheus. De theorie van de vesting-bouw, vertoont in de drie versterkings manieren van den heer Vauban. ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, Gerrit Tresling, 1765. 8vo. With 29 numbered folding plates (I-XXIX) and 2 folding letterpress tables (A & B). Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [16], 285, [2], [1 blank] pp. plus plates and tables. Full description
€ 2,750
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A famous history of the conquest of Mexico

SOLÍS Y RIBADENEYRA, Antonio de. Histoire de la conqueste du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne par Fernand Cortez.
Paris, Compagnie des Libraires, 1730. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 14 engraved maps, views and plates (12 folding). Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [32], 606, [26]; [12], 560, [22] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Dialogue between an engineer and a young man on military architecture

STURM, Leonhard Christoph. Architectura militaris hypothetico-eclectica, oder gründliche Anleitung zu der Kriegs-Baukunst...
Nuremberg, Peter Conrad Monath, 1719. 4to. With an engraved device on title-page, an engraved headpiece on the first page of the dedication, engraved author's portrait, 42 engraved plates with 79 illustrations, 23 letterpress tables and with woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, lovely gold-brocade endpapers. [16], 144, 23, [1] Full description
€ 1,200
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First Dutch translation of medical manual by the surgeon general of Frederick the Great

THEDEN, Johann Christian Anton and A. SCHRAGE (translator). Genees- en heelkundig onderwys voor land- en zee-chirurgyns, vervattende een kort begrip der ontleed-, gezondheid-, ziekte-, genees- en heelkunde, nevens de nieuwste en zekerste genees- en heelmiddelen.
Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1782. 8vo. With a small typographical ornament on the title-page. Contemporary gold- and blindtooled sheepskin, with a red morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, red sprinkled edges. [4], 439, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Extremely rare unauthorized edition of a manual on field fortification for young officers

TIELKE, Johann Gottlieb. Unterricht für die Offiziers die sich zu Feldingenieurs bilden, oder doch den Feldzügen mit Nutzen beywohnen wollen, durch Beyspiele aus dem letzten Kriege erläutert, und mit nöthigen Plans versehen...
Vienna, Johann Thomas Edlen von Trattner, 1785. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, 32 folding engraved plates and some letterpress tables in text. 19th-century green half morocco, marbled paper sides. [48], 479, [9] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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53 books found / Show all