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Military History / Military History 18th Century

Second edition of a highly innovative work on Dutch fortification

COEHOORN, Menno van. Nieuwe vestingbouw, op een natte of lage horisont; welke op driederleije manieren getoont word in 't fortificeren der binnengrote van de Fransche royale seshoek...
Leeuwarden, heirs and widow of Hendrik Rintjes, 1702. Folio. With 12 (of 14) engraved plates, including 6 folding and 3 double-page. Contemporary calf, with blind-stamped centrepiece on both sides. [16], 181, [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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Leave of absence letter written by Van Coehoorn, together with a mezzotint portrait

COEHOORN, Menno van. [Manuscript leave of absence for Vaandrig Papeley].
Halst, 1703. Manuscript leave of absence signed by Menno van Coehoorn, written in brown ink on paper with Coehoorn's letterpress letterhead (26 x 18.5 cm), with a red wax seal, mounted on a large leaf (45.5 x 25 cm), also containing a standard letterpress passport issued by General Johan Theodore, Baron van Friesheim (1642-1733). The latter has (blank) space where one would fill in the name, regiment, the period of absence of the person concerned, and the exact date. With Van Friesheim's woodcut coat of arms at the foot.
With: (2) SCHENK, Pieter. [Portrait of] M[enno]. Bar[on]. van Coehoorn. Gen. van de artell. ...Amsterdam, Pieter Schenk, [ca. 1700?]. Engraved, mezzotint portrait of Van Coehoorn (28 x 18 cm), with at the top the motto: "Ignibus hic aderit" and 4 lines in Dutch below, trimmed along the edges and mounted on paper (34.5 x 23 cm). Full description
€ 2,500
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A great classic of Dutch fortification, with a new plate added for this edition

COEHOORN, Menno van. Nouvelle fortification, tant pour un terrain bas et humide, que sec et élevé, representée en trois maniéres sur le contenu intérieur de l 'exagone a la Françoise, ...
Wesel, Jacob von Wesel [printed by Johann Kattepoel or his heirs, or possibly by a printer in the Netherlands], 1706. 8vo. With 14 (of 15) engraved folding plates. Contemporary vellum. [38], 261, [1] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 1,800
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A late call for a crusade

COPPIN, R.P. Jean. Relation des voyages faits dans la Turquie, la Thebaïde, et la Barbarie. Contenant des avis politiques qui peuvent servir de lumières aux Rois & aux Souverains de la Chrétienté, pour garentir leurs etats des incursions des Turcs, & reprendre ceux qu'ils ont usurpé sur eux.
Lyon, les frères Bruyset, 1720. 4to. Vignette on title-page, interesting woodcut head- and tailpieces showing fruits and flowers, and 4 plates visualising the position of soldiers, divisions, army and artillery. Contemporary brown calf, gold-tooled spine in 6 compartments, red morocco label, lettered in gold. [6], 496, [6] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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The French fortification manual that finally succeeded Vauban’s, with 55 plates

CORMONTAINGNE, Louis de. Oeuvres posthumes ... Tome premier[-second] [& troisième].
(1) Mémorial pour la fortification permanente et passagère. ...
(2) Mémorial pour l'attaque des places. ...
(3) Mémorial pour la défense des places, faisant suite au mémorial pour l'attaque, ...
Paris, Charles Barrois (vol. II: Denis-Simon Magimel) (back of title-page vol. I & colophon vol. III: printed by H. Perronneau; back of title-page vol. II: printed by Demonville), 1809, 1815, 1806. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 55 engraved folding plates, 3 folding tables and additional tables in the text. Contemporary, uniform half tree calf, gold-tooled spines. XVI, 390; [4], XIV, 316; XXII, 371, [1] pp. plus folding tables and plates. Full description
€ 2,000
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A magnificent and extremely rare contemporary hand-coloured suite of 115 numbered plates of the protagonists of the Austrian Succession wars

[COSTUMES - MILITARY - EUROPE]. ENGELBRECHT, Martin & C.P. MAJ. [115 contemporary hand-coloured engraved plates picturing 18th-century European military life].
Augsburg, Martin Engelbrecht, ca. 1742. Folio. 115 engraved and magnificent hand-coloured plates, highlighted with gold and silver, drawn by C.P. Maj and executed and printed by the Augsburg engraver and art publisher Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756). With separately printed engraved captions consisting of a (sometimes 2-line) title and a poem of 4 or 5 lines in French below each plate (except plates 55-56 which have a German caption printed below and a French caption in the plate), pointing out the characteristics of the man depicted. Modern red morroco, marbled sides. 115 plates. Full description
€ 65,000
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Important account of the Great Siege of Gibraltar, with 10 engraved maps and views

DRINKWATER BETHUNE, John. A history of the late Siege of Gibraltar. With a description and account of that garrison, from the earliest periods. ... Third edition.
London, T. Spilsbury, 1786. 4to. With an engraved device on title-page, 4 folding engraved maps and 6 folding engraved views. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. XXIV, 356 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Wonderful edition of a monumental collection of tracts and treatises in four languages

DU MONT, Jean and Jean Rousset de MISSY. Corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens ...
Amsterdam and The Hague, P. Brunel, R. & G. Wetstein, Firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, L'Honoré & Chatelain, P. Husson, and C. Levier, 1726-1731.
(2) BARBEYRAC, Jean (compiler). Histoire des anciens traitez ...
Amsterdam and The Hague, the firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, Wetstein & Smith & Chatelain, P. de Hondt, Veuve C. Levier & J. Neaulme, 1739.
(3) DU MONT, Jean and Jean ROUSSET DE MISSY. Supplement au corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens ...
Amsterdam and The Hague, the firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, Wetstein & Smith & Chatelain, P. de Hondt, Veuve C. Levier & J. Neaulme, 1739.
(4) DU MONT, Jean and Jean ROUSSET DE MISSY. Le ceremonial diplomatique des cours de l'Europe.
Amsterdam and The Hague, the firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, Wetstein & Smith & Chatelain, P. de Hondt, Veuve C. Levier & J. Neaulme, 1739.
16 volumes: (ad 1: 17 parts in 10 volumes, ad 2: 2 parts in 1 volume, ad 3: 4 parts in 3 volumes, ad 4: 2 parts in 2 volumes). Large folio. With an engraved title-page in the first volumes of ads 1-3, an engraved full-page plate in volume 1 of ad 1 and some (folding) tables in the volumes of ad 4. All vollumes contian woodcut or engraved vignettes on the title-pages, woodcut decorated initials, and woodcut head- and tailpieces. The main title-pages for the different parts are printed in red and black, with occasionally some small woodcut illustrations in the text of most volumes. Contemporary uniform blind-tooled vellum, sewn on 9 supports with 9 corresponding raised bands on the spine, with the manuscript title and volume number in the second and third compartment, red and blue sprinkled edges. A detailed list of contents is available upon request. Full description
€ 18,000
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Rare first edition of a work of great importance to the history and development of colour printing
and one of the earliest examples of Didots fine printing in his revolutionary types

FOSSÉ, Charles-Louis François. Idées dun militaire pour la disposition des troupes confiées aux jeunes officiers dans la defense et lattaque des petits postes. Dédié à M. Le Duc du Chatelet.
Paris, François Ambroise Didot l'ainé, 1783. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 4to. With 11 colour-printed crayon-manner plates (10 folding) by Louis-Marie Bonnet, 1 similar armorial headpiece for the dedication to the army general and diplomat Louis Marie Florent, Duc du Châtelet (1727-1793), Didots woodcut device on title-page ("FAD" in clouds with putti and garlands, "[Pierre Charles] Jombert inv. Milliere sculp. 1782"). Contemporary boards covered with blue paper, untrimmed and with some bolts unopened. [14], 116, 60, [24] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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