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Military History

Seminal work on Dutch methods of fortification, with illustrated title-page and 69 double-page plates

DÖGEN, Matthias. Heutiges tages übliche Kriges Bau-kunst...
Including: DÖGEN, Matthias. Streit-bau-Kunst, ...
Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1648. Folio in 4s (31 x 21 cm). With an integral engraved, illustrated general title-page, a letterpress divisional title-page for part 2, 29 double-page engraved plates, 40 double-page engraved plates, 5 woodcut decorated gothic initials. With 3 unsigned quires with letterpress tables of data made for this edition, but lacking in many copies. Set in fraktur types with incidental roman. Contemporary or near contemporary vellum, red sprinkled edges, manuscript spine title, remains of 1 of 4 green cloth ties. [14], [2 blank], 56, [8], 57-96, [4], 97-196, [8], 197-475, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 2,350
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Important account of the Great Siege of Gibraltar, with 10 engraved maps and views

DRINKWATER BETHUNE, John. A history of the late Siege of Gibraltar. With a description and account of that garrison, from the earliest periods. ... Third edition.
London, T. Spilsbury, 1786. 4to. With an engraved device on title-page, 4 folding engraved maps and 6 folding engraved views. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. XXIV, 356 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First European biography of Timur derived from an Arabic source

DU BEC-CRESPIN, Jean. The historie of the great emperour Tamerlan wherein are expressed, encounters, skirmishes, battels, sieges, assaults, skalings, taking of cities and strong places, defended, and assaulted, with diverse stratagems of warre, the which this great and renowned warriour hath conducted and accomplished, during his raigne of fortie or fiftie yeares: with other instructions for the warre, which should not be unknowen of them that would attaine unto the knowledge of armes. Drawen from the auncient monuments of the Arabians, by messire Jean du Bec, abbot of Mortimer. Newly translated out of French into English, for their benefite which are ignorant in that language. by H.M.
London, R. Field for Willam Ponsonby, 1597. 4to. With a woodcut device on the title-page, woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces.17th-century calf, 19th century gold-tooled spine. [4], 265, [1] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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The universal art of fortification

[DUBREUIL, Jean], Sieur de Bitainvieu. L'art universel des fortifications, Francoises, Holandoises, Espagnoles, Italiennes, et composées. Avec l'art d'attaquer les places fortifiées par les surprises & par la force, & aussi de défendre les places fortifiées contre les surprises & contre la force, par le Sieur de Bitainvieu.
Paris, Jacques Dubrueil, 1674 [=1667]. 6 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved general frontispiece by Jean Le Pautre (1618-1682), 6 engraved frontispieces for the 6 parts, the first 4 by Jean Le Paultre and the last 2 by Noel Cochin (1622-1695) after Ferrand, and many illustrations of military perspective, plans of fortifications, instruments of attack and defence of fortifications, etc. on 125 full-page engraved plates in the text, several plates in part V signed by R. Coquin. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, with title in gold in second compartment, marbled edges. [36], 2; 133 (with the text and the corresponding plate numbered the same); 117, [3] pp. Full description
€ 3,800
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General Dufour's report on his victory in the Sonderbund War

[DUFOUR, Guillaume Henri]. Rapport général du commandant en chef des troupes fédérales sur l'armement et la campagne de 1847.
Bern, Imprimerie Staempfli; Zurich, Fréd. Schulthess, 1848. 8vo. With 6 folding lithographed maps (3 with certain features hand-coloured as published, mostly to show troup locations, and with a key to the colour coding). Contemporary tanned half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [2], 81, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Wonderful edition of a monumental collection of tracts and treatises in four languages

DU MONT, Jean and Jean Rousset de MISSY. Corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens ...
Amsterdam and The Hague, P. Brunel, R. & G. Wetstein, Firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, L'Honoré & Chatelain, P. Husson, and C. Levier, 1726-1731.
(2) BARBEYRAC, Jean (compiler). Histoire des anciens traitez ...
Amsterdam and The Hague, the firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, Wetstein & Smith & Chatelain, P. de Hondt, Veuve C. Levier & J. Neaulme, 1739.
(3) DU MONT, Jean and Jean ROUSSET DE MISSY. Supplement au corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens ...
Amsterdam and The Hague, the firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, Wetstein & Smith & Chatelain, P. de Hondt, Veuve C. Levier & J. Neaulme, 1739.
(4) DU MONT, Jean and Jean ROUSSET DE MISSY. Le ceremonial diplomatique des cours de l'Europe.
Amsterdam and The Hague, the firm of Janssonius van Waesberghe, Wetstein & Smith & Chatelain, P. de Hondt, Veuve C. Levier & J. Neaulme, 1739.
16 volumes: (ad 1: 17 parts in 10 volumes, ad 2: 2 parts in 1 volume, ad 3: 4 parts in 3 volumes, ad 4: 2 parts in 2 volumes). Large folio. With an engraved title-page in the first volumes of ads 1-3, an engraved full-page plate in volume 1 of ad 1 and some (folding) tables in the volumes of ad 4. All vollumes contian woodcut or engraved vignettes on the title-pages, woodcut decorated initials, and woodcut head- and tailpieces. The main title-pages for the different parts are printed in red and black, with occasionally some small woodcut illustrations in the text of most volumes. Contemporary uniform blind-tooled vellum, sewn on 9 supports with 9 corresponding raised bands on the spine, with the manuscript title and volume number in the second and third compartment, red and blue sprinkled edges. A detailed list of contents is available upon request. Full description
€ 18,000
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92 documents concerning the army and navy of the Dutch Republic during its golden age

[ORDINANCES - DUTCH REPUBLIC]. Recueil van verscheyde placaten, ordonantien, resolutien, instructien, ordres en lysten, etc. betreffende de saacken van den oorlogh, te water en te lande.
The Hague, Jacob Scheltus, Aelbrecht Hendriksz, the heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz van Wouw, Paulus Scheltus, 1591-1716. 4to. With woodcut publishers' devices, title vignettes and decorated initials. Vellum over boards, manuscript title on spine, remains of green ties. [8], [ca. 780] pp. containing 92 numbered items (2 folding). Full description
€ 2,250
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Rare text of the defensive alliance between England and the Dutch Republic, just before the official Peace of Nijmegen in August 1678

[ENGLAND & DUTCH REPUBLIC - TREATY]. Traitté dalliance defensive, entre lAngleterre et les Estats Generaux, conclu le 3. Mars 1678.
Cologne [recté: Amsterdam?], "Pierre Marteau", 1680. 4to. With the woodcut English royal arms on the title-page. 19th-century brown paper wrappers. [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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First and only Netherlands edition of the first great French fortification manual, with a false Paris imprint

ERRARD, Jean. La fortification demonstree et reduicte en art ... reveue corrige et augmentee par A. Errard ...
[Amsterdam ("livres" 2 & 4: "Paris" = Amsterdam), Johannes Jansonnius?], "1619" [= 1622?]-1622. 1 volume in 4 "livres". Folio (33 x 21 cm). With an engraved title-page, 38 engraved plates, 9 engraved and numerous woodcut illustrations in the text. Recased in contemporary vellum. [6], “70” [= 71], [1 blank] ll. including the integral title-page, plus 38 plates. Full description
€ 4,000
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