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Military History

27 folding plates with 168 fortification plans, sections, elevations, views, palisades, equipment, etc.

HEIDEMANN, Christoph. Architectura militaris; oder, Anlaitung wie auff unterschidliche Arten starcke Vestungen zubawen, denen nach itziger Kriegs-Practic gewöhnlichen Offensionen entgegen zustellen; ...
München, Johann Jäcklin, 1664. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (30 x 20.5 cm). With an engraved title-page by Melchior Küsell and 168 figures (I-CLXIV & A-D) on 27 double-page plates (A-Bb including W, & "zwischen O und P"), engraved by Christoph Stenglin. 18th-century blue paper over boards. Engraved title-page + [10], 98; 62; 26, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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A manuscript manual on how to construct, load and detonate a mine to undermine fortifications
using exact mathematical calculations

[MANUSCRIPT - MILITARY ENGINEERING - HENNEQUIN, Johan Jacobus]. Twee beknopte handleidingen tot het berekenen der mijnladingen.
(preface:) Grave, 1 July 1828. Folio. Manuscript in a fine legible hand, written in brown ink on paper, with 2 large folding sheets with abstract mathematical figures depicting the range of exploding mines (45 x 67 cm and 54 x 75 cm) in blue/black and red ink, the second partly coloured (red watercolour), and 3 abstract mathematical figures and one table in the text. Contemporary marbled paper boards with a handwritten titleplate. [1], [1 blank], [1], [3 blank], 71, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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A summary of the reports on an exercise by the Dutch military engineers,
experimenting with mines to blow up fortifications

[MANUSCRIPT - MILITARY ENGINEERING] HENNEQUIN, Johan Jacobus. Bataillon mineurs en sappeurs. Exercitie polygoon van 1824 en 1825. Uittreksel uit de officiele rapporten der verrigte werkzaamheden welke door den hoogedelen gestrengen heer Abr. Eichholtz luitenant kolonel kommandant van genoemd bataillon opgemaakt en toegezonden zijn geworden aan zijne excellentie den heere Luit. Generaal Baron Krayenhoff, gouverneur van Amsterdam, inspecteur generaal der fortificatien en van het korps ingenieurs de mineurs en sappeurs benevens eenige aantekeningen betrekkelijk de gedaante werkzaamheden.
[preface signed:] Grave, 1 November 1828. Folio. Manuscript written in brown ink on paper in a fine legible hand, with 1 large folding illustration in blue, brown/black and red ink. Contemporary brown marbled paper over boards, manuscript title label mounted on the front board. [4], 15, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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The Ridderschap in the States of Holland and West-Friesland asks Amsterdam
to spent more money on the defense of the country - an old plea

[PAMPHLET - HOLLAND & WESTFRIESLAND]. Circulaire brief, van de Heeren Ridderschap en Edelen, van Hollandt en West-Vrieslant; nevens t antwoort van de Ed. Groot Achtb. Heeren Burgermeesteren en Regeerders der stadt Amsterdam, op de voorsz. Brief.
[Amsterdam,] Jan Cyprianus van der Graft [= Jacobus Hackius?], 1685. 4to. With a woodcut title vignette. Blue modern wrappers, new endpapers. 24 pp. Full description
€ 275
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Manuscript course in fortification, with 19 large folding drawings (plans and sections) in colour

[FORTIFICATION]. HOOFF, Cornelis Christiaan van. Grondbeginselen der vestingbouw, volgens de verschillende manieren van versterken van Pagan, Vauban en Coehoorn. Geconstrueerd getekend en beschreven door C C van Hooff.
[The Hague], 1796. Folio. With a calligraphic title-page and 19 folding drawings (mostly about 32.5 x 51 cm, 6 longer: 78 to 138 cm, the longest assembled from 2 pieces before drawing) with 45 numbered figures, showing fortification plans and sections in black and red ink with coloured washes. With an 1857(?) photograph of a (ca. 1795?) miniature oval portrait of the author and 4 documents concerning the manuscript and the author's family (1933-1965), all loosely inserted. Contemporary half, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [1], [1 blank], 81, [1 blank], [1], [3 blank] pp. plus 19 integral blank ll. with drawings tipped onto them. Full description
€ 12,000
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Magnificent engraving of Speelman’s victory over the Kingdom of Makassar

HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Victorien der Nederl. Geoct. O. Compagnie op het Koninkryck van Macasser door den Ed. heer C. Speelman.
[Amsterdam?, 1669]. Engraved view (40 x 54.5 cm), with two battle scenes on top, flanked by portraits of Speelman and Radjah Palacca, with in the centre a laurel wreath with the monogram of the VOC, surrounded by Mars and Mercury, and a banderole with the title; and with letterpress text below the view (11 x 54.5 cm), including two poems by the famous Dutch poet Joost van den Vondel and numbered keys referring to the plate. Framed (75 x 81 cm). Full description
€ 2,950
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The Franco-Dutch War, strikingly illustrated

HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Schouburgh der Nederlandse veranderingen, geopent in ses tooneelen, waer op de wisselbeurten des Vereenigde Staets door den Fransen oorlog gebrouwen, in historieele sinnebeelden, vertoont en beschreven zijn.
Amsterdam, the author, 1674. Small folio (28.5x19 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 6 large engraved folding plates by Romeyn de Hooghe (plate size ca. 23x35 cm). Contemporary vellum. 36 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Detailed account of horses by a Dutch cavalry officer who served Prussia against Napoleon Bonaparte,
with 31 beautiful watercolour drawings (30 in colour) showing 32 horses

[HORSES - MILITARY]. Anecdoten van paarde kenners, paarde liefhebbers, ruijters en ross-kammers. Naar waarheid en eijge ondervinding opgesteld. Door een gepensioneerd cavallerie officier.
[The Netherlands, ca. 1815]. Folio (38 x 24 cm). Manuscript on paper written in brown ink in a readable Latin hand, with the title on p. 72, illustrated with 30 small watercolour drawings of horses mounted on the leaves (mostly about 8.5 x 11 cm), and a washed pen drawing with 5 caricature figures before a monument (9.5 x 16 cm), mounted above the dedication. Half vellum (1930s?), gold-tooled spine. [4 blank], 248, 251-254, 257-267, [9 blank] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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[INDIA – ARMY, GENERAL STAFF BRANCH]. Operations in Waziristan 1919-1920. Confidential. Compiled by the General Staff, Army Headquarters, India, 1921.
Calcutta, Superintendent of Government Printing, 1921. 8vo. With frontispiece, 31 plates, 7 maps (3 in pocket on inside of back board), and 8 panoramas, mostly folding.Contemporary half calf, green cloth sides, gold-stamped red spine labels. X, 187, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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First-hand account of the British military in India's Northwest

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. [W. RAHN (photographer).] [Album with photographs of the Tirah Expedition].
- Key [manuscript identifying sitters in 1 photograph in the album]. 2 loose leaves.
- [Manuscript list of captions to 10 photographs in the album]. 1 leaf.Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, [1898]. Folio album (40 x 33 cm). A photo album with 53 photographic prints on 12 paperboard leaves, hinged to stubs with 3 cords. Including 9 large albumen prints from 21 x 26.5 cm to 13.5 x 29 cm, 43 gelatin silver prints from 12 x 18 cm. to 9 x 10.5 cm., and a loosely inserted large albumen print 21 x 28.5 cm on a similar paperboard support. Contemporary cloth with closing straps. Manuscripts loosely inserted in the album.
(2) PARK, Superintendent. 1898. Catalogue of photographs by Sergeant A.J. Clarke R.E. taken during Tirah Expedition, 1897-1898.
[Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, 1898]. Small folio (22 x 14.5 cm), [4] pp. With a lithographed title-page. Loosely inserted in the album. Full description
€ 8,750
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