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Middle East & Islamic World

With two large maps of Yemen

WERDECKER, Josef. A contribution to the geography and cartography of north-west Yemen (based on the results of the exploration by Eduard Glaser, undertaken in the years 1882-1884).
Cairo, lInstitut Français dArchéologie Orientale du Caire, 1939. 8vo. With a portrait of Eduard Glaser, 8 numbered plates and 2 large folding maps. Later half cloth, with the original front wrapper mounted on the front board. [2], 160 pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Beautifully illustrated description of Palestine, Sinai and Egypt

WILSON, Charles. Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt. Edited by Colonel Wilson, R.E, C.B., F.R.S. formerly engineer to the Palestine Exploration Society. Assisted by the most eminent Palestine explorers etc. With numerous engravings on steel and wood.
London, Virtue and Co., [ca. 1870]. 4 volumes. Large 4to (33 x 25 cm). With 4 title-pages in red and black, each with a different large steel-engraved vignette, 38 steel-engraved plates (including 4 different frontispieces), 2 double-page engraved maps of Egypt and Sinai, printed in brown, and 576 wood-engravings on integral leaves, many full-page. Contemporary half sheepskin. [2], X, 240; [2], VI, 240; [2], IV, 240; [2], IV, 236 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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An in-depth geological study of an area of the Oman mountains for the oil industry

WILSON, H.H. Late cretaceous [and] eugeosynclinal sedimentation, gravity tectonics, and ophiolite emplacement in Oman mountains, Southeast Arabia.
[United States of America], Reprinted for private circulation for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 1969. 24 x 17.3 cm. With 30 black-and-white figures, primarily illustrations of different sediment layers in the region and photographs of mountains and different types of rock. Original cream wrappers, stapled. [1], 626-671 [= 45], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 400
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Extremely rare atlas with 76 very large hand-coloured maps

WIT, Frederick de. Atlas maior.
Amsterdam, Johannes Covens & Cornelis Mortier, [ca. 1725]. Imperial folio (53 x 35.5 cm). With engraved title-page and 76 double page (or in 8 cases larger folding) engraved maps, the title-page and all maps and their decorations coloured by a contemporary hand. Half tanned sheepskin (ca. 1900), gold-tooled spine. Full description
€ 85,000
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German translation of an Arabic text on the death of Muhammads companion Musab ibn al-Zubayr and on the Zubayr genealogy, including a family tree

WÜSTENFELD, Ferdinand (transl.); Abu Abdallah AL-DIMASCHKÍ (ed.); Zubair ibn BAKKAR. Die Familie el-Zubeir. Der Tod des Muc'ab ben el-Zubeir aus den Muwaffakîjat des Abu Abdallah el-Dimaschkí. Arabisch und Deutsch.
Göttingen, Dieterich'sche Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1878. Large 4to. With 1 folding genealogical table of the Zubayr family bound at the end of the book. Contemporary half blue cloth, decorated paper sides, grey spine label with title in gold. 112 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Greek and Arabic physicians on pathology and therapeutics

IBN SARABIYUN, Yahya (SERAPIO the elder). Iani Damasceni Decapolitani summae inter Arabes autoritatis medici, Therapeutice methodi, hoc est, curandi artis Libri VII. partim Albano Torino Vitodurano paraphraste, partim Gerardo iatro Cremonensi metaphraste.
Basel, Heinrich Petri, (colophon: March 1543). Folio (20.5 x 29 cm). 17th century black vellum, made from an earlier liturgical music manuscript. [24], 491, [1] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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First edition of al-Zamakhshari’s collection of Arabic proverbs, in Arabic and Latin

ZAMAKHSHARI, Abu al-Quasim Mahmud ibn Umar (Hendrik Albert SCHULTENS, editor). [Al-Kalim al-nawabigh]. Anthologia sententiarum Arabicarum. Cum scholiis Zamachsjarii.
Leiden, Jean Le Mair (colophon: printed by Daniel van Damme), 1772. 4to. With the large engraved arms of Willem V, Prince of Orange, above the dedication.Vellum, manuscript spine title. [20], 171, [1] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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