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Middle East & Islamic World

Summary of ideas from the Qu'ran in French: bibliophile production on wove paper, published in Paris and Constantinople

SAVARY, Claude-Etienne. Morale de Mahomet; ou recueil des plus pures maximes du Coran.
Constantinople, [no publisher's name]; Paris, Lamy, 1784. 18mo in 2s. With a woodcut flower ornament on the title-page, a woodcut rococco headpiece, small decorated roman capitals used as initials, decorative rules. Brown goatskin morocco (ca. 1865?), gold-tooled spine in 6 compartments, chemical marbled sides, nonpareil marbled endpapers. [4], 91, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Savary’s literary letters on Egypt, in attractive contemporary binding

SAVARY, (Nicolas) Claude Étienne. Brieven over Egypte.
Amsterdam, Martinus de Bruyn, 1788-1789. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 4 numbered engraved folding plates, including maps of Egypt and northern Egypt, a plan of Alexandria, and a cross-section of the Great pyramid. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines and binding edges. XVI, 446, [1], [1 blank]; XVI, 364, [2 blank], [1], [1 blank]; “XIV” [=XXIV], 390, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The first-ever critical edition of an Arabic text

SCALIGER, Joseph Justus and Thomas ERPENIUS. [Kitab al-Amthal] seu proverbiorum Arabicorum centuriae duae.
Leiden, Frans van Ravelingen, 1614. 4to (16 × 20 cm). Ad 1 with a woodcut printers device on the title-page, woodcut initials and tailpieces. Ad 2 with a woodcut printers device on the title-page, woodcut tailpieces and woodcut ornamental frames around typographic Arabic initials. With:
(2) Cogitata nova de [kari] Psalm XXII, 17 & Jes. XXXIIX, 13 censurae philologorum committet ho elachistos ton philologounton.
[ca. 1615?].
(3) [BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - ARABIC]. ERPENIUS, Thomas (editor). [Risalat Bulus al-rasul ila ahl Rumija]. Pauli apostoli ad Romanos epistola, arabice.
Leiden, Typographia Erpeniana, 1615. Contemporary marbled calf. [8], 126, [2 blank]; [8]; [48] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Comparing the calendars of the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Jews and others

SCALIGER, Joseph Justus. Opus de emendatione temporum: hac postrema ed., ex auctoris ipsius ms., emend., magnáque acces. auctius. Add. veterum Graecorum fragmenta selecta.
Including: Computus Arabicus ecclesiae Antiochenae.
Geneva, Pierre de la Rovière, 1629. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black and with woodcut printer's device and several woodcut initials. Set in roman and italic types with long passages set in Greek, Arabic and Hebrew and shorter passages in Syriac. The long passages in Samaritan and Ethiopic, printed from meticulous woodblocks. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [9], [1 blank], LII, [4], 784, [46], [2 blank], 59, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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A beautiful and important botanical work on plants from Greece, Turkey and Armenia

SCHREBER, Johann Christian Daniël von. Icones et descriptiones plantarum minus cognitarum. Decas I.
Halle (Saale), Germany, J.J. Curt, 1766. Folio (37.5 x 24.5 cm). With 10 full-page numbered engravings of plants, an engraved image on the title-page, and a woodcut initial on the first page of the preface. Never bound, housed in a modern folder with a printed design of 19th-century marbled paper. [8], 20 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Collection of various photographs of Egypt, 1860s-1910s

SEBAH, Pascal, LEHNERT & LANDROCK, Wilhelm HAMMERSCHMIDT, SCHROEDER & Cie and Enrico VAN LINT. [Photographs, mostly of Egypt].
[Egypt and elsewhere], [ca. 1860-ca. 1914]. With 9 carte de visite albumen prints (ca. 8.5 x 5.5 cm) by Hammerschmidt and Van Lint, two albumen prints (9.5 x 12.5 cm) by Sébah mounted on paper, one silver gelatin print (8.5 x 11.5 cm) by Lehnert & Landrock and one silver gelatin print (27 x 21 cm) by Schroeder & Cie in a passepartout. Full description
€ 1,950
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Early Egyptian astronomy in a deluxe binding

SEYFFARTH, Gustav. Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Literatur, Kunst, Mythologie und Geschichte des alten Aegypten. Erstes Heft: Bemerkungen ueber die Aegyptischen Papyrus auf der Koeniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin.
Leipzig, Joh. Ambros. Barth (colophon: printed by W. Haack), 1826. With 4 lithographed folding plates.
With: (2) Beitraege ... zweites, drittes, viertes, fünftes Heft. = Systema astronomiae Aegyptiacae quadripartitum ...
Leipzig, Joh. Ambros. Barth, 1833. With a general title-page, a Latin title-page and 4 part-titles, a hand-coloured frontispiece and 10 large folding plates, lithographed throughout.
5 parts in 2 volumes. 4to (22.5 x 26.5 cm). Contemporary richly gold- and blind-tooled polished red morocco in the Romantic style (by the Leipzig master Anton Stumme with his ticket on the first free endleaf). X, 42; XXX, 445, [10] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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