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Middle East & Islamic World

Manuscript compilation on Arabia and vicinity with 39 pages of illustrations, especially inscriptions,
but including views of the Great Mosques at Mecca and Medina

NIEBUHR, Carsten, and others (Johan Louis GERLAGH, compiler and draftsman). Aanteekeningen uit de Reise naar Arabie, en andere omliggende landen, van Carsten Niebuhr, geteekent en geschreeven door Joh. Louis Gerlagh.
[Hoeven? (near Breda)], 1785. Folio (29 x 22 cm). Manuscript in Dutch, written in ink on paper, with two loosely inserted supplements (2 bifolia), with a calligraphic title-page and 39 pages of (mostly) ink and grey ink wash drawings, plus a small drawing of an inscription and a few written examples in the text. Contemporary half canvas, sides covered with printed pattern paper. 63, [10] ll. Full description
€ 75,000
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From India to Egypt, with 19 hand-coloured plates and 2 maps

NOÉ, Louis Pantaléon Jude Amédée, Comte de. Mémoires relatifs a l'expédition Anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Égypte l'armée d'orient.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (back of half-title: [Auguste] Nepveu), 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed maps, partly coloured by hand, and 19 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], III, [1 bank], 288 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Early Western printing in Aden: Arab dictionary

NORBURY, Paul Fitzgerald. An abridged Arabic grammar with one hundred and fifty simple conversational scentences and a vocabulary of two thousand five hundred words.
Aden, printed at the Aden Special Prison Press, [1917]. Square 8vo. Printed in English and Arabic type. With a tipped-in paper slip on the title-page: "Since the issue of the first edition it has been possible to test this grammar in regard to its utility in Mesopotamia. The result has been to confirm the correctness of the claim made in para four of the preface". Original publisher's printed hard board covers with red cloth spine. IV, 68 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Pioneering Arabic, Syriac and Latin glossary

OBICINI, Tommaso and Elija bar SHINAJA (Elias BARSINAEUS) of Nisibis. Thesaurus Arabico-Syro-Latinus.
With: Index alphabeticus. ...
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1636. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Set in Arabic, Syriac, roman and italic types. Contemp. reversed sheep, blank spine in five compartments. [2 blank], [5], [1 blank], 447, [1 blank], [43], [5 blank]; "70" [= 66] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Historical work on the Saracens

OCKLEY, Simon. The conquest of Syria, Persia, and Aegypt, by the Saracens: containing the lives of Abubeker, Omar, and Othman, the immediate successors of Mahomet, giving an account of their most remarkable battles, sieges, &c. ...
London, for R. Knaplock, J. Sprint, R. Smith and J. Round, 1708. 8vo. Contemporary panelled calf with gold-stamped red label to gilt spine, leading edges gilt, red sprinkled edges. XXIV, [4], 391, [1 blank], [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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British India's foreign trade during the years 1874-1884

O'CONOR, James Edward. Review of the accounts of the trade and navigation of India for 1874-75, as compared with previous years.
Calcutta, Office of the superintendent of government printing, 1876.
(2) Memorandum reviewing the accounts of the trade and navigation of British India for 1875-76. Dated the 24th February 1877.
[Calcutta?], Government central press, 1877.
(3) Review of the trade of British India for the official year 1876-77.Calcutta, 25 October1877.
(4) Review of the trade of British India with other countries, for the official year 1878-1879.
[Calcutta?], Government central press, 1879.
(5) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1879-80.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1880.
(6) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1880-81.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1881.
(7) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1881-82.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1882.
(8) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1883.Simla, Government central branch press, 1883.
(9) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1884.Simla, Government central branch press, 1884.
9 parts in 1 volume. Folio. Near contemporary red cloth. Full description
€ 6,500
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The history of the Austro-Hungarian region from 1395-1612

OERTEL (ORTELIUS), Hieronymus. Chronologia oder historische Beschreibung aller Kriegsempörungen unnd Belägerungen der Stätt und Vestungen auch Scharmützeln und Schlachten so in Ober und Unter Ungern auch Siebenbürgen mit dem Turcken von Ao. 1395 biss auff gegenwertige Zeit denckhwürtig geschehen.
Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604.
(2) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Continuatio des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegwesens vom 1. Januari anno 1603 bis auf jetziges 1604.
Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604. With engraved title in elaborately decorated border with cavalry, arms and armour, large engraved folding map (28×51 cm), 30 double-page engraved views, 26 full-page engraved portraits, woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces.
(3) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Viertter Thail des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegswesens, was sich seithero Anno 1604 bis auf Ao. 1607 inn der ausgestandnen Rebellion mit dem Türcken, Rebellen und ihrem Anhang . . . zugetragen . . .
[Nuremberg, ca. 1613]. With engraved title-page, and engraved portrait of the author signed "H.V."
(4) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Appendix partis quartae Chronologiae Ungaricae, das ist; warhafftige ausführliche historische Beschreibung: was gestallt der aller durchleuchtigist Fürst und Herr herr Matthias Ertz Herzog zu Oesterreich, etc. Montags den 19 Novembris anno 1608 . . . und zum Römischen Kayser erkäret worden (ist; 1612) . . .
Nuremberg, Wolffgang Endter for the heirs of the author, 1622. With engraved portrait of author on the back of the title-page, and a folding engraved plate showing cavalry. 4 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [6], 581, [34], [10]; [2], 35, [1]; [12], 195, [12]; [2], 302, [7] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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The only Portuguese manual on the typesetting of Greek, Hebrew and Arabic, for compositors of the royal printing office in Lisbon

OLIVEIRA, Custodio José de. Diagnosis typografica dos caracteres gregos, hebraicos, e arabigos, addiccionada com algumas notas sobre a divisão orthografica da linguage latina, e outras da Europa, ...
Lisbon, Impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. Text set in roman, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic type. With a small Portuguese woodcut coat of arms on the title-page and 4 engraved plates on 2 leaves bound at the end of the book. Later blue paper wrappers. 72, [14], VIII pp. plus [2] ll. with engravings. Full description
€ 4,850
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Manuscript log of a voyage from Suez through the Red and Arabian Seas to Bombay, Karachi and Colombo, with 8 excellent nautical charts and 5 beautiful sketches, including one of the city of Muscat

[OMAN NAVIGATION LOGBOOK]. MCKINNELL, Thomas, assistant master. Log of the proceedings. HMS "Cyclops". W. J. S. Pullen Esq. Captain. Commencing Monday 7th February 1859, ending Wednesday 22nd of May, 1861. Kept by Thos. McKinnell, Mast. Asst.
HMS Cyclops: Oman, Khuriya Muriya Islands, Yemen, Egypt, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and other places, 1857-1861. Folio (20 x 31.5 cm). Over 360 pp. of manuscript entries, written with brown ink in a legible hand on watermarked laid paper with a blue cast. With 8 pen and ink nautical charts and 5 sketches of coastal sites, including the city of Muscat (8 on the logbook pages and 5 on separate thick album leaves). Contemporary brown cloth over boards, rebacked in period-style black calf with the spine lettered in gold: "Log H.M.S. Cyclops". [ca. 360], [32 blank] pp. Full description
€ 45,000
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