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Medicine & Pharmacy / Pharmacology / Pharmacopoeia

Unrecorded first issue of the third Ghent pharmacopoeia

[GHENT - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Gandavensis nobilissimi senatûs monitu concinnata, ejusque jussu edita.
Ghent, Joannis Meyer, [1756].
With: (2) [GHENT - TAXA]. Ordonnantie van heer ende weth der stad Gend op den taux der drogue ende medicamenten raekende de pharmacie van de apothecarissen der gemelde stad.
Ghent, Jan Meyer, [1757].
2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine with a tulip in 5 of the 7 compartments, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], 274, [30]; 54, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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A forerunner of the pressure cooker and steam engine

HAAN, Andreas Leopold. Proeven met de Papiniaansche pot. Waardoor aangetoond wordt dat, door dezelve, de plantgewassen, dieren en mineralen niet alleen, binnen weinig uuren , door een eenvoudig scheivogt ontbonden, maar ook de zuiverste extracten en wezenlyke zoutten bereidt konnen worden. Uit het Latyn vertaald door een liefhebber der scheikunde. En met een aanpryzend bericht voorzien door Boudewyn Tieboel.
Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1775. 8vo. With a full-page engraving of the "papiaanse pot". Original grey wrappers. XVIII, 60 pp. Full description
€ 700
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On the simple and compound medicines of the Prussian pharmacopoeia

HECKER, August Friederich. Anleitung zum zweckmäßigen Gebrauche der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Arzneimittel, welche in der Pharmacopoea castrensis Borussica enthalten sind. Eine Beilage zu dem medicinisch-praktischen Taschenbuche für Feldärzte und Wundärzte deutscher Armeen.
Berlin, Friedrich Maurer, 1806. Small 8vo (14.5 x 9.5 cm). With a wood-engraved medallion on title-page, depicting both sides, one including a portrait of J. Goercke. Contemporary marbled boards. XVI, 264 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Second enlarged edition of the Hausmittel-Apotheke

HEINSE, Johann Phillipp. Hausmittel-Apotheke eine Sammlung von Ärzten und Laien erprobter und bewährter Heilmittel gegen die meisten Krankheiten, Gebrechen und Unglücksfälle. Aus medicinischen und gemeinnützigen Büchern und Zeitschriften zusammengetragen.
Gotha, Druck und Verlag des Verlags-Comptoir, 1843. 8vo. Half calf. XXVII, 416 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Second edition, with a new Appendix, of the Dutch translation
of an influential German manual on pharmacology for beginners

HERMBSTÄDT, Sigismund Frederik. Catechismus der apothecars-kunst, of, de eerste grondbeginselen der artsenijmengkunde, voor eerstbeginnenden opgesteld. Aanhangsel van den catechismus der apothecars-kunst.
Amsteldam, J.B. Elwe, 1813. 8vo. With a folding engraved plate (160 x 125 mm.) of a Toestel om luchtvormige vloeistoffen op te vangen (a device to catch vaporized liquids), facing p. 302. Blue paper over thin boards as published, with rests of a printed title label on spine. Uncut copy (partly unopened). [1], [blank], [2], 320 pp. = 324 pp. Full description
€ 350
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A Dutch medical and pharmacological handbook for the poor

[JACOBSZ, Heyman]. Schat der armen, of huismedicyn boekje van veelerhande medicamenten, om met kleine kosten zyn eigen doctor te zyn, en velerleye ziektens te genezen. Benevens eene aanwyzing, hoe men de gezondheid lang bewaren kan. ...
Rotterdam, Hermanus Kentlink, 1749.
With: (2) SIMONS, Guillaume. Den troost der armen; behelzende lichte en souvereine remedien, tegen verscheide ziekten, wonden, gezwellen, en andere kwalen des lichaams van den van den mensch ...
Rotterdam, Hermanus Kentlink, 1749.
2 works in 1 volume, the first in 2 parts. 8vo. Title-page of ad 1 in red and black and one ornamental tail-piece on p. 207. Both works with woodcut initials and small ornaments on both title-pages. Marbled paper over boards, manuscript title label on spine. [8], 211, [1]; 48 pp. Full description
€ 850
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The standard Mediaeval medical dispensary, with hundreds of recipes

JOHN XXI, Pope. Thesaurus pauperum Petri Hispani pontificis Romani, philosophi ac medici dictissimi, de medendis morbis humani corporis liber: experimenta particularia per simplicia medicamenta ex probatissimis autoribus, & propiis observationibus collecta, continens.
Frankfurt, heirs of Christian Egenolff, 1578 8vo. With title-page in red and black, Egenolffs woodcut burning heart device below the colophon, 3 woodcut arabesque tailpieces, and 3 woodcut decorated initials (3 different series). With the main text in italic type but the preface in roman. Modern half sheepskin. 112, [5] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Popular Dutch translation of “Pharmacopoea Leovardiensis”, superseding those of Amsterdam, Utrecht and The Hague

[LEEUWARDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [WINTER, Feyo Johannes]. De Leeuwarder apotheek, volgens de Galenische en chimische wyze; ... De sesde druk.
Amsterdam, Nicolaas de Wit, 1731. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece showing the interior of a pharmacy by Jan Luyken (unsigned). Modern calf, in a contemporary style. [20], 165, [16], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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