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Medicine & Pharmacy / Medicine & Pharmacy pre 1700

For the poor: English translation of the Pharmacopoeis Londinensis

[LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [CULPEPER, Nicholas, translator & editor]. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; or, the London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college.
London, printed for George Sawbridge, 1679. 8vo. With title-page framed in double ruling, woodcut ornamental head-pieces. Sprinkled calf over boards. (24), 305, (38) pp. Full description
€ 700
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Rare early edition of a classic commentary on ancient Arabic and Greek pharmacological works

[MANLIO, Giovanni Giacomo (Johannes Jacobus MANLIUS or MANLIIS)]. Luminare maius. Cinthius ut totum radiis illuminat orbem. Illuminat latebras sic medicina tuas.
(Colophon: Venice, Gregorio de Gregori, 8 January 1513). Folio (30.5 x 21 cm). With 13 woodcut decorated initials (6 series?) plus 8 repeats, 4-line typographic "Lombarbic" initials. Set in rotunda gothic types in 2 columns, with a preliminary note in roman type. With contemporary pen decorations in brown ink added to about half of the initials and occasional similar pen decorations in the margins, an occasional manuscript paragraph mark, some rubrications in brown ink and some initials coloured with a transparent ochre wash. Early 20th-century vellum. 77, [2], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 28,000
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Exceptionally rare work on Persian heart medicine by a famous 13th-century physician

[MANUSCRIPT - ARABIC]. AL-SAMARQANDI, Najib Al-Din. [Arabic title in red]. [Fi-qawanin tarkib al-adwiyat al-qalbiya, minkalam Mawla-na Najib ad-in al-Samarqandi = Rules for the making of heart drugs from the words of our Revered Master Najib ad-Din al-Samarqandi].
[Iran/ Iraq?], (colophon:) 11 Rabi ath-Thani 894 AH [= March 1489 CE]. 8vo. Arabic manuscript written in black ink, rubricated throughout, in a small and neat naskh Arabic hand (19 lines per page with corresponding blind ruling visible in the paper). 18th-century(?) sprinkeled brown calf with a gold- and red-tooled arabesque center-piece on both boards, modern reddish-brown calf spine. [4] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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Important poem on the magical and medicinal qualities of precious stones

MARBODE (MARBODIUS) of Rennes. De gemmarum lapidumq[ue] pretiosorum formis, naturis, atq[ue] viribus eruditu[m] cu[m] primis opusculu[m], ... scholiis q[uo]q[ue] illustratu[m] p[er] Alardu[m] Aemstelredamu[m].
Cologne, Hero Alopecius [Fuchs], 1539. 8vo. With a woodcut illustration on the title-page, representing a Jewish priest behind a board with the names of 12 stones which represent the 12 tribes of Israel. 17th-century gold-tooled red morocco, richly gold-tooled spinel, gold-tooled fillets and small cornerpieces on both boards, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins. 124, [2] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Five ancient pharmacological, medical and botanical texts, well produced

MARCELLUS EMPIRICUS. De medicamentis Empiricis physicis ac rationalibus liber.
Basel, Froben, 1536. With a woodcut caduceus device on title-page and several woodcut initials. Set in roman types.
With: (2) [THORER, Alban]. [De re medica].
(Colophon: Basel, Andreas Cratander, 1528). With the first leaf of the main text in a 4-piece woodcut border (3 initalled I.F.), Cratander's woodcut device on the last otherwise blank leaf, showing Occasio, the goddess of chance, and dozens of charming woodcut initials. Set in roman types. 2 works in 1 volume. Small folio (30 x 22 cm). 20th-century half parchment. 252, [12]; 125, [1] ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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First edition of a textbook on the making and preparation of medicines

MARGGRAF, Christian. Materia medica contracta, exhibens simplicia & composita medicamenta officinalia ex magno numero selecta, praestantia atque utilia, munita viribus & dosibus methodoque simplicial deligedi, praeparandi & componendi: destinate pharmacopoeorum praecipue ...
Leiden, Arnold Doude, 1674. 4to. With the woodcut printer's device of the Leiden Academy and with many printed tables and schemes. Modern red cloth, red morocco spine label with the title in gold. [8], 252 pp. Full description
€ 750
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First edition of a textbook on the making and preparation of medicines

MARGGRAF, Christian. Materia medica contracta, exhibens simplicia & composita medicamenta officinalia ex magno numero selecta, praestantia atque utilia, munita viribus & dosibus methodoque simplicial deligedi, praeparandi & componendi:destinate pharmacopoeorum praecipue ...
Leiden, Aernout Doude, 1674. 4to. With a woodcut view of Leiden Universitys academy building on ther title-page (Doude used it as a publishers device 1674-1679, replacing an earlier version used 1668-1671) and many printed tables and schemes. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [8], 252 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Extremely rare, extremely large and finely executed anatomical engraving by Chrysóstomo Martínez

MARTÍNEZ, Crisóstomo (Chrysostomus). [Nouvelles figures de proportions et d'anatomie du corps humain].
[Paris, engraved ca. 1687/88]. 71 x 53.5 cm. An extremely large engraved anatomical print (plate size 69 x 52.5 cm; engraved image 68.5 x 51.5 cm). In a passe-partout, under glass in a wooden frame painted black with the inside edge gilt (92 x 73 cm). Full description
€ 17,500
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Well-made Lyon 8vo Latin edition of Europe’s principal source for Arabic pharmacology

MASAWAIH al-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). De re medica libri tres, Jacobo Sylvio interprete.
Lyon, Guillaume Rouillé (colophon: printed by Philibert Rollet), 1550. 8vo. With Rouillés woodcut device on the title-page (eagle on a globe, flanked by 2 snakes), numerous woodcut decorated initials, and an arabesque decoration below the colophon. 19th-century marbled boards, manuscript spine label. [16], 421, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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