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Medicine & Pharmacy / Medicine & Pharmacy after 1700

Best-seller responsible for the spreading of the ideas on magnetism in Germany & the Netherlands

KLUGE, Carl Alexander Ferdinant (F. VAN DER BREGGEN, transl.). Proeve eener voorstelling van het dierlijk magnetismus als geneesmiddel. Uit het Hoogduitsch met eenige bijvoegselen door F. van der Breggen.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1812. 8vo. With an engraved title-page including an allegorical scene engraved by W. van Senus showing Asklepios and Hypnos chasing Death away from a sick man. Modern half vellum, marbled sides, new endpapers. [4], 551, 50 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Boerhaave's lesson how to cure an uterine tumour at the patient's sickbed

KOCH, Christian Andreas. Affectum in libris et praxi rarissimum ab Hermanno Boerhaave in nosocomio Lugduno-Batavo.
Leiden, Philippus Bonk, 1738. 4to. With a full-page plate of a human body part in formaldehyde and an engraved printer's device on the title-page. Also with some woodcut initials and headpieces. Modern half calf. [6], 22, [1 blank], [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Detailed and fascinating practical manual on animals harmful to people and their livestock and crops,
with 3 engravings showing more than 100 animals, especially insects

[KRAFFT, Abraham Friedrich]. Der sowohl Menschen und Viehe grausamen Thiere, schädlichen Ungeziefers und verderblichen Gewürmer gäntzliche Ausrottung.
Nürnberg, Johann Leonhard Buggel, 1709-1712. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a folding illustrated engraved title-page and a folding letterpress title-page, and a larger folding engraved plate in volume II. Contemporary but not uniform vellum. [22], “699” [= 697], [23]; [38], 944, [48] pp. plus 2 folding letterpress title-pages and the 3 engravings. Full description
€ 4,500
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Popular Dutch translation of “Pharmacopoea Leovardiensis”, superseding those of Amsterdam, Utrecht and The Hague

[LEEUWARDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [WINTER, Feyo Johannes]. De Leeuwarder apotheek, volgens de Galenische en chimische wyze; ... De sesde druk.
Amsterdam, Nicolaas de Wit, 1731. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece showing the interior of a pharmacy by Jan Luyken (unsigned). Modern calf, in a contemporary style. [20], 165, [16], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Lémery's chief contribution to pharmacy, together with his Pharmacopée universelle

LÉMERY, Nicolas. Dictionaire ou traité universel des drogues simples. Où lon trouve leurs differens noms, leur origine ... & tout ce quil y a de particulier dans les animaux, dans les vegetaux, & dans les mineraux. Ouvrage dépendant de la pharmacopée universelle. Troisième édition. Revue, corrigé, & beaucoup augmentée par lauteur.
Amsterdam, for the "Compagnie", 1716. Large 4to. With an engraved title-vignette ("Vis unita major") and 25 folding engraved plates each with 16 figures of various plants, animals and metals, in alphabetical order. Contemporary speckled calf, title in gold on spine, blind tooled binding edges. [20], 590, [58] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Pirate,Rotterdam, edition of Lémery's chief contribution to pharmacy,
together with his Pharmacopée universelle

LEMERY, Nicolas. Dictionaire ou traité universel des drogues simples. Où lon trouve leurs differens noms, leur origine ... & tout ce quil y a de particulier dans les animaux, dans les vegetaux, & dans les mineraux. Ouvrage dépendant de la pharmacopée universelle. Quatrième édition. Revue, corrigé, & beaucoup augmentée par lauteur.
Rotterdam, Jean Hofhout, 1727. Large 4to. With an engraved title-vignette and 25 folding engraved plates each with 16 figures of various plants, animals and metals, in alphabetical order. Contemporary half calf,. [20], 590, [58] pp. Full description
€ 750
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One of the most authoritative pharmacopoeia of the 18th century
by the founding father of modern pharmacology

LÉMERY, Nicolas. Pharmacopée universelle, continent toutes les compositions de pharmacie qui son ten usage dans la medicine, tant en France que par toute lEurope ...
The Hague, Pierre Gosse and Jacques Neaulme, 1729. Large 4to. Title in red and black, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Later sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold and a manuscript paper title label on the front board. [16], 780, [26] pp. Full description
€ 600
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First edition of a well-known and important Britisch work on medicaments

LEWIS, William. An experimental history of the materia medica, or of the natural and artificial substances made use of in medicine: containing a compendious view of their natural history, an account of their pharmaceutic properties, and an estimate of their medicinal powers.
London, H. Baldwin, 1761. Large 4to. Later calf, blind-ruled boards and spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold. XXII, [2], 591, [32] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Rare first and only Liège pharmacopoeia

[LIÈGE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [COLLEGIUM MEDICINAE]. Pharmacopoea Leodiensis in qua describuntur medicamenta ... in tres partes distributa. In prima simplicia omnia. In altera composita Galenica. In tertia chimica remedia.
Liège, Everard Kints, 1741. 4to. With title-page in red and black with the woodcut bearing from the coat of arms of the city of Liege, and the engraved arms of the dedicatee (the Bishop of Liège) facing the dedication. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, rebacked (gold-tooled spine). [2 blank], [18], 243, [13] pp., including the engraved arms of the dedicatee. Full description
€ 3,500
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