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Medicine & Pharmacy / Gastronomy & Tobacco

On bread and bread-making

MANETTI, Saverio. Delle specie diverse di frumento e di pane siccome della panizzazione.
Florence, Moücke f. Giovacchino Pagani, 1765. 4to. Bound in contemporary 'carta rustica', faded manuscript title to spine. (8), 237, (3) pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Guidelines for the perfect dinner

MASON, Charlotte. The ladys assistant for regulating and supplying the table; being a complete system of cookery. Containing the most select bills of fare, properly disposed, for family dinners of five dishes to two courses of eleven and fifteen ... likewise directions for brewing, making English wines ... the ninth edition, enlarged, corrected, and improved to the present time.
London, printed by T. Gillet for Vernor and Hood [and many others], 1805. 8vo. Contemporary calf, rebacked. IV, [16], 422, 26, [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Dutch medicinal and culinary recipe book, begun ca. 1720 in a ca. 1700 album

[MEDICINE - RECIPES]. Recepten boek.
[The Netherlands], album [ca. 1700], written [ca. 1720] to 1758 or possibly later. Large agenda 8vo (20.5 x 12 cm). Manuscript in dark brown ink on laid paper, with 1 printed and 10 manuscript slips with recipes loosely inserted (late 18th & early 19th centuries). Recased ca. 1720 in its own original ca. 1700 blind-tooled parchment, with a large centrepiece on each board. pp. [15], 16, 23-188, 197-386, [387]-[412] (minus 16 scattered pp.), including integral paste-downs, and about 160 pp. blank except for the page number. Full description
€ 2,650
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On household applications using coal to save energy

MÜLLER, Friedrich Christoph. Vollständige Beschreibung der Sparöfen und Heerde welche in der Graffschaft Mark schon seit vielen Jahren gebräuchlich und bewährt befunden sind. Nebst einer Nachricht vom Brodtbacken, Bierbrauen und Branntweinbrennen bei Steinkohlen und einem Anhange über Thermolampen, Fumivoren und Phylogoscopen der Franzosen.
Weimar, Landes=Industrie=Comtoirs, 1803. 8vo. With 7 folding engraved plates. Contemporary turquoise boards, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 70 pp. Full description
€ 385
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Pills, cheese and medical ethics in the 15th-century

PANTALEONE DI CONFIENZA (CONFLUENTIA). Pillularium omnibus medicis quam necessarium ... Summa lacticiniorum completa omnibus idonea.
Including: ZERBI, Gabriele. Cautele medicorum no[n] inutiles.
(Colophon: Lyon, Antoine Blanchard [and Laurent Hyllaire], 7 January 1525[=1526]). Small 4to (20 x 14 cm). Title-page with a 4-piece woodcut border (using material from Laurent Hylaire). Modern limp sheepskin parchment. XXXVIII, [2] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Strikingly illustrated work on mushrooms

ROQUES, Joseph. Histoire des champignons comestibles et veneneux, ornée de figures coloriées représentant les principales espèces dans leurs dimensions naturelles, où l'on expose leurs caractères distinctifs, leurs propriétés alimentaires et économiques, leurs effets niusibles et les moyens de s'en garantir ou d'y remédier, ouvrage utile aux amateurs de champignons, aux médecins, aux naturalistes, aux propriétaires ruraux, aux maires des villes et des campagnes.
Paris, Hocquart aîné, Gosselin, Treuttel, et Wurtz, 1832. 4to. With 24 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates showing all kinds of mushrooms. Contemporary gold-tooled quarter light brown calf, kept in a cardboard slipcase. [4], 192 pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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On the building, management and householding of an ideal estate in seventeenth-century France

ROSNY, Monsieur de. Le parfait oeconome, contenant ce qu'il est utile & necessaire de sçavoir à tous ceux qui ont des biens à la campagne. [And with separate pagination:]
Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710. With an emblematic woodcut publishers device.
(2) C., I. [= J?]. Idée ou description d'une maison de campagne. Maison, Basse-court & jardins.
[Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710].
(3) [C., J.?]. Traité de la maniere de semer dans toutes les saisons de l'année toutes fortes de graines & plantes, tant potageres que fleurs & oignons de fleurs, graines d'arbres & autres.
Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710. With the same woodcut device as ad 1.
(4) [Jean MERLET, and/or Claude SAINT-ESTIENNE?]. [Drop-title:] Nouvelle instruction pour connoistre les bons fruits, selon les mois de l'année.
[Paris, Claude Prudhomme, ca. 1710/15?]. With a woodcut headpiece, woodcut decorated initial and a decorative band of typographic ornaments. 12mo in 4s and 8s. 4 works in 1 volume. Contemporary sprinkled calf. [8], 131, [1 blank]; 39, [1 blank]; 54; 48 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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