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Medicine & Pharmacy

A milestone in the history of pharmaceutical literature

[RICETTARIO FIORENTINO]. Ricettario Fiorentino nuovamente compilato e ridotto all'uso moderno diviso in due parti.
Florence, Gaetano Cambiagi, 1789. Large 4to (28 x 21 cm). With engraved illustration on title-page, a decorated engraved initial, and a few woodcut head- and tailpieces. 19th-century sheepskin parchment, manuscript title on spine. VII, [1 blank], 350, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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First edition of a seminal judicial and medical work on the plague, printed at Avignon in 1522

RIVA DI SAN NAZARRO, Gianfrancesco. Iura interpretantis in flore[n]ti achademia Avenionensi ad cives Avenionenses de peste libri tres.
[Colophon:] Avignon, Jean de Channey, 12 September 1522. 4to. With the title in a 4-piece woodcut border (white on black), a woodcut illustration of the author presenting a book to the dedicatee on the verso of the title-pageWith numerous woodcut decorated initials (at least 3 series) throughout the text. Later overlapping vellum. [28], CLXII, [1] ll. Full description
€ 11,500
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Competing proposals to gain renevue from opium farming in the Dutch East Indies

ROO, L.W.G. de. De verkoop van opium op Java. Open brief aan Dr. H.J.A.M. Schaepman lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.
Including: Verklaringen van opiumschuivers uit verschillende streken der residentiën Pasoeroean, Besoeki en Rembang.Nijmegen, H.C.A. Thieme, 1892. 4to. Half green cloth, marbled paper sides, title in gold on spine. 56, 71 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Strikingly illustrated work on mushrooms

ROQUES, Joseph. Histoire des champignons comestibles et veneneux, ornée de figures coloriées représentant les principales espèces dans leurs dimensions naturelles, où l'on expose leurs caractères distinctifs, leurs propriétés alimentaires et économiques, leurs effets niusibles et les moyens de s'en garantir ou d'y remédier, ouvrage utile aux amateurs de champignons, aux médecins, aux naturalistes, aux propriétaires ruraux, aux maires des villes et des campagnes.
Paris, Hocquart aîné, Gosselin, Treuttel, et Wurtz, 1832. 4to. With 24 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates showing all kinds of mushrooms. Contemporary gold-tooled quarter light brown calf, kept in a cardboard slipcase. [4], 192 pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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A popular Swedish Domestic medicine chest or first-aid kit for travelers by a famous Swedish physician

ROSEN von ROSENSTEIN, Nils. Hus- och Rese-Apoteque, pä Hennes Kongl. Maj. Nädigste Befallning upsatt af Archiatern och Riddaren --.
Stockholm, Carl Gottlieb Ulfs, 1772. 8vo. Engraved title-page with calligraphic lettering and vignette: a coach driving through a Swedish landscape. Wrappers covered with marbled paper. (2), 104, (8) pp. Full description
€ 250
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On the building, management and householding of an ideal estate in seventeenth-century France

ROSNY, Monsieur de. Le parfait oeconome, contenant ce qu'il est utile & necessaire de sçavoir à tous ceux qui ont des biens à la campagne. [And with separate pagination:]
Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710. With an emblematic woodcut publishers device.
(2) C., I. [= J?]. Idée ou description d'une maison de campagne. Maison, Basse-court & jardins.
[Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710].
(3) [C., J.?]. Traité de la maniere de semer dans toutes les saisons de l'année toutes fortes de graines & plantes, tant potageres que fleurs & oignons de fleurs, graines d'arbres & autres.
Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710. With the same woodcut device as ad 1.
(4) [Jean MERLET, and/or Claude SAINT-ESTIENNE?]. [Drop-title:] Nouvelle instruction pour connoistre les bons fruits, selon les mois de l'année.
[Paris, Claude Prudhomme, ca. 1710/15?]. With a woodcut headpiece, woodcut decorated initial and a decorative band of typographic ornaments. 12mo in 4s and 8s. 4 works in 1 volume. Contemporary sprinkled calf. [8], 131, [1 blank]; 39, [1 blank]; 54; 48 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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First pharmacopoeia of Rotterdam

[ROTTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Roterodamensis Galeno-chymica, of Rotterdamsche Galenische en chymische apotheek.
Rotterdam, Barent Bos and widow of Elias Yvans, 1709. 8vo. With woodcut device on title-page. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine with a tulip motif. [8], 120, [12] pp. Full description
€ 800
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