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Medicine & Pharmacy

First edition, beautifully produced, of a very popular and influential book of secrets

MIZAULD, Antoine. Memorabilium, utiliu[m], ac jucundorum centuriae novem, in aphorismos arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulchrè digestae.
Paris, Fédéric Morel, 1566. 8vo. With Morel's woodcut tree device on the title-page, 2 woodcut headpieces and 7 woodcut decorated initials (plus 3 repeats), the headpieces and initials in an unusually delicate design, finely executed. Set in italic types with the preliminaries in roman, and incidental Greek. 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment. [16], 136 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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First and only expanded edition of a popular compilation of aphorisms on a wide variety of subjects,
including prescriptions for the poor against the greed of apothecaries

MIZAULD, Antoine. Mizaldus redivivus. Sive centuriae XII memorabilium, utilium ac iucundorum in aphorismos arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulchre digestae.
Nürnberg, Andreas Knorzius for Johann Zieger, 1681. Small 8vo. With allegorical frontispiece and some woodcut headpieces. Half vellum with black 19th-century paper sides. [6], 486, [22] pp. Full description
€ 500
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On the human brain, its physiology and the diseases originating in the brain

MOOR, Bartholomaeus de. Veris oeconomiae animalis, seu potius humanae, principiis innixae pathologiae cerebri delineation practica: in qua morborum soporosorum, per notas characteristicas, distinction: nec non spasmorum accuratior distribution traditor.
Amsterdam, Gerardus Borstius I, 1704. Small 4to. Title-page in red and black, with Borstiuss woodcut palm-tree device, woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and tailpieces. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with a centerpiece on each board, title in ink on spine. [16], 594, [20] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Ship's journal from Seychelles and Madagascar,
with numerous maps and earlier illustrated anatomical lecture notes

[MANUSCRIPT - SHIP'S JOURNAL]. MORSE, Edward George. A journal of remarks and observations as kept by E. G. M. . ..
[mostly on board the barque Sarah of London], April 1831-14 March 1833 (with additions to 1835). with an engraved view as frontispiece, 15 full-page, 1 nearly full-page and 1 smaller manuscript maps and coastal profiles, plus a small engraved view ("Tomb of Napoleon") mounted on 1 page.
Including: MORSE, Edward George. Lecture Book [notes on anatomical lectures by Joseph Constantine Carpue].
[London], November-December 1828. with a matching pair of engravings of a scull on and facing the title-page, and 27 pencil and/or ink anatomical drawings (including 2 full-page), some also with red. 4to (19.5×16.5 cm). Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [191] ll. Including paste-downs and about 55 blanks. Full description
€ 35,000
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Two of the most important pharmacological and chemical publicationsof the future Leiden professor of medicine Jacobus Le Mort, the predecessor of Boerhaave

MORT, Jacobus Le. Pharmacia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus instructa, methodon Galenico-chymica adornata.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. With a frontispiece engraved by Adriaan Schoonebeek (with an allegorical scene above and an apothecary and others at work below), originally dated 1684, changed to 1688, and Vander Aas herald angel device on title-page.
With: MORT, Jacobus Le. Chymia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus, iisque demonstrativis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniate modestè simul diluuntur.
Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. 8vo. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece (also by Adriaan Schoonebeek?), dated 1688, 2 folding engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment and utensils, Vander Aas woodcut herald angel device, initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine: "Le Mort opera omnia". 14], 256, [34]; [36], 366, [62] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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The first ever study on cocaine

MORÉNO Y MAÏZ, Thomas. Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur l'erythoxylum coca du Perou et la cocaïne.
Paris, A. Parent, imprimeur de la faculté de médecine, 1868. 4to. With a lithographic plate of coca leaves and 7 figures in the text showing the tension on the arteries after ingesting coca in various ways. Side stitched through 2 holes. [8], 90, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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An extremely rare piece of Brazilian medical history

MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Joaquim. Guia medica para prevenir, e tratar o cholera-morbo offerecida ao provedor, e irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericordia.
Santos, Typographia commercial de G. Delius, 1855. With the title on the front wrapper set within a decorative frame and the front wrapper and the title page show the same decorative device, including medical instruments, books, the profile of a head with a name(?) in Greek letters. Original publisher's green wrappers. 20 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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On household applications using coal to save energy

MÜLLER, Friedrich Christoph. Vollständige Beschreibung der Sparöfen und Heerde welche in der Graffschaft Mark schon seit vielen Jahren gebräuchlich und bewährt befunden sind. Nebst einer Nachricht vom Brodtbacken, Bierbrauen und Branntweinbrennen bei Steinkohlen und einem Anhange über Thermolampen, Fumivoren und Phylogoscopen der Franzosen.
Weimar, Landes=Industrie=Comtoirs, 1803. 8vo. With 7 folding engraved plates. Contemporary turquoise boards, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 70 pp. Full description
€ 385
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