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Medicine & Pharmacy

One of the Amsterdam editions of a very popular pharmacopoeia

FULLER, Thomas Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, sive praescriptorum chilias, in qua remediorum elegantium & efficacium paradigmata, ad omnes fere medendi intentiones accommodata, candidade proponuntur.
Amsterdam, R. & J. Wetstein, & G. Smith, 1731. 8vo. Title in red and black with woodcut device.Contemporary calf, ribbed, gold-tooled spine with red morocco label. [32], 382, [34] pp. Full description
€ 950
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One of the Venice editions of a very popular pharmacopoeia with three additional pharmaceutical texts

FULLER, Thomas Pharmacopoeia extemporanea sive praescriptorum chilias ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.
(2) FRAUNDORFFER, Philippus. Tabula Smaragdina Medico-Pharmaceutica ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.
(3) CHRISTIANUS, Wolfgang. Thesaurus Ludovicianus, sive compendium materiae med. ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.(4) JACKSON, Josephus. Enchiridion medicum practicum, sive tractatus de morborum praxis ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.
4 works in 1 volume. 8vo. The 4 title-pages with identical woodcut vignettes. Vellum over thin boards, manuscript title on spine. XXXII, 302, [2 blank]; 184; 79, [1 blank]; 112 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Fuller’s pharmacopeia together with three other popular pharmaceutical works

FULLER, Thomas. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, sive praescriptorum chillias, ... Editio nova.
FRAUNDORFFER, Philipp. Tabula smaragdina medico-pharmaceutica.
CHRISTIAN, Wolfgang. Thesaurus Ludovicianus, sive compendium materiae med. selectum ex. B. Ludovici pharmacia.
JACKSON, Joseph. Enchiridion medicum practicum, sive tractatus de morborum praxi.
Venice, Francesco Pezzana, 1783. 8vo. 4 works published as 1. Contemporary tree calf, richly gold-tooled spine. XXXII, 264; 152; 71, [1 blank]; 103, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Original edition of a French manual on the arrangement of the medica materia

FÉE, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire. Cours dhistoire naturelle pharmaceutique, ou histoire des substances usitées dans la thérapeutique, les arts et léconomie domestique.
Paris, Imprimerie de Decourchant (printed in the page facing the title-page), 1828. 2 volumes. Large 8vo. Both volumes bound in contemporary half calf with marbled paper sides, blind-tooled spines, red morocco spine labels with the title in gold and a gilt-stamped library stamp of the Medical Society, Edinburg, on the top of both spines. [4], XXVI, [2], 659; VII, 822, [2] pp. Full description
€ 250
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A doubtful comedy mocking apothecaries

[GAETE, Hendrik van de]. De ontmantelde apotheker, met de gefopte hoorndrager, blyspel.
Gouda, heirs of Lucas Kloppenburg, after 1712. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece depicting the last scene of the comedy and a woodcut title-vignette. Disbound in modern blue paper wrapper. [16], 29, [1], [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Rare second Latin edition of Galen's De sanitate tuenda, his first work translated directly from the original Greek

GALENUS (GALEN), Claudius (Thomas LINACRE, translator). Libri sex prefulge[n]tissimi ac medicine principis Galeni de sanitate tue[n]da: Thoma Linacro medico Anglico interprete: summa cum diligentia impressi omnibusq[ue] erroribus purgati.
[colophon:] Venice, heirs of Alessandro Bindoni for Giovanni Battista Pederzano, 6 July 1523. 4to. Title-page with a nearly full-page woodcut, woodcut initials in the text. Contemporary vellum over flexible boards, a manuscript title and a later paper label with "1522" on the spine and a manuscript title at the foot edge. [4], XCIX, [1] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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Coloured plates of skin diseases

GALÉS, Jean Chrysanthe. Mémoire et rapports sur les fumigations sulfureuses appliquées au traitement des affections cutanées et plusiers autres maladies.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, at the author, 1816. 8vo. With the wood-engraved arms of France on the title-page, 11 folding engraved plates (8 showing patients with skin diseases, coloured by a contemporary hand, and 3 with construction drawings of fumigation compartments and other equipment, uncoloured). Contemporary gold-tooled grained red morocco, blue-glazed endpapers; gilt edges. [4], 137, [1 blank], 4, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,400
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