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Maritime History

First edition of a highly detailed account of the expedition of the Aurora (1884-1885) to Brazil and the Rio de la Plata basin

[CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE GLOBE by the CORVETTE AURORA]. [BOSQUET, Victor]. Die Reise S.M. Corvette "Aurora" nach Brasilienen und den La Plata-Staaten in den Jahren 1884-1885.
Vienna, Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1885. Large 8vo. With 3 lithographed folding maps (one coloured) showing the route of His Majesty's Ship Aurora along the east coast of South America. Contemporary half brown cloth with the original publisher's printed wrappers mounted on the boards. 56 pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Catechism of navigation

CLEEFF, Jacob van. Catechismus der zeevaartkunde, of vragen en oefeningen over het beschouwende en werkdadige der stuurmanskunst; ...
Groningen, J. Oomkens, 1840. 8vo. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers, with at the back an advertisement for 6 other works by Van Cleeff. 115, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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50 coloured maritime prints of exceptional quality, by a Dutch naval officer/artist

COMTE, Pieter le II. Afbeeldingen van schepen en vaartuigen, in verschillende bewegingen.
Amsterdam, F. Kaal (printed by J. J. Nesser Jr.), 1831. Oblong 4to (23.5 x 31 cm). With 50 nicely hand coloured lithographic plates in crayon technique, depicting boats and ships, including 1 steam boat and 7 plates showing details of rigging and equipment. Contemporary boards covered with the original letterpress printed paper wrapper. Signed by the author/artist as authentication, and with his embossed stamp in the foot margin of each plate. [8], 60, [3] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Rare narrative of a shipwrecked voyage to India

CONCEIÇÃO, Frei Nuno da. Relaçam da viagem, e sucesso que teve a nao capitania Nossa Senhora do Bom Despacho. De que era Capitaô Francisco de Mello, vindo da India no anno de 1630.
Lisbon, "P. Craesbeeck" [= Antonio Pedrozo Galram?], "1631" [= ca. 1710/20?]. 4to. With woodcut of a ship in heavy seas on the last page, a woodcut basket of flowers on title-page and a large woodcut vase of flowers tailpiece.
Earlier vellum with a manuscript cantochon in red and black, new endpapers. [8], 47, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Extremely rare, controversial account of the Indian Revolt of 1857, signed by the author

[COOPER, Frederick Henry]. The crisis in the Punjab, from the 10th of May until the fall of Delhi, by a Punjab employe[!]. For the benefit of the "Lawrence Asylum".
Lahore, Punjabee Press, H. Gregory, 1858. 8vo. With two plans of troop formation mounted in the text, including one folding. The title-page is set within a decorative frame and part of the appendix is set in Arabic script. Modern half brown calf, with gold lettering on the spine and marbled sides, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], II, IV, [1 blank], V, 154, VI, [1 errata slip, verso blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Naval poems and songs from the Franco-Dutch War

COOPMAN, Ocke Jeyes. Zee-clio, of gedichten in 's lants vloot gemaeckt in de jaren 1672, en 1673.
Amsterdam, Carel Allard, [ca. 1673]. 4to. With the woodcut device of the Amsterdam admiralty on title-page (Dutch garden guarded by a lion holding two anchors), 3 woodcut decorated initials (1 series). Modern half calf, marbled sides. 62, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Portuguese shipwreck off the coast of Africa, a classic of Portuguese literature

CORTE REAL, Jeronimo. Naufragio, e lastimoso successo da perdiçaõ de Manoel de Sousa de Sepulveda, e Dona Lianor de Sá, sua mulher, e filhos, vindo da India para este reyno Náo chamada o Galiaõ grande S. João,...
Lisbon, Francisco Rolland, 1783. Small 8vo (15 x 11 cm). Contemporary limp vellum. XIV, [1], [1 blank], 351, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 550
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