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Maritime History

22 excellent watercolour views of rocky sea-coasts in New Caledonia & Peru

ROMIEUX, Osmond. [Watercolour views of sea-coasts in New Caledonia and Peru].
[New Caledonia & Peru], [1855/60?]. Album: full-sheet leaves (oblong 1mo) (39.5 × 52.5); drawings: oblong folio and oblong 4to. An album with 21 watercolour drawings on paper with views of sea coasts from the shore (24 × 31 cm to 29.5 × 46.5 cm), one with a 22nd watercolour drawing on the back with a similar view, and one with about 15 human figure drawings in graphite pencil on the back. All bear the artists stamp on the front (Lugt 3703) and 4 are signed or initialled by the artist. Richly gold- and blind-tooled green goatskin morocco, white watered silk endleaves. 21 album ll. with 1 drawing mounted on each recto. Full description
€ 18,000
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First and only publication of the original text of the primary logbook of the first Dutch expedition
to the Arabian Gulf by Cornelis Cornelisz Roobacker

[ROOBACKER, Cornelis Cornelisz.] A. HOTZ (publ.). Cornelis Cornelisz Roobacker's scheepsjournaal Gamron-Basra (1645); de eerste reis der Nederlanders door de Perzische Golf. Uitgegeven, met inleiding en noten, door A. Hotz.
In: BEEKMAN, A.A. etc. (eds.), Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap gevestigd te Amsterdam. Tweede serie Deel XXIV. No. 3 (15 Mei).
Leiden, Brill, 1907. 8vo. One folding table and 3 folding maps (1 belonging to another article in the journal). Brown paper wrappers, with title information of the journal on the front and spine, and the contents on the back wrapper. 289-405 [=117] pp. Full description
€ 750
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A compendium for sailing the Indian Ocean, with three charts, second copy located

ROSSER, William Henry. Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean. With two[=three] illustrations.
London, James Imray and son, 1866. 8vo. With 3 folding lithographed charts (the first as frontispiece and the third possibly extra added). Modern brown cloth, spine with a long vertical leather title-label. [4], 64 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Sailing routes in the Indian Ocean and a general information about its weather, currents, etc. forecast,
with 2 maps showing the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

ROSSER, William Henry. Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean.
London, James Imray & son, 1878. 8vo. With 2 folding maps. Original publishers blue wrappers. [4], 71 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Rare Dutch adaptation of the account of the second voyage of captain John Ross, with 6 plates

ROSS, John. De reizen en lotgevallen van kapitein John Ross, op zijne ontdekkings togten naar de Noordpools gewesten. Voor jonge lieden ... Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Vries, 1837. 8vo. With the title-page, 6 plates (including frontispiece) and folding map of the Arctic region all lithographed. Slightly later half cloth. VIII, 247, [1 blank], pp. Full description
€ 400
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Navigational guide covering the coast and coastal waters of Brazil, by the French Imprimerie Royale

ROUSSIN, Albin-Reine. Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amérique Méridionale comprises entre l'ile Santa-Catharina et celle de Maranaõ, avec les instructions nécessaires pour atterrir et naviguer sur ces côtes; ...
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1827. 8vo. Modern half calf, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], 241, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Journal of De Ruyter's expedition to West-Africa, the Caribbean and Newfoundland

RUYTER, Michiel de. Journael, gehouden op 's landts-schip de Spiegel, van 't gene gepasseert en verricht is op de vloot van haer ho. mo. de heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, soo in de Middellantsche Zee, als op de kusten van Africa en America. Onder 't beleydt van den ed. manhaften heer Michiel de Ruyter, als admirael, en de heer Jan Cornelis van Meppelen, als vice-admirael, in den jare 1664 en 1665.
Amsterdam, Jacob Vinckel, 1665. 4to. With an engraved title page by Pieter van de Voorde. Modern half vellum. "82" [=74], [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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The Dutch whaling trade in the waters around Greenland, with extensive manuscript additions

[SANTE, Gerrit van]. Naamlyst gesteld naar 't alphabeth van alle de commandeurs, die sederd den jaare 1700. op Groenland en sedert den jaare 1719. op de Straad Davids, voor Holland hebben gevaren.
Zaandam, for the author, by Jan Broekhuysen, 1753. 8vo. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers, preserved in half cloth chemise and matching slipcase. [28], 96 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
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