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Maritime History

Seminal guide to the East and West Indies, with 42 double-page and folding plates, including 6 maps, all engravings beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand

LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van.

Histoire de la navigation ... aux Indes Orientales ... Avec annotations de B. Paludanus, ... Troixiesme edition augmentee.
LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van. Le grand routier de mer, ...
[LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van]. Description de l'Amerique & des parties d'icelle, ...
Amsterdam, Evert Cloppenburg, 1638. Folio (32.5 x 21 cm). With 3 title-pages (2 from the same full-page engraving and 1 letterpress with an engraving of a ship in a cartouche with 4 inset city views), a nearly full-page engraved portrait of the author in a cartouche with 4 inset views, 42 engraved plates including 6 maps (31 double-page & 11 larger folding). All plates coloured by a contemporary hand. Near contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [8], 206 pp.; [4], 181, [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], “86” [= 80], [2 blank] pp.

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€ 275,000
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Ground-breaking work on Brazilian ports

LISBOA, Alfredo (editor). Portos do Brasil 1822-1922. Texto e atlas.
Rio de Janeiro, Norte (vol. 1) and Castro, Mendonça & Cia. (vol. 2), 1922 & 1923. 2 volumes in 1. 4to. With 30 folding maps, 24 of which are coloured in blue and partly in red. Original publisher's dark green leather over paperboards, rebacked in black cloth. [1], [1 blank], IX, [1], “338” [= 336], [6]; [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare Dutch satire on Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

[LONGUEVILLE, Peter]. De kluizenaar; of de weergalooze rampen, en verwonderenswaerdige gevallen van Filip Quarll, Engelschman.
Rotterdam, Jan Daniel Beman, 1728. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, signed by Collan, a folding map of Quarll's island, and a folding plate of the shipwreck. The title-page is printed in red and black and shows a small woodcut ornamental vignette, the work includes headpieces built up from typographic material, woodcut ornamental tailpieces, and woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, sprinkled paper sides, and a red paper label on the spine. [16], 292, 189, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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One of the best Robinson Crusoe imitations

[LONGUEVILLE, Peter]. The hermit: or, the unparalleld sufferings and surprising adventures of Mr. Philip Quarll, an Englishman: who was lately discovered by Mr. Dorrington, a Bristol merchant, upon an uninhabited island in the South-Sea...
London, printed for J. Wren, J. Jefferies and J. Fuller, 1751. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece and engraved map. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold fillets and red morocco title-label on spine. XII, 263, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare only edition of a Portuguese naval warfare handbook

LOPES DA COSTA ALMEIDA, Antonio. Compendio theorico-pratico de artilharia naval. Extractado, e redigido das obras dos mais celebres, e modernos authores e accomodado para servir de compendio lectivo ...
Lisbon, Royal Academy of Sciences, 1829. 4to. With 10 numbered folding lithographed plates. Contemporary gold-stamped red morocco with gold-stamped spine label. [4], VII, [1], 434, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Educating the Austrian army in the anatomy of the horse, with 10 large colour plates

MACHOLD, Joseph (Josef). Zehn tafeln zur anatomie des Pferdes . . .
Vienna, the author "in Commission bei F. Paternos Nachfolger" (printed by Adolf Holzhausen), [1879]. Oblong 1mo (35×49 cm). With 10 numbered chromo-lithographed and double-tinted lithographed plates (35×49 cm), loose as issued. Original publisher's printed front wrapper preserved, back wrapper lacking. In a modern clamshell box. 15, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Italian friar captured by Ottoman pirates

MAGGIO, Francesco Maria. Vita, e morte del venerabil P. F. Alipio di S. Giuseppe Scalzo di S. Agostino Palermitano della congregazione d'Italia, in odio della confessione della S. Fede di Giesù Cristo, crudelissimamente ucciso da' Turchi di Barberia, nella città di Tripoli, a 17 di febbraio l'anno 1645 ...
Rome, Ignatio de' Lazzari, 1657. 4to. With 3 engraved plates. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [40], 24, [4], 25-234, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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