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Low Countries / Netherlands

“The Versailles of the Achterhoek”

SCHENK, Pieter. Delineatio domus recreatricis adjacentiumq[ue] prospectuum amoenissimorum extra urbem Zutphaniensem, auspicys & jussu ... Arnoldi Justi ...
Amsterdam, Pieter Schenk, [1702 or ca. 1720]. Oblong 4to (21 x 27 cm). With an engraved title-page and 16 numbered engraved views (ca. 15 x 19 cm), each with a caption in Dutch and Latin below the border, mostly in two lines. 19th-century grey-brown paste-paper with a wave pattern over boards. [1], 16, [1 blank] engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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A laudatory poem for the stadholder Willem IV, celebrating the re-establishment of a stadholder for the Dutch Republic

STRAAT, Pieter. D'Oranjeboom verheerlykt [above:] Geslachtboom van de huizen van Oranje en van Nassau, ...
(Colophon: Amsterdam, Hendrik de Leth), [1747]. 4to. With an engraved armorial title-page by Hendrik de Leth, with the subtitle in a banderol at the head, a crowned tree representing the family tree of the houses of Orange and Nassau (with 27 family coats of arms), a wreath with an orange tree, the 7 arms of the Dutch provinces and military attributes, the whole beautifully hand-coloured as published. Contemporary gold-tooled calf, by the Van Damme bindery in Amsterdam, a rosette and fillets in each of the spine compartments, gold-tooled board edges, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. Engraved title-page plus [17], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Well-executed wall map of polder land between Gouda and Utrecht

[MAP]. [VINGBOONS, Johannes, Justus and David]. 'T hooghe heymraedtschap vanden lande van Woerden.
[Amsterdam, Hendrik de Leth], 1740. Wall map of the water district Woerden (South Holland) in 9 large loose untrimmed sheets (each 48 x 67 cm), with the title in a banderole across the head of three sheets, information about the 14th-century charters in a cartouche, a list of city and town officials in 1739 on a plinth, a compass rose, and a scale of Rijnland rods. Full description
€ 6,500
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Decree signed by Dutch Stadholder and future English King William III

[MANUSCRIPT]. WILLIAM III, Prince of Orange. [Decree granting a salary to Johan Theodor, Baron of Friesheim, as chief bailiff and state prosecutor in 's-Hertogenbosch].
The Hague, 2 April 1681. Folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). Written in brown ink on paper, with the armorial seal of William of Orange stamped on a decorative paper cut-out over red wax. [1], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Rare publications on the dire state of Dutch fortifications in 1784 and the revelation of the Act of Advisership, 3 not in the STCN and 3 only 1 copy in the STCN

WILLIAM V of Orange. Missive van zyn hoogheid [aan de heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden. 24 mey 1784].
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(2) WILLIAM V of Orange. Missive van zyne hoogheid met een detail van de reedenen en motiven waarom niet voor de resolutie van den 7 deezer een groot aantal troupes naar de frontieren had gezonden. Commiss. 25 mey 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(3) [FORTIFICATION]. Rapport van gecommiteerdens nopens den staat van 's lands frontieren, magazynen en arzenaalen. Overgenoomen. 23 july 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(4) [FORTIFICATION]. Resolutie op het rapport nopens den staat van 'slands frontieren, magazynen en arzenaalen. 26 november 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(5) [FORTIFICATION]. Bylaagen gehorende tot het rapport van gecommiteerden nopens den staat van 's lands frontieren, magazynen en arsenaalen, ter vergadering van hun edele groot mog. Overgenoomen den 23 july 1784. Overgenoomen. 23 july 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784. With 7 folding tables.
(6) [FORTIFICATION]. Extract uit het register der resolutien van de hoog mogende heeren Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden. Jovis den 25 november 1784
Including: Memorie van consideratien en elucidatien van den Raade van Staate ..., op het rapport ..., nopens den staat van 's lands frontieren, magazynen en arsenalen ...
[The Hague?,] 1784.
6 publications in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. 10, [2 blank]; 5, [3 blank]; 63, [1]; 6, [1 blank], [1]; 288; 55, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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