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Low Countries / Netherlands

First pharmacopoeia of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Hague, Typographia Regia, 1823. Large 4to (26 x 21 cm). With an engraved plate showing a hygrometer. This copy numbered 541 and with the authentication signature of Prof. Jac. Van Maanen. Contemporary boards, rebacked with cloth and the original calf backstrip laid down. XII, 220, [20], 221-228 pp. Full description
€ 900
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Anti-quackery measures

[ORDINANCE - MEDICINE]. Gelykheid, vryheid. Publicatie. Het departementaal bestuur van den Rhyn ... doet te weten: ... dat verscheiden lieden, uit vreze voor gestrenge examina, ... zich haasteden, om, vóór de invoerings des geneeskundigen bestuurs, zich, voornamelyk ten platten lande, en in kleine steden, alwaar geen toereikend geneeskundig toeverzicht plaats had, ter uitoeffening der genees- heel- verlos- en artsenymengkunde, neder te zetten ...
Arnhem, Abraham van Goor, 1800. 4to. Disbound. 12 pp. Full description
€ 375
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Beautiful copy with the coats of arms of the city Haarlem on front and back cover

Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805. Large 8vo. With 2 folding tables. Prize-book of the Latin School at Haarlem: polished mottled calf with gilt panel of the city-virgin of Haarlem holding the coat-of-arms of the city as her shield; underneath the motto: Vicit vim virtus, on both sides, ornamental gilt border along the edges of both sides, spine gilt with orange title label lettered in gold, gilt binding edges, green ties. Complete with the dedication of the Latin school, presenting the book to Jacob Warning, dated Haarlem, 17 Dec. 1817 and signed by the rector and teachers of the school, bound in before the first fly-leaf. [2], L, 304, 34, [13] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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King Philip II mortgages then sells his lands of Voorburg and Voorschoten
near The Hague to help fund his wars

[MANUSCRIPT]. PHILIP (FELIPE) II, King of Spain. [Mortgage agreement, granting Jan Hanneman, Steward General of North Holland, the rights to the tithes of the King's lands of Voorburg and Voorschoten].
The Hague and Brussels, 1557 (with additions to 1565). Folio (36 x 25.5 cm). Manuscript mortgage agreement, signed by King Philip's representatives, written in brown ink on parchment in a nearly upright cursive gothic hand. With a typescript transcription of the main text and an interlinear translation in Spanish. [2 blank], 9, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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First edition of the history of the dioceses Tongres, Maastricht and Liège

PLACENTIUS, Johannes Leo. Catalogus omnium antistitum Tungarorum, Traiectensium, ac Leodiorum, & rerum domi, bellique gestarum compendium.
Antwerp, Willem Vorsterman, [1530?; preface dated 14 September 1529]. Small 8vo (13.5 x 10 cm). Title with woodcut coat-of-arms of Cardinal Everard van de Marck in a 4-piece woodcut border, a large woodcut coat of arms on the last page, 2 woodcut illustrations, one showing Mary and Jesus with Saint Anne (63 x 42 mm), and the other a bishop in his study (45 x 43 mm), each in the same 4-piece woodcut border (different from that on the title-page). Capitals rubricated throughout, some woodcuts also rubricated and some headings and other words underlined in red. Vellum (ca. 1700?). [16], [216] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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“The Versailles of the Achterhoek”

SCHENK, Pieter. Delineatio domus recreatricis adjacentiumq[ue] prospectuum amoenissimorum extra urbem Zutphaniensem, auspicys & jussu ... Arnoldi Justi ...
Amsterdam, Pieter Schenk, [1702 or ca. 1720]. Oblong 4to (21 x 27 cm). With an engraved title-page and 16 numbered engraved views (ca. 15 x 19 cm), each with a caption in Dutch and Latin below the border, mostly in two lines. 19th-century grey-brown paste-paper with a wave pattern over boards. [1], 16, [1 blank] engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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A laudatory poem for the stadholder Willem IV, celebrating the re-establishment of a stadholder for the Dutch Republic

STRAAT, Pieter. D'Oranjeboom verheerlykt [above:] Geslachtboom van de huizen van Oranje en van Nassau, ...
(Colophon: Amsterdam, Hendrik de Leth), [1747]. 4to. With an engraved armorial title-page by Hendrik de Leth, with the subtitle in a banderol at the head, a crowned tree representing the family tree of the houses of Orange and Nassau (with 27 family coats of arms), a wreath with an orange tree, the 7 arms of the Dutch provinces and military attributes, the whole beautifully hand-coloured as published. Contemporary gold-tooled calf, by the Van Damme bindery in Amsterdam, a rosette and fillets in each of the spine compartments, gold-tooled board edges, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. Engraved title-page plus [17], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Well-executed wall map of polder land between Gouda and Utrecht

[MAP]. [VINGBOONS, Johannes, Justus and David]. 'T hooghe heymraedtschap vanden lande van Woerden.
[Amsterdam, Hendrik de Leth], 1740. Wall map of the water district Woerden (South Holland) in 9 large loose untrimmed sheets (each 48 x 67 cm), with the title in a banderole across the head of three sheets, information about the 14th-century charters in a cartouche, a list of city and town officials in 1739 on a plinth, a compass rose, and a scale of Rijnland rods. Full description
€ 6,500
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Rare and beautiful Rotterdam chamber of the VOC binding

[VOC ROTTERDAM BINDING - NOTEBOOK]. [Blank 18th-century VOC notebook].
[Amsterdam?, second half of the 18th century (before 1785)]. Small 8vo (13.5 x 8 cm). Blind-tooled black imitation shark skin with a silver centrerpiece of an East Indiaman on both sides, silver anchor plates (2 on each board) with the monogram of the Rotterdam chamber of the VOC, each with a silver eye extending over the fore-edge, with a silver stylus (with a black string tassel) used to fasten the book through the eyes. Further with a pocket mounted on the back pastedown lined with Dutch gilt paper (also known as brocade paper) and blueish-green silk, marbled endpapers, gilt edges [17] ll. Full description
€ 4,950
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