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Low Countries / Art. Architecture & Literature

Beautiful engraved views of Heemstede manor house and gardens

MOUCHERON, Isaac de. Plusieurs belles, et plaisante veües et la cour de Heemstede, dans la Province d'Utrecht. | Verscheyde schoone en vermaakelyke gezigten van Heemstede, gelegen in de Provintie van Utrecht.
[Amsterdam], Hendrik de Leth, [ca. 1731/40]. Small oblong folio (22 x 32.5 cm). With 26 numbered engraved prints, including the title-page. 20th-century half vellum, marbled paper sides. 26 engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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Heralds of a new age: three first editions, including the first Renaissance narrative poetical works in Dutch (with 17 Coornhert illustrations)

NOOT, Jan van der. Cort begryp der XII. boeken Olympiados. ... Abregé des douze livres Olympiades.
Antwerp, Gillis van den Rade, 1579. With 1 engraved plate (portrait of the author), 17 full-page engravings (ca. 16 x 11.5 cm.) by Dirk Volkertsz. Coornhert after designs of the monogrammist CVSK and a full-page woodcut of an obelisk at the end, signed with the monogram "HE".
(2) NOOT, Jan van der. Lofsang van Braband. ... Hymne de Braband.
Antwerp, Gillis van den Rade, 1580. With 4 full-page woodcuts (portrait of the author, allegorical illustration, arms of Brabant and the other 16 provinces, and an obelisk).
(3) NOOT, Jan van der. Verscheyden poeticsche werken. ... Divers oeuvres poetiques.
Antwerp, Gillis van den Rade, 1581. With full-page woodcut portrait of the author, and a full-page woodcut obelisk at the end. 3 works in 1 volume. Folio. All 3 works with text in Dutch and French. Early 18th-century gold-tooled mottled calf. [14], 87, [1]; [8], 33, [4]; [40] pp. plus 1 plate. Full description
€ 45,000
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Important bibliographical source for the history of Friesland and the first bibliography
exclusively devoted to Dutch authors

PETRI (PETRUS), Suffridus. De scriptoribus Frisiae, decades XVI. Et semis: in quibus non modo peculiares Frisiae, sed & totius Germaniae communes antiquitates plurimae indicantur, & veterum historicorum ac geographorum loci, hactenus non intellecti, explicantur.
Franeker, Jacobus Horreus, 1699. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. [88], 498 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Hand-coloured lithographs of Pfeiffer's stage designs. A primary source for Dutch theatre history

PFEIFFER, François Joseph junior, Jacob van LENNEP and Gerrit van ENST KONING. Tooneel decoratief, voorgesteld in op steen geteekende platen door F.J. Pfeiffer Jr.
Amsterdam, Coenraad Weddepohl, 1845. Folio. With a lithographed portrait of the artist (mounted), 8 lithographed plates of stage designs, and 9 poems in red decorated letterpress frames, the lithographs by Desguerrois & Co. With the 8 plates of stage designs hand-coloured as published. Original publisher's cloth, with a gold-blocked lyre in the centre of each board. [2 blank], [1], [1 blank], 10 pp., [9] ll. + plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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Series of 12 prints showing Dutch and Frisian costumes

PICART, Bernard. Diverses modes dessinées d'après nature.
Amsterdam, Bernard Picart, 1728. Oblong 4to (21 x 27.5 cm). Series of 12 engraved prints: 11 costume prints plus a title-page (title in a stunning and delicate cartouche, plate size: 12.5 x 7 cm) on 6 oblong 4to leaves (which could make 12 8vo leaves). 6 of the plates are signed by the engraver Gaspard Duchange, all after the designs of Bernard Picart. Unbound. Full description
€ 3,500
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Very rare first editions of the neo-latin poetry and emblems of Cornelis Plemp, the friend of Vondel and Hooft

PLEMP, Cornelis Gijsbertsz. Amsterodamum monogrammon.
-Quisquiliae seu elegiarum liber unus.
-Emblemata quinquaginta.
Amsterdam, Joannes Walschart, 1616. With woodcut coat of arms on title-page, woodcut on individual title-pages and 51 woodcut emblems with a diameter of ca 73 mm.
With: (2) PLEMP, Cornelis Gijsbertsz. Musius, sive rhythmi cum poematiis.
Amsterdam, Joannes Walschart, 1618. With woodcut device on title-page, a woodcut illustration in text (same in ad 1), and some woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces.
2 works in 1 volume. 4to. 19th-century boards. 113, [2], 119-191, [1 blank]; 47, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Fortune telling for parties and weddings in the 18th century, the incredibly rare second edition

[POPULAR LITERATURE - FORTUNE TELLING]. De vermakelyke heydin, of wonderbare goedergelukzegster, zeggende op een vermakelyke wys, een yder zyn geluk, of ongeluk, wat hem overkomen zal, op twee duyzent, drie hondert en sestig differente manieren.
The Hague, Burger Vermeulen, [second half of the 18th century]. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and the title-page printed in red and black. Later red and white floral-patterned decorated paper wrappers. (12),118,(6) pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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8 complete print series with text, forming the collected architectural work of Pieter Post

POST, Pieter. Les ouvrages d'architecture.
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1715. 8 parts in 1 volume. Royal folio (46 x 29.5 cm). With an engraved general title-page with a rectangular frame and a cartouche with Athena, architecture books and buildings, letterpress general title-page in red and black with engraved vignette (Athena with a view of Leiden, drawn by J. Goeree), 8 letterpress part-titles, 3 engraved part-titles, engraved dedication, a folding engraved portrait of Prince Johan Maurits after Govert Flinck by C. van Dalen (filling a whole Imperial sheet: plate size 60.5 x 46 cm!), and 8 series of 6, 12, 8, 5, 11, 7, 4 and 23 mostly double-page and some larger folding etched and engraved numbered plates after designs by Pieter Post, showing architectural plans, elevations, sections, etc. In total about 80 copperplates. Mottled calf (ca. 1750). [8], 6; 8; 10; 8; 12; 5, [1 blank]; 6; [2], 8 pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 12,500
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