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Literature & Linguistics

A catechism in French and Carib

BRETON, Raymond. Petit catechisme ou sommaire des trois premieres parties de la doctrine chrestienne. Traduit du françois, en la langue des Caraibes Insulaires.
Auxerre, Gilles Bouquet, 1664. 8vo. With a small woodcut on the title-page showing the Virgin and a woodcut of the Crucifixion on p. 16. Modern half maroon morocco, gold-tooled spine. 70 pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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First edition of the most influential gastronomic publication: "Tell me what you eat; I'll tell you what you are"

[BRILLAT-SAVARIN, Jean Anthelme]. Physiologie du gout, ou méditations de gastronomie transcendante, ouvrage théorique, historique et à l'ordre du jour, dédié aux gastronomes Parisiens.
Paris, Auguste Sautelet et Cie. (back of title-page: printed by David), 1826 [1825]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a woodcut device on both title-pages. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines, marbled edges and endpapers. [2], XIV, [1], 6-390; 442 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Witty and erudite anecdotes, its author compared to Montaigne and Bacon

BRUNE, Johan de, the younger. Iok en ernst: dat is; Allerlei deftige hofredenen, quinkslagen, boerteryen, raadsels, spreuken, vragen, antwoorden, gelikenissen; en al wat dien gelijkvormigh met de naam van apophtegmata verstaan wordt. ... 't Eerste deel [all published].
Amsterdam, Jacob Lescaille, 1644. 4to. With engraved vignette on title-page. Contemporary vellum, traces of ties. [8], 352 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Rare introduction to Arabic

[BURGESS, Thomas]. The Arabick alphabet...
Newcastle, printed by S[arah]. Hodgson, 1809. Large 12mo. Twentieth-century half calf, marbled sides, with a blind-tooled roll where the calf covering (including the corners) meets the marbled paper, gold fillets on the smooth spine, black morocco spine label with the title in large gold capitals running up the spine, lettered in gold. With 22 sturdy blank leaves at the end and the bookbinders ticket of "Period Binders, Bath". V, [3], 20 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Dutch revision of the first Russian emblem book

BURG, Hermanus van den. Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-vercieringen, eertyds, op bevel van den aller doorlugtigsten Keizer der Russen, Peter Alexis, of de Gróte, getékent en gesnéden ...
Haarlem, Johannes Marshoorn, 1743. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, with Tsar Peter the Great's medallion portrait surrounded by 8 emblems, and 840 emblems on 140 engraved plates, the facing pages to the left with captions in Dutch, short proverbial phrases in Latin, French and German, and two-line verses in Dutch by Van den Burg. Contemporary half calf. [8], 281, [1 blank], [10] pp. Full description
€ 7,850
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8 Italian sonnets praising Napoléon Bonaparte: printed on vellum by Pierre Didot
and finely bound in long-grained, gold-tooled morocco for presentation to Napoléon

BUTTURA, Antonio. Sonetti a Bonaparte.
Paris, Pierre Didot laîné, An VIII [after Floréal, so 1800]. 8vo. Finely printed on vellum. Contemporary long-grained and gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, each board with a frame made from a decorated roll with palm leaves between 2 fine-line fillets, the smooth spine with the title in the 2nd of 6 fields, an acorn with leaves in each of the others, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, light green watered silk endleaves. [2 blank], [1], [1 blank], [8], [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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One of the most important textbooks on logic, highly praised by Melanchthon

CAESARIUS, Johannes. Dialectica ... nunc recens Hermani Raiani Welsdalii fructuosis scholiis illustrata, & in multis locis emendata. Accessit huic Ioanni Murmelii Isagoge in decem Aristotelis Praedicamentas.
Venice, Giovanni Maria Leni, 1579. 8vo. With Lenis woodcut device on the title-page (a figure holding a set square up to the sun, in a scrollwork cartouche with motto, "In eo qui fecit me omnia possum") which has the letterpress title "Dialectica" in a woodcut factotum with scrollwork and putti at the head, and woodcut decorated initials. Set in roman and italic type with occasional Greek. Contemporary vellum. "189" [= 179], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare Italian translation of an originally Spanish chivalric novel

[CAMILLI, Camillo (translator)]. Historia del nobile, et valoroso Cavalier. Felice Magno, figliuolo del Re Falangrè della Gran Brettagna, & della Reina Clarinta, nella quale si raccontano i suoi grandi, & maravigliosi fatti tradotta con somma diligenza di Spagnuolo in lingua Italiana.
Verona, Sebastiano dalle Donne for Francesco de Franceschi Senese, 1587. 8vo. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [12], 298 ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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