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Second edition of the German translation of the French edition of the Aesop fables by De Bellegarde

AESOP. Aesopus des Phrygiers Leben und Fabeln, nebst den Fabeln des Philelphus. Mit des Herrn von Bellegarde moralischen und historischen Anmerkungen welchen die Fabeln des Gabrias und Avianus und die Mährchen des Aesopus beygefüget worden. Neue sehr verbesserte Uebersetzung aus dem Französischen.
Copenhagen, [widow of Gabr. Christ. Rothen] & Leipzig, Christian Gottlob Prost, 1781. 8vo. With a woodcut title-vignette, woodcut head- and tailpieces and 117 etchings with captions "Fab. I-CXVII" illustrating the 117 Aesop fables, each pasted on separate leaves, except the last one (Fab. CXVII). Contemporary half calf, brown paper sides, brown morocco spine label with the title in (oxidized) gold. XXIV, 576 pp. Full description
€ 350
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First complete illustrated edition of 532 Aesop fables

AESOP. (Francois Joseph DESBILLONS, comp.). Fabulae Aesopiae, curis posterioribus, omnes fere, emandatae, accesserunt plus quam CLXX nova; tum etiam observations, grammaticae praesertim, complures, et Index copiosus, nec desunt ... Hominum et pecudum figurae elegantes.
Mannheim, Typis Academicis, 1768 [colophon: 1767]. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With a frontispiece and 15 engraved plates by Egid Verhelst (1733-1804). Contemporary vellum with spine label, red edges. [2], 58, 290, [2], 291-615 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Original edition of the English and French translations in verses of the famous 100 Fables,
translated ca, 1560 by Gabriel Faerno in elegant Latin verses

AESOP/FAERNO. Fables in English and French Verse. Translated from the original Latin of Gabriele Faerno. With hundred Copper-plates.
London, for Claude du Bosci, and sold by C. Davis, 1741. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece by Claude Du Bosc (Aesop communicating with the animals), 100 engraved illustrating the 100 Fables (ca. 96 x 110), inspired by the fable illustrations by Marcus Gheeraerts, numerous head- and tailpieces by Henry Woodfall. Full calf over boards. [2], XVI, 190, [2], VI, 3-191 pp. Full description
€ 600
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188 fables, 117 with beautiful illustrations engraved by Georg Paul Busch in Berlin

AESOP, and Francesco FILELFO. (Jean Baptiste MORVAN DE BELLEGARDE, trans.). Les fables d'Esope Phrygien, avec celles de Philelphe. Traduction nouvelle, enrichie de discours moraux & historiques, & de quatrains à la fin de chaque discours. On a joint à cette nouvelle traduction les fables diverses de gabrias, d'aviénus, & les contes d'Esope.
Amsterdam, Johann Peter Schmidt [possibly printed in Leipzig], 1736. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, engraved plate illustrating Aesop's life in 6 small scenes, and 59 numbered engraved plates with 117 half-page illustrations for the 117 numbered Aesop fables, all plates probably engraved by Georg Paul Busch in Berlin (the frontispiece and scenes of Aesops life signed). Contemporary calf, sewn on 4 cords, gold-tooled spine, red sprinkled edges. 477, [9], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Of lasting value of the history of Arabic literature

AHLWARDT, Wilhelm. Verzeichniss der Arabischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin.
Berlin, A. W. Schade (I) and A. Asher & Co. (II-X), 1887-1899. 10+1 volumes. 4to. With 12 photographic halftone plates of 62 manuscript specimens in vol. X. Added: separate atlas issue of the 12 plates. Altogether 11 vols. in publisher's light blue printed boards. Full description
€ 8,500
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First edition of Islamic Golden Age scholar Al-Zamakhshari's proverbs in Arabic and German

AL-ZAMAKHSHARI, Abu al Qasim Mahmoud ibn Omar (Joseph von HAMMER-PURGSTALL, ed.). Samachschari's Goldene Halsbänder. Als Neujahrsgeschenk arabisch und deutsch.
Vienna, widow of A. Strauss, 1835. 8vo. With two identical plates showing the golden necklace around a calligraphic Arabic inscription, the necklace hand-coloured in gold and the inscription in blue, as a frontispiece for both the Arabic and the German text (on the first and the last page). The Arabic title is incorporated into a printed circular medallion with decorative points at the head and foot on the first page, and the main Arabic text opens on the back of the same leaf with an elaborate headpiece. Text set in German and Arabic. Contemporary green calf (spine faded to brown), with a gold- and blind-stamped frame on each board. [1], [1 blank], 54 pp. (German text); 27, [1] ll. (Arabic text). Full description
€ 2,500
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Satirical poetry by a Medici opponent who fled Florence for France

ALAMANNI, Luigi. Opere toscane.
Venice, heirs of Lucantonio Giunta (colophons: printed by Peter Schoeffer the younger), 1542. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. With 2 title-pages, each with the same woodcut Giunta device, and a full-page woodcut showing a larger version of the same device on the last printed page of vol. 2. Set in an Aldine-style italic. 18th-century gold-tooled mottled calf. [16], 431, [1 blank]; 295, [7] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Dutch tourist journal of a bourgeois woman's visit to Paris

ALBERDINGK THIJM, Catharina & Josephus Albertus ALBERDINGK THIJM. Notice de mes souvenirs d'un voyage à Paris, écrite pour mes chers enfans.Amsterdam, 1838. Small 8vo. Manuscript in French, written in ink in a regular and readable hand on 7 quires of writing-paper, some with a slight green cast.
With: ALBERDINGK THIJM, Josephus Albertus. Decemberliedtjen op tantes feest, in 1878. Manuscript poem, signed J.A.Th. 4to. Folded.Loose quires in a contemporary red morocco portfolio with gold-tooled title and ornamental frames on covers, richly gold-tooled turn-ins and silk paste-downs. With 3 pairs of green silk ties. 135, [4 blank]; 4 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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First Spanish edition of the first emblem book, expanding the earlier editions to the nearly definitive form,
with 200 woodcut emblems

ALCIATO, Andrea. Los emblemas ... traducidos en rhimas Españolas. ...
Lyon, Guillaume Rouille [printed by Macé Bonhomme], 1549. 8vo (18.5 x 12.5 cm). With an elaborate woodcut architectural frame; 210 emblems (200 with woodcuts); nearly every page in one of about 34 different richly decorated woodcut frames. Early 18th-century (Spanish?) sheepskin parchment. 256, [6] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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