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Literature & Linguistics

Naval poems and songs from the Franco-Dutch War

COOPMAN, Ocke Jeyes. Zee-clio, of gedichten in 's lants vloot gemaeckt in de jaren 1672, en 1673.
Amsterdam, Carel Allard, [ca. 1673]. 4to. With the woodcut device of the Amsterdam admiralty on title-page (Dutch garden guarded by a lion holding two anchors), 3 woodcut decorated initials (1 series). Modern half calf, marbled sides. 62, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Portuguese shipwreck off the coast of Africa, a classic of Portuguese literature

CORTE REAL, Jeronimo. Naufragio, e lastimoso successo da perdiçaõ de Manoel de Sousa de Sepulveda, e Dona Lianor de Sá, sua mulher, e filhos, vindo da India para este reyno Náo chamada o Galiaõ grande S. João,...
Lisbon, Francisco Rolland, 1783. Small 8vo (15 x 11 cm). Contemporary limp vellum. XIV, [1], [1 blank], 351, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 550
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Educational fables with political undertones

[COURT, PIETER de la]. Sinryke fabulen, verklaart en toegepast tot alderley zeede-lessen, dienstig om waargenoomen te werden in het menschelijke en burgerlijke leeven.
Amsterdam, Hieronymus Sweerts, 1685. 4to. With a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece and 100 engraved illustrations in the text by J. Gole.Contemporary vellum. [20], 727 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Four popular works, erotic as well as occult, in one contemporary binding

[COURTIN, Antoine DE]. Traité de la jalousie, ou moyens d'entretenir la paix dans le marriage.
[The Netherlands?, copy imprint:] Paris, Helie Josset, 1682. 12mo. With a finely engraved integral frontispiece by Romeyn de Hooghe.
(2) ARETINO, Pietro. Dialogue de l'Aretin, ou Les vies, & faits de Lais, & Lamia courtisanes de Rome sont deduites. Traduict d'Italien en François.
[southwest Germany?, ca. 1681/84?]. With 1 woodcut decorated initial.
(3) DIGBY, Kenelm. Discours fait en une celebre assemblée touchant la guerison des playes & la composition de la poudre de sympathie. Enrichie avec beaucoup des remedes et rare secrets tirez de memoires du Chevalier Digby. Avec divers secrets pour la conservation de la beauté des dames.
Utrecht, Rudolph van Zijll, 1681.
(4) MAINVILLE, Jean(?) de. Du bonheur et du malheur du mariage, et des considerations qu'il faut faire avant que de s'y engager, ouvrage moral & curieux.
The Hague, Adriaen Moetjens, 1684. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page.Sprinkled calf (ca. 1700?). [12], 168, [9], [1 blank]; “102” [= 202], [2 blank]; 378, [2 blank]; [8], 274, [6] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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First edition of the first Tibetan-English grammar, printed by Calcutta's prominent Baptist Mission Press

CSOMA DE KORÖS, Alexander (Sándor KORÖSI CSOMA). A grammar of Tibetan language in English. Prepared, under the patronage of the government and the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
Calcutta, the Baptist Mission Press, 1834. Small folio (27 x 20 cm). Printed in Tibetan and English, complete with a 40-page syllabic schema of the Tibetan language and the Tibetan alphabet in Bámyik, Bruts'ha and Lánts'ha characters. 20th-century red cloth, title in gold on spine. XII, 204, [1 blank], 40, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The languages of Oceania

CUST, Robert Needham. Les races et les langues de l'Océanie ... traduit de l'anglais par A.L. Pinart.
Paris, Ernest Leroux (back of half-title: Le Puy, printing office of Marchessou fils), 1888. 12mo (17 x 11.5 cm). With a folding chromolithographed language map of Oceania, 1 headpiece in 17th-century style. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. [4], 71, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Richly illustrated dance of death

[DANCE OF DEATH]. La grande danse macabre des hommes et des femmes, historiée & renouvellée de vieux Gaulois, en langage le plus poli de notre temps. Avec: le débat du corps & de l'ame. La complainte de l'ame damnée. L'exhortation de bien vivre & de bien mourir. La vie du mauvais Antechrist. Les quinze signes du jugement.
Troyes, Jean-Antoine Garnier, [1728]. 4to. With 60 woodcuts in text, including 3 repeats, most of them half-page. 19th-century half cloth. 76 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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1st edition of the collected poetry of Jeremias de Decker
with 14 engraved illustrations by Jacques de Gheyn

DECKER, Jeremias de. Gedichten, versamelt en uytgegeven door J. K.
Amsterdam, Jacob Colom, 1656. 4to. With oval woodcut device of the Colom printing and publishing family: a flaming column (their shop sign) with their woodcut motto in the border of the oval: "En de heere tooch voor hen, sdaeghs in een wolck colomme, en des nachts in een vierige Colom", and 2 large woodcut decorated initials. Incorporating 4 texts numbered 1-4 in the table of contents, 1 and 2 with their own title-pages, but 1-3 with a single series of page numbers and quire signatures, and 4 (with only a drop-title) in 2 subdivisions:
(1) BUCHANAN, George (Jeremias de DECKER, translator). Baptistes of Dooper, treurspel. Getrocken uyt de Latijnsche vaersen van G. Buchanan [= pp. 1-58].
Amsterdam, Jacob Colom, 1656 (printed as 1654, but with a 6 stamped on the 4). With a woodcut Amsterdam coat of arms on the title-page, and 2 small woodcut decorated initials.
(2) DECKER, Jeremias de. Goede vrydag, ofte het lyden onses Heeren Jesu Christi. Door hem selfs van nieus verbetert en vermeerdert [= pp. 59-93]
Amsterdam, Jacob Colom, 1656 (printed as 1654, but with a 6 stamped on the 4). With the same Amsterdam coat of arms on the title-page and beautifully illustrated with a print series, the title-print serving as frontispiece - depicting Jesus in the winepress (giving his blood) with a poem by Hugo de Groot below and naming Jacob Colom as publisher - and 13 numbered engraved prints serving as plates depicting events in Christs Passion, all engraved by Jacques de Gheyn and Zacharias Dolendo after drawings by Karel van Mander (originally published by De Gheyn ca. 1596/98 and some still naming him as publisher), these and the frontispiece also giving the number of the intended facing page.
(3) DECKER, Jeremias de. Verscheyde wercken [= pp. 94-196: the general title appears only in the table of contents on π4v].
[Amsterdam, Jacob Colom, 1656]. About 36 short works in verse.
(4) DECKER, Jeremias de. [drop-title:] Punt-dichten: vervat in twee boeken.
[Amsterdam, Jacob Colom, 1656]. In 2 parts, separately paginated but with a single series of quire signatures, with the authors 2-page note to the reader followed by book 1 with 321 numbered epigrams (67 pp., quires a-i) and book 2 with 411 numbered epigrams (96 pp., quires k-x), with a decorated woodcut initial.
Contemporary vellum, sewn on 4 vellum tapes laced through the joints, with title in ink on spine. [8], 196; [2], 67, [2 blank], 96 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Hongkong edition of a rare work by a famous French missionary in Tibet

DESGODINS, Auguste. Essai de grammaire Thibétaine pour le langage parlé, avec alphabet et prononciation.
Hongkong, Imprimerie de Nazareth, 1899. 12mo. With the printing offices device (an Asian style temple with "Nazareth", "venite seorsum" and an "ME" monogram with cross) on the title-page and several tailpieces. Original publishers half tan morocco, sewn on 3 recessed cords but with 4 false raised band on the spine, with "GRAMMAIRE|THIBÉTAINE" in gold in the 2nd compartment and the printer-publishers "ME" monogram with cross at the foot of the fifth, "Gustav"-marbled sides (tan on yellow), decorated endpapers (printed in imitation of Spanish marbled paper), sprinkled edges. [9], 91, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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