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Horses, Hunting, Sport & Games / Games, Magic & Sports

Extremely rare souvenir of the first amusement park in Amsterdam

[PASSE, Crispijn de (the younger) and Jan VOS]. Verklaringe van verscheyden kunst-rijcke wercken en hare beweginghe, door orlogie-werck ghedreven, ... Alles te sien in 't Oude Doolhof tot Amsterdam, op de hoeck van de Loyers-gracht.
Amsterdam, Tymen Houthaeck, 1648. Small 4to (19 x 15 cm). With a engraved illustration of a labyrinth on title-page, an engraved plate by P. Holsteyn after A. Vinckenbrinck, 3 engravings in text and a folding engraved plate of David & Goliath. Modern marbled wrappers. [8] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Analysis of chess by the famous French composer & chess player "Philidor"

PHILIDOR, André Danican. Analyse du jeu des échecs. Avec une nouvelle notation abrégée et des planches ou se trouve figurée la situation de jeu pour les renvois et les fins de parties. Nouvelle édition.
Paris, Chez Causette (colophon: Strasbourg, printed by Amand Koenig), 1820. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece portrait of the author, 42 full-page colour-printed plates and numerous chess-notations in text. Contemporary half morocco. XX, 148 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Fortune telling for parties and weddings in the 18th century, the incredibly rare second edition

[POPULAR LITERATURE - FORTUNE TELLING]. De vermakelyke heydin, of wonderbare goedergelukzegster, zeggende op een vermakelyke wys, een yder zyn geluk, of ongeluk, wat hem overkomen zal, op twee duyzent, drie hondert en sestig differente manieren.
The Hague, Burger Vermeulen, [second half of the 18th century]. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and the title-page printed in red and black. Later red and white floral-patterned decorated paper wrappers. (12),118,(6) pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Three beautifully hand coloured cards of a simple puzzle game, showing a king and two courtiers in ornate dress

[GAME - PUZZLE - KING AND COURTIERS - FRANCE]. [Puzzle game of filling in the heads and parts of the costumes of a king, a young lady in a green dress, and a young man in a yellow and green outfit].
[Paris], R. Lacouchin, [ca. 1840]. 3 puzzles. 19.5 x 13 cm. With 3 finely lithographed plates mounted on 3 thick green paperboard cards. The lithographs are framed with a gold-coloured ornamental border. The images on the cards are all beautifully hand coloured and the 3 cards depict respectively a crowned king in ornate robes, a beautiful young lady in a green dress, and a young man (or possibly a court jester?) in an extravagant yellow and green outfit. Each card has 6 large circular movable pieces to be removed or inserted as the game demands in various circumstances. Full description
€ 6,000
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First edition of a rare Dutch book on witchcraft containing some unsettling visuals
depicting supernatural phenomena and instances of extreme torment

PALINGH, Abraham. 't Afgerukt Mom-aansight Der Tooverye ...
Amsterdam, J. Rieuwertz, 1659. Small 8vo. WIth a woodcut title-vignette showing a witch on a broomstick leaving a house through the chimney (4.3 x 5.2 cm), 13 etched full-page illustrations on 8 plates by Salomon Savry. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [16], 429, [19] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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1777 scrap album with ca. 330 hand-coloured images clipped from purpose-made engraved print series

[SCRAP ALBUM]. VISSCHER, J. (compiler or recipient). [Ausschneidebilder].
[The Netherlands?], 28 January 1777 (some of the prints themselves: Augsburg, Martin Engelbrecht, [ca. 1750?]). 4to. A scrap album containing about 330 cut-out images from engraved prints, most neatly and uniformly coloured by a contemporary hand (probably for the publisher or publishers). Contemporary half roan sheepskin, sewn on 2 vellum tapes, red-sprinkled paper sides, red-sprinkled edges, with a heart-shaped paper label on the front board with the manuscript inscription, "J. Visscher" above the date (1 above 28, flanked by "17 ... 77"). [1], 170, [1] ll. including integral paste-downs. Full description
€ 7,500
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Popular work on sorcery and witchcraft

SENNERTUS, Daniel and Daniël JONCTYS (translator). Verhandelingh der toover-sieckten. Geschil van de schôot- en steeck-vrije. Geschil van de wapen-salve. Paracelsi vrye-konst. Uyt verscheyde Latijnsche boecken vertaelt, en by een geschikt door D. Jonctys.
Amsterdam, Jan van Hilten (colophon: printed by Pieter Dircksz. Boeteman), 1646. 4 parts in 1 work. 8vo. With an engraved title-page showing a magician laying magic bones at a person's sickbed, a small vignette on the title-page, 3 typographical divisional title-pages, 1 small woodcut illustration in the text (p. 200), 3 decorated initials (3 different series) and 3 ornamental tail-pieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [24], 331, [8], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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The art of swimming

THEVENOT, Melchisedech. L'art de nager, demontré par figures, avec des avis pour se baigner utilement.
Paris, Thomas Moette, 1696. 12mo. With 35 engraved plates of people swimming by Charles Moette. Contemporary calf. [12], XII, 47, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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