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First edition of a classic hunting manual

TÄNTZER, Johann.
Der Dianen Hohe und Niedere Jagd-Geheimnisse. Darinnen die gantze Jagd-Wissenschaft ausführlich zu befinden: Mit grosser Arbeit inventiert und beschrieben. Hiernächst ist, Als ein neuer und besonderer Theil mit beygefüget Der Edle Hirsch-gerechte Jäger, kurtz, doch gründlich verfertiget von Johan Wilhelm von Pärson.
Leipzig, Moritz Georg Weidmann, 1734. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With title printed in red and black, divisional title-page for Von Pärson, finely engraved frontispiece showing Diane and her female companions hunting in the woods, engraved headpiece with portrait for the dedication, numerous hunting plans, views of landscapes and mountains, animals to hunt, hunting dogs, and all sorts of hunting traps and devices on 59 double-page engraved plates, incl. 20 full double-page illustrations, 5 double-page plates with 2 or 3 illustrations each, 2 double-page plates with 4 to 5 illustrations each, and 32 double-page plates with 6 illustrations each. Contemporary half vellum. [20], 198, [2]; 122, [2] pp.
€ 4,500
The first edition, richly illustrated with engraved plates, of the classic manual on hunting by Johan Täntzer (ca. 1633-1690), published together with the treatise on deer hunting by Von Pärson, which Lindner calls one of the best hunting books of the 18th century, though it remained largely unknown because it was never published separately. The main work by Täntzer, an encyclopaedic manual on all aspects of hunting all sorts of animals with all sorts of dogs and devices, even including hunting young seals at the North Pole, had first been published in three parts at Copenhagen, in 1682, 1686 and 1689 respectively.
The book is richly and attractively illustrated with hundreds of hunting plans in woods, mountains, fields, on the ice, etc., with scenes of animal behaviour and animals in action, with all sorts of hunting dogs in packs and singly, as well as a large number of hunting impliments and devices, like nets, corridors, traps, whole buildings, cages, etc. The added treatise on deer hunting by Johann Wilhelm von Pärson, Imperial head gamekeeper at Podiebrat in Bohemia, is illustrated with a large double-page hunting plan in a woods with small open spaces and a river running through it, with the area divided into numbered geometrical squares.
Binding rubbed, otherwise in good condition. Lindner 11.2041.01 & 11.1575.01; Souhart 453; WorldCat (5 copies); not in Coll. Jeanson; for Täntzer see also: Lindner, Jagdschriftsteller I, pp. 77-104.
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