Very rare first Portuguese edition of the treaty by which Britain agreed to pay compensation for a number of Portuguese slavers they had detained on ground of illegal slave-trading along the African coast

Convenção entre os muito altos, e muito poderosos senhores o Principe Regente de Portugal, e El Rei do Reino Unido da Grande Bretanha e Irlanda, para terminar as questões, e indemnizar as perdas dos vassallos portuguezes no trafico de escravos de Africa: feita em Vienna pelos plenipotenciarios de huma e outra Corte, em 21 de Janeiro de 1815, e ratificada por ambas.
[Lisbon], Na Impressão Regia, [1815]. Small folio (ca. 28.5 x 18 cm). With the text printed in two columns, in Portuguese on the left and in English on the right. Modern half calf. 4 pp. [and 27 blank modern leaves]. Full description
€ 2,500
[Lisbon], Na Impressão Regia, [1815]. Small folio (ca. 28.5 x 18 cm). With the text printed in two columns, in Portuguese on the left and in English on the right. Modern half calf. 4 pp. [and 27 blank modern leaves]. Full description