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History, Law & Philosophy / Law & Politics

Dutch corvette attacked by daimyo opposed to foreigners in Japan. First edition with 5 tinted maps

CASEMBROOT, François de. De Medusa in de wateren van Japan, in 1863 en 1864.
The Hague, Van Cleef brothers, 1865. 8vo. With wood-engraved device on title-page and 5 tinted lithographed folding maps. Modern half sheepskin, with the original publisher's wrappers (with Dutch flag on front and back, coloured by hand) bound in. XII, [2], 150 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Treaty for friendship and commerce between Russia and Denmark

CATHERINE THE GREAT, Tsarina and CHRISTIAN VII. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Traité d'amitié et de commerce, entre l'Empire de Russie et la couronne de Dannemarc, conclu à St. Petersbourg le 8-19 Octobre 1782.
[St. Petersburg], Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1782. Small folio (29.5 x 19.5 cm). Treaty between Russia and Denmark in Russian and French in 2 parallel columns in cyrillic (left) and roman (right) types. Disbound. 22 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Two treaties between the Russian Emipre and Sweden concluding the Russo-Swedish War of 1788-1790

CATHERINE THE GREAT & GUSTAV III of Sweden. Traité de paix, conclu entre ... l'Imperatrice ... de Russie ..., et ... le Roi de Suède ... 1790.
[St. Peterburg, Imperial Printing office, 1790] Folio. (30x20.2 cm). With the text in Russian and French in parallel columns, and with ornamental rules at the head of each page. Unsewn, marbled paper spine.
With: (2) Traité d'alliance défensif ... entre la Russie et la Suède ... 1791.
[St. Peterburg, Imperial Printing office, 1791] Folio. (29.5 x 20.6 cm). With the text in Russian and French in parallel columns, and with ornamental rules at the head of each page. Unsewn, side stitched, blue paper spine. 10, 20 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Provisional agreement between the Netherlands and Portugal over Ceylon

[CEYLON]. Provisioneel ende particulier tractaet, gemaeckt, gearresteert ende besloten in 's Graven-Hage, den 27. Martii, 1645. tusschen de heer Francisco de Zousa Continho, raedt ende ambassadeur van den doorluchtighsten grootmachtigen Koningh van Portugael, Algarves, &c. ...; ende de ... Staten Generael van de Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Provincien, &c. aengaende de controversie over de jurisdictie ende territorie van 't Fort Galle [in Ceylon], &c.
The Hague widow and heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz. van Wouw, 1645 [= The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, ca. 1697?]. 4to. Modern plain-paper wrapper. [8] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Justice done by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy to the Governor of Zeeland,
who had killed a man and raped his wife

[CHARLES THE BOLD]. Justitie van Carel den Stouten, Hert[og]: van Bourg[ondië]: etc. Grave van Holl[and]: Zel[and]: etc. over seker gouv[erneur]: in Zelant.
[Amsterdam?], Joachim Bormeester, [ca. 1690]. Oblong 1mo (full sheet) broadside (41 x 50.5 cm). An engraved print with extensive engraved texts in Dutch, the central scene (33.5 x 31 cm) flanked by 6 smaller scenes, with the title above the central scene (in roman capitals with I and V for UJ and U), 5 lines of verse (a couplet in 1 line followed by a 4-line verse) below each smaller scene and the story in prose in the foot of the engraving. Hand-coloured and highlighted in gold. Full description
€ 850
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Account of a mid 19th-century diplomatic mission to Japan, China, and India,
with a manuscript dedication by the author

CHASSIRON, Charles de. Notes sur le Japon, la Chine et l'Inde. 1885-1859-1860.
Paris, E. Dentu & Ch. Reinwald, 1861. 8vo. With 2 full-page maps (of Japan and Korea and of Northern China), a large hand coloured folding view of "Yeddo" or Edo (now Tokyo), a hand coloured folding city plan, 8 hand coloured full page plates of flora and fauna, 2 hand coloured folding views of the Japanese country side, and 3 hand coloured plates (including 1 folding) showing caricatures. Half brown leather. XI, [1 blank], 356, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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