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History, Law & Philosophy / Law & Politics

Letters from an Irish colonist in New South Wales, with 2 wood-engravings, 1 by Caroline Clayton

[BESNARD, Thomas Pope]. A voice from the bush in Australia: shewing its present state, advantages, and capabilities, in a series of letters from an Irish settler and others in New South Wales. With appendices ...
Dublin, William Curry junior & Co.; London, Smith, Elder & Co.; Edinburgh, John Johnstone, 1839. 12mo. With wood-engraved frontispiece, nearly full-page wood-engraved illustration on page 25 and a letterpress folding table. Modern marbled wrappers. 108 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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'The most vivid, comprehensive, instructive, entertaining picture of Virginia',
written by a planter living there, here in a French translation

[BEVERLEY, Robert]. Histoire de la Virginie, contenant I. L'histoire du premier etablissement dans la Virginie, & de son gouvernement jusques à présent. II. Les productions naturelles & les commoditez du païs, avant que [l]es Anglois y negociassent, & l'améliorassent. III. La religion, les loix, & les coutumes des Indiens naturels, tant dans la guerre, que dans la paix. IV. L'etat présent du païs, tant à l'égard de la police, que de l'amelioration du païs. Par un auteur natif & habitant du païs. Traduite de l'Anglois.
Amsterdam, Thomas Lombrail, 1707. 12mo. Full-page engraved frontispiece with the coat of arms of Virginia, title in red & black with Lombrails woodcut cypher-monogram TLB, 14 full-page engraved plates, 1 folding printed table, woodcut head- and endpieces, woodcut initials. Contemporary mottled calf, title in gold on spine, marbled endpapers. [6], 432, [16] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Travelling to Madrid

BLANQUI, Jérôme- Adolphe. Reis naar Madrid, gedaan in de maanden augustus en september 1826; behelzende een staatkundig-wijsgeerig overzigt van de zeden en gebruiken der Spanjaarden.
Amsterdam, J.C. van Kesteren, 1827. 8vo. With title-page with engraved vignette. Contemporary boards, uncut. XVI, 184, [4] pp. Full description
€ 400
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Important early work on statistics and social sciences

BOSE, Johann Andreas. Introductio generalis in notitiam rerumpublicarum orbis universi. ...
Jena, Johann Bielcke for Samuel Krebs, 1676. 4to. With an engraved full-page portrait of the author in the text, the title printed in red and black, and further with woodcut decorated initials and woodcut endpieces. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, manuscript title and shelf mark on spine. [16], 370, [22] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First modern treatise on oceanography, and a challenge to Machiavelli: rulers must be moral

BOTERO, Giovanni. Aggiunte fatte ... alla sua ragion di stato ove si tratta dell... con una relatione del mare.
2 [part 1]) Delleccellenze de gli antichi capitani libri due. ...
3 [part 4]) Dellagilita della forze del prencipe libri due. ...
4 [part 3]) Della riputatione del prencipe libri due. ...
5 [part 2]) Discorso della neutralita [del prencipe] ...
6 [part 5]) Discroso[!] intorno alla fortificatione ...
7 [part 6]) Relationi del mare ...
Rome, Giorgio Ferrari, 1598. A preliminary part and 6 text parts in one volume. 4to. With a general title-page and 6 part-titles. Set in an italic type (cut by Robert Granjon) with incidental roman. Sheepskin parchment (ca. 1700?). [22], [2 blank]; 72; 46, [2 blank]; 31, [1 blank]; 15, [1 blank]; 14, [2 blank]; 31, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,250
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Summary of the constitution of the Dutch Republic with the essential text in extenso

[BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius van]. Verbetert en vermeerdert politijck en militair hantboecxken vanden staet der Geunieerde Provintien, aenwysende des selfs maniere van regieringe, veelvoudige middelen &c.
[Printed in Gouda, Willem van der Hoeve], 1674.Including: (2) MILITAIR repartitie-boeckjen, aenwijsende den staet des oorlogs der Geûnieerde Provincien. Als mede het getal der compagnyen, soo te paert als te voet, in des selfs dienst geweest zijnde, zedert den jare 1621. Den sesten druck.
[Printed in Gouda, Willem van der Hoeve, 1674?].
(3) ARTIKEL-BRIEF, ofte ordonnantie, op de discipline militaire. Met een bequaem register daer toe dienende.
[Printed in Gouda, Willem van der Hoeve, 1674?]. Woodcut ornament on title-page.3 texts in 1 volume. 12mo. With 3 title-pages (the 1st and 3rd each with a woodcut ornament), a divisional title-page for the text of the 1579 Union of Utrecht, 1 woodcut decorated initial and a few headpieces built up from cast typographic ornaments Verhandelinge vande Unie, ofte eeuwigh verbont, ende eendracht, and drop-title for the transcriptions of other documents. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [8], “300” [= 400]; 112; 20, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Important treatise on the legal and political status of the Dutch Republic

[BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius]. Commentariolus de statu confoederatarum provinciarum Belgii. Editio sexta auctior & emendatior. Accessit de eadem materia Pauli Merulae Diatriba. Nec non Decretum Ordd. Holl. & West-Frisiae, De antiquo iure Reip. Batavicae.
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq for Johannes Vlacq, 1668. 12mo. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, boards and board edges, gilt edges. [12], 202 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Biography of the great Dutch naval hero Admiral Michiel de Ruyter. Large paper copy of the first edition

BRANDT, Geeraert. Het leven en bedryf van den heere Michiel de Ruiter.
Amsterdam, for Wolfgang, Waesberge, Boom, van Someren and Goethals, 1687 (engraved title-page: printed by Pieter and Joan Blaeu, 1686). Folio (34.5 x 22.5 cm). With engraved title-page, engraved portrait of De Ruyter, 7 engraved double-page plates by Sebastiaen Stoopendaal and 1 engraved plate by Joseph Mulder. Late 18th-century calf, gold-tooled spine. [10], "1063" [=1065], [23] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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