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History, Law & Philosophy / Law & Politics

Conflict in the Caribbean: the Anglo-Spanish War resolved by the second Treaty of Madrid (1670)

[ENGLAND & SPAIN - TREATY OF MADRID]. [Gaspar de BRACAMONTE] and William GODOLPHIN. A treaty for the composing of differences, restraining of depredations, and establishing of peace in America, between the crowns of Great Britain and Spain. - Concluded at Madrid the 8/18th day of July, in the year of our Lord 1670. Translated out of Latin.
[London], in the Savoy, printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker [= Thomas Newcombe], printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1670. Small 4to. With a woodcut factotum and decorative bands built up from typographic ornaments (the crowned rose, harp, leak - depicted by a fleur-de-lis - and thistle representing England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland). Sewn. [1], [1 blank], 11, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare first edition of an early work by Trotsky

TROTSKY, Leon. Tuda i Obratno: vmesto predislovija. I. Ot Peterburga do Berezzova. Sovet rabočich deputatov po etapam. II. Moj pobeg. - 800 verst na olenjach. [There and back again] [text in Russian in Cyrillic type].
St. Petersburg, Shipovnik, 1907. With a lithographed device on the front cover. Original publisher's printed wrappers. 123, [1 blank], IV pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Treatise on the decolonization of America

TURGOT, Anne Robert Jacques. Mémoire sur les colonies Américaines, sur leurs relations politques avec leurs métropoles, et sur la manière dont la France et L'Espagne ont dû envisager les suites de l'indépendance des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique.
Paris, Pierre-Samuel Dupont, 1791. 8vo. 19th-century half calf, gold-tooled spine. 75 [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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A Swiss warning against Spain on the threshold of the Twelve Years' Truce

[TWELVE YEARS' TRUCE]. Generale vermaninghe aenden Switseren. Streckende tot harer behoudenisse ende besten, tegen de beroerten ende peryckelen deses jeghenwoordighen tijts.
Middelburg, for Adriaen vanden Vivre, 1608. 4to. Woodcut illustration on title: a head of a cow with a banderolle withy the coat-of-arms of the Swiss cantons braided in its horns. Disbound. [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 300
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One of the pamphlets included in Den Nederlanschen Bye-korf

[TWELVE YEARS' TRUCE]. Copie vande aggreatie des grootmachtichsten konincx van Spangien Philippus III, ghezonden aende groot-moghende heeren der Staten generael der vereenichde Nederlanden. Mistgaders de antwoorde vande zelve Groot-moghende heeren Staten Generael op de voorsz aggreatie ghedaen.
[No place], 1608. Small 4to. With an ornamental printer's device on the title-page and some decorated initials. Modern paper wrappers. [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 325
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A banned pamphlet on Dutch colonization and trade in America

[USSELINCX, Willem]. Naerder bedenckingen, over de zee-vaerdt, coophandel ende neeringhe, als mede de versekeringhe vanden staet deser vereenichde landen, inde teghenwoordighe vrede-handelinghe met den Coninck van Spangnien ende de aerts-hertoghen.
[Amsterdam], 1608 Small 4to (18.5 x 14 cm). With a woodcut arabesque ornament on the title-page and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern pink paper wrappers. [36] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Collected works of an indicted Belgian canonist

VAN ESPEN, Zeger Bernard. Opera, quaecunque hactenus in lucem prodeunt, omnia. Tomus primus [-secundus] . Continens ... juris ecclesiastici universi.
Louvain, 1721. 2 volumes. Folio. With the title-pages printed in red and black. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines. [30], 924, [39], [1 blank]; [4], 230, [14], [4], 400, [16], [8], 208, [22], [8], 90, [6], 28, [4], 57, [2], [1 blank], 18, [4], 30, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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History of Ottoman diplomacy in the 18th century, printed at Bulaq

VASIF EFENDI, Ahmed. Mahasin ül-âsâr ve hakayik ül-ahbar.
Bulaq, Bulak matbaasi, 1246 AH [= 1830 CE]. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary calf with later paper label; later marbled paper on the spine. In Turkish, with the main text set in a naskh Arabic type, with a woodcut decoration and decorations built up from typographic ornaments at the opening of the main text (incorporating a woodcut heading in Arabic script). 14, 210, [1 blank], 7, 190 pp. Full description
€ 5,800
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