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History, Law & Philosophy / History

First edition of an account of Tsar Peter's visits to the Dutch Republic, with 3 plates

SCHELTEMA, Jacobus. Peter de Groote, keizer van Rusland in Holland en Zaandam in 1697 en 1717.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Gartman, 1814. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 engraved title-pages showing a portrait of Peter the Great, 1 letterpress title-page and 2 half-titles, and 3 engraved plates. Mid-19th-century tree calf, each board with a gold-tooled fillets, gold-tooled spine and board edges, antique spot marbled endpapers, green ribbon markers. XXVI, 339; [2], XXXI, [1 blank], 328 pp. plus engraved titles and plates. Full description
€ 1,500
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Illustrated account of Antwerp at the start of the 17th century

SCRIBANI, Charles. Antverpia.
Including: [SCHONDONCK, Gilles]. Hê prôtogeneia kai epistrephomonê tychê tês Anbersês.
Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page and a woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank page following the main part.
With: (2) SCRIBANI, Charles. Origines Antverpiensium.
Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page, woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank last page, folding engraved map of Antwerp and 6 double-page engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume; 1st work in 2 parts. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [8], 146, [1], [1 blank]; 1-24; 1-172, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Compilation of 15th- and 16th-century historical texts on the Netherlands

SCRIVERIUS, Petrus. Batavia illustrata, seu de Batavorum insula, Hollandia, Zelandia, Frisia, territorio Traiectensi et Gelria, scriptores varii notae melioris, nunc primùm collecti, simulqùe editi.
Leiden, Lodewijk Elzevier [printed by Jan Paets Jacobszoon], 1609. 4to (19.5 x 14 cm). With many woodcut illustrations in text. Early 18th-century calf, richly gold-tooled spine with a red title-label and the crowned monogram of the Duke de La Force and the Dukes coat of arms in gold on the sides (probably of a later date). [8], 232, 56 184, 40 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Early history of the Arab people and the birth of Islam

SILVESTRE DE SACY, Antoine-Isaac, and others. Mémoires de littérature, tirés des registres de l'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.... tome quarante-huitième.
Including: SILVESTRE DE SACY, Antoine Isaac. Mémoire sur divers événemens de l'histoire des Arabes avant Mahomet.
Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1808. 4to. Set in roman, italic, Greek and Arabic type. With a folding engraved plate of a Greek inscription and 5 letterpress tables. Contemporary half calf. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], IV, 775 784 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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274 photographic reproductions showing art and architecture from early 20th-century Beijing

SIRÉN, Osvald. Les palais impériaux de Pékin. Deux cent soixante-quartorze planches hors texte en héliotypie d'apres les photographies de l'auteur, douze dessins architectureaux et deux plans, avec une notice historique ...
Paris & Brussels, G. Vanoest, 1926. 3 volumes. With 12 plans and 2 maps (mostly folding), and a total of 274 collotype plates. Publisher's original, printed, blue paper wrappers. VI, 73, [3 blank]; [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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A famous history of the conquest of Mexico

SOLÍS Y RIBADENEYRA, Antonio de. Histoire de la conqueste du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne par Fernand Cortez.
Paris, Compagnie des Libraires, 1730. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 14 engraved maps, views and plates (12 folding). Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [32], 606, [26]; [12], 560, [22] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Songs on the Dutch victories over the Spanish conquerors

[SONGBOOK - DUTCH]. Eerste [-Tweede] deel van 't nieu geusen liet boeck, waerinne begrepen is den gantschen handel der Nederlanden, beginnende anno 1564. uit alle oude geusen liet-boecken by een versamelt. Verciert met schoone oude refereynen en[de] liedekens, te voren noyt in eenige liet-boecken ghedruct. Met de figuren der gouverneurs.
Amsterdam, Gerrit van Breugel, 1616. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Title-page printed in red and black with borders built up from typographic ornaments, woodcut on title-page, and 10 small woodcut portraits in text of the two parts together. Later limp sheepskin parchment, with remnants of ties. [1], 93, [1]; 86, [1] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Summary of disasters and curiosities from the creation of the world to 1700

SPAAN, Gerrit van. Gedenkwaardige geschiedenissen, volgens den rang der jaren, van het begin des werelds, tot het einde van 't jaar zeventien-honderd: behelzende, duure tyden, hongersnooden ... gevolgd van aarbevingen, donder blixem ... nevens goê-koop koorn en wyn.
Rotterdam, Pieter van Veen, 1701. 8vo. Contemporary half calf. [16], 382, [1, 1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Religious festivities in the Southern Netherlands

[SPLENDID CEREMONY - MECHELEN]. Prael-treyn verrykt door ry-benden, praelwagens, zinne-beelden en andere oppronkingen...
Mechelen, J.F. vander Elst, [1775?].
(2) [SPLENDID CEREMONY - BRUSSELS]. Beschryvinge van de ry-bende ofte cavalcade..
Brussels, J. vanden Berghen, [1770].
(3) [MEYER, Jean Thomas]. Beschryvinge van het zeven honderdjaerig jubilé van den heyligen Macarius...
Ghent, Jean Meyer, [1767].
3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Ad 1 with an engraved coat of arms, an engraved headpiece, and 16 engraved plates (including 14 folding). Ad 2 with 5 numbered folding engraved plates. Ad 3 with 15 mostly folding engraved plates, including one large folding plate showing fireworks (36.5 x 48 cm). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [12], 34 [= 38]; 36; [8], XII, 84 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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169 books found / Show all