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History, Law & Philosophy / History

History of Reims, from the library of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI

MARLOT, Guillaume (& FLODOARDUS REMENSIS). Metropolis Remensis historia, a Frodoardo primum arctius digesta, nunc demum aliunde accersitis plurimum aucta, et illustrata, et ad nostrum hoc saeculum fideliter deducta. Tomus I; [Title of vol. 2:] Metropolis Remensis historia. Sive supplementum Frodoardi, ab anno CMLXX. Ad nostram aetatem fideliter et accurate productum.
Lille, Nicolas de Rache, 1666 (vol. 1) & Reims, Protasius Lelorain, 1679 (vol. 2). 2 volumes. Folio. With woodcut vignettes on the title-pages, vol. 1 with one full-page engraving of the facade of the Cathedral of Rheims and 6 half-page engravings by J. Dassonneville, and with woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Vol. 1: gold-tooled calf (dated "1740"), each board with the coat-of-arms of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI (1685-1740), in the centre, and the front board dated "1740", gold-tooled spine, gilt edges; vol. 2: contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with two red morocco labels lettered in gold. [14], 668, [16]; [8], 1-754, [2], 755-858, [2], 867-886, [28] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Stunning collotypes and chromolithographs of Pompeii wall paintings in situ soon after their excavation

MAU, August. Geschichte der decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeji ... Mit 20 Tafeln in einer Mappe.
Berlin, G. Reimer, 1882. 1 text volume & 1 portfolio with plates. 8vo (text volume) and 1mo (plates portfolio 53 x 43 cm). With 20 large numbered plates showing Pompeii wall paintings in situ, mounted on card stock, loose in a separate portfolio with letterpress title-leaf and contents leaf: 9 sepia collotypes (21 x 16 to 26.5 x 24.5 cm) and 11 chromolithographs (21.5 x 19 to 37 x 36 cm), no. 18 actually comprising 7 small chromolithographs on 1 card, each plate with a letterpress label on the back; and 7 black and white floor plans in the text. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment (text); contemporary blue half cloth portfolio (plates). XII, 462 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Splendid funeral ceremonies in Brussels 1515-1622

MEERBEECK, Adriaan de. Theatre funebre ou sont representéez les funerailles de plusieurs princes et la vie, trespas, & magnifiques obseques de Albert Le Pie de tres haulte memoire Archiduc d'Autrice, Duc de Bourgoigne, Brabant, &c. faicts a Bruxelles le 12. de Mars, 1622.
Brussels, Ferdinand de Hoeymaker [printed by Henrick van Hastens in Louvain], 1622. 8vo. With a small woodcut decoration on the title-page and a full-page woodcut representing a "chapelle ardente" on the verso; a large folding woodcut plate with two horses, one dressed as a "cheval de bataille" and the other as used "à la pompe funebre du ... Archiduc". Further with 3 woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and 2 woodcut factotums. Contemporary vellum, remnants of ties. [8], 278, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Japan through the eyes of the last Dutch governor of Deshima (Nagasaki)

MEIJLAN, Germain Felix. Japan. Voorgesteld in schetsen over de zeden en gebruiken van dat ryk, byzonder over de ingezetenen der stad Nagasaky.
Amsterdam, M. Westerman & son, 1830. 8vo. With engraved title-page with hand-coloured vignette lightened with gold and 2 folding aquatint plates. Modern green half cloth, with the front of the original letterpress-printed wrappers mounted on front board and the back wrapper loosely inserted. [12], 190, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Two first editions of theological works by the Portuguese rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel,
important for the history of Jewish-Christian relations in tolerant 17th-century Amsterdam

MENASSEH Ben Israel. De creatione problemata XXX: cum summariis singulorum problematum, & indice locorum Scripturae, quae hoc opere explicantur.
Amsterdam, the author, 1635.
With: (2) MENASSEH Ben Israel. De resurrectione mortuorum libri III. Quibus animae immortalitas & corporis resurrectio contra Zaducaeos comprobatur: caussae item miraculosae resurrectionis exponuntur: deque judicio extremo, & mundi instauratione agitur...Amsterdam, the author, 1636. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary calf, rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [16], 156, [2], [2 blank]; [40], 346, [6] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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Extremely rare engraved illustrated report of a 1.5 kilo hail stone

[METEOROLOGY - HAIL STONE]. Abbildung der Größe, u. ganz besondern Farbe der 6 Zoll langen, u. 3 Zoll diken Schlossen, von 2. bis 3. ll. schwer welche d. 13. August. 1802. . ..
Nuremberg, Fr[au] Kraerin, Fr[au]. Daucherin, [1802]. 4to (20.5×17.5 cm). Engraved print on laid paper, coloured by a contemporary hand as published. Mounted on a piece of paper (ca. 1926?). [1] leaf. Full description
€ 1,950
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