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Official publications concerning the British and German claim on Angra Pequena (Lüderitz), Namibia

[NAMIBIA - AFRICA]. Angra Pequena. Correspondence respecting the settlement at Angra Pequena, on the S.W. coast of Africa. ... [C.-4190].
With:(2) Copy of a despatch from the Right Honourable the Earl of Derby, K.G., Her Majesty's high commissioner in South Africa, relative to the establishment of a German protectorate at Angra Pequena and along the neighbouring coast. ... [C.-4265].(3) Further correspondence respecting the settlement at Angra Pequena on the south-west coast of Africa (in continuation of [C.-4190] ...) ... [C.-4262].
London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1884. 3 works in 1 volume. Folio. With a folding map in ad 1 and a full-page map in ad 3. Modern blue paper wrappers. X, 60; 13, [1]; X, 75, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Tea and its cultivation in Asam and Ceylon investigated: presentation copy, with 22 original albumen prints

[CEYLON - TEA]. NETSCHER, H.J.Th., and Alexander Albert HOLLE. Verslag eener reis naar de thee-districten van Britsch-Indie en Ceylon ondernomen door de heeren H.J.Th. Netscher en A.A. Holle in opdracht van de Cultuur Maatschappij Parakan-Salak.
Including: Harold Hart MANN. Het ferment in het theeblad en zijne verhouding tot de hoedanigheid der thee.
Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1903. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. With 1 engraved double-page plate, 4 lithographed colour-plates and 22 albumen photographs with guard leaves containing text. Contemporary brown cloth, title in gold, decorated endpapers. [2], 93, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,850
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British India's foreign trade during the years 1874-1884

O'CONOR, James Edward. Review of the accounts of the trade and navigation of India for 1874-75, as compared with previous years.
Calcutta, Office of the superintendent of government printing, 1876.
(2) Memorandum reviewing the accounts of the trade and navigation of British India for 1875-76. Dated the 24th February 1877.
[Calcutta?], Government central press, 1877.
(3) Review of the trade of British India for the official year 1876-77.Calcutta, 25 October1877.
(4) Review of the trade of British India with other countries, for the official year 1878-1879.
[Calcutta?], Government central press, 1879.
(5) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1879-80.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1880.
(6) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1880-81.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1881.
(7) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1881-82.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1882.
(8) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1883.Simla, Government central branch press, 1883.
(9) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1884.Simla, Government central branch press, 1884.
9 parts in 1 volume. Folio. Near contemporary red cloth. Full description
€ 6,500
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Gunboat diplomacy in China and Japan

OLIPHANT, Laurence. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59.
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1859. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 20 chromolithographed plates, 50 wood-engravings in text and 5 engraved folding maps. Contemporary gold-tooled green morocco, richly gold-tooled spine. XIV, 492; XI, [1 blank], 496 pp. Full description
€ 1,200
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Illustrated collection of Dutch sea voyages for children

OOSTKAMP, Jan Antonie. De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1594. Voor de vaderlandsche jeugd, ... Met platen.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck; Leeuwarden, Gerard Tjaard Nicolaas Suringar, 1825. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a letterpress half-title and engraved title-page with a vignette showing a Dutch sailing ship, and 7 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary half cloth, spines with letterpress title labels. VI, [2], 224; [6], 200 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Regulations concerning the sale of arsenicum

[ORDINANCE - PHARMACY]. Reglement vervattende een ordre, waar na een ieder zig in het verkoopen van rottekruit ten platten lande in deesen geheelen furstendom en graafschap zal moeten gedraagen.
Arnhem, widow of Hendrik van Goor, 1772. 4to. With a woodcut coat-of-arms on title-page. Bound as sewn. 15, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 250
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The VOC, fearing competition in Southeast Asia, protests against the building
of a large frigate - the St. Louis - in Amsterdam for a French trading company
(rare first and only known edition)

[VOC]. THOU, Jacques Auguste du. Continuatie van klaghte van den ambassadeur van Vranckryck, ende hoe het daer mede gelegen is, volgens de respectieve advijsen van de admiraliteyt, ende van de bewinthebbers van de Oost-Indische Compagnie.
[Copy imprint:] "Naer de Copye, 1660." [1660 or shortly after]. 4to. With Du Thous complaint/request in the original French, a Dutch reaction from the admiralty and the VOCs request to the States General to reject Du Thous request. Set in roman and textura types. Modern brown wrappers with a printed label on the front wrapper. [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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A pamphlet attacking Nicolaes Muys van Holys attempt to tax and contain gambling
with the stocks of the East and West India Companies

[VOC & WIC - TAXATION]. Consideratien tot wederlegginge van de voorstellingen door de Heer Mr. Nicolaes Muys van Holy, opgestelt in zyne Memorie. Om de Negotie van Oost en West Indische actien te beswaren met een impost, ende in zyn nader geschrift van oplossinge van de difficulteiten, die hy segt bye enige gemaakt te zyn, tegens de selve memorie.
[1687]. 4to. With a woodcut initial. 19th-century brown paper wrappers. 12 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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