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History, Law & Philosophy

Large chart of European countries and their royal or noble families

[HERALDIC CHART - EUROPE]. SPECHT, Caspar. Historische en geographische tafel om te leren een kort begrip vande landen en staaten in Europa haar grootheyd, besitting en alles dat tot onderricht der liefhebbers van de landbeschryvinge dienen kan.
Amsterdam, Reinier and Joshua Ottens, [before 1750]. Engraved chart (47.5 x 57 cm) printed on a single sheet of paper (51.5 x 64 cm), coloured by hand, including several coats of arms. Full description
€ 250
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Rare German translation of Speelman's expedition against the Kingdom of Makassar

[SPEELMAN, Cornelis Janszoon]. Journal, oder kurtze Erzehlung des Anfangs, Fort- und Aussgangs des Krieges, welcher zwischen dem König und mehrerer Regierunge des Reichs Macassar und der Oost-Indischen Compagnie der Vereinigten Niederlanden in den Jahren 1666, 1668 und 1669 geführet worden.
Hamburg, Gottfried Schulken, 1670. 4to. Disbound, preserving the original endpapers. [18] ll. Full description
€ 3,250
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A bestseller of illustrated 17th-century travel literature, probably printed by Izaak Elzevier

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Jacob Le MAIRE. Miroir Oost & West-Indical, auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations, faictes es années 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. & 1618.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius [printed by Izaak Elzevier?], 1621. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 23 cm). With 24 (of 25) engraved plates, including 5 double-page and 10 larger folding. Modern vellum. [4], 172 pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Important early voyages to the East Indies and the impetus for the discovery of Australia

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Steven van der HAGEN. Historis journael van de voyages gedaen met 3 schepen uyt Zeelant naer d'Oost-Indien onder het beleyt van den Commandeur Joris van Spilbergen, sijn eerste reyse. Inden jare 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, als meede beschryvinge vande tweede voyage ghedaen met 12 schepen na d'oost-Indien onder den Admirael Steven vander Hagen.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With a relatively large woodcut illustration of two ships on the title-page, a folding engraved plate showing six scenes of Spilbergen's journey and experiences in the East, a woodcut tail-piece, and 2 woodcut decorated initials. Set in textura types with incidental roman and italic. Modern brown calf. 96 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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9 drawings of magnificent triumphal arches and funeral biers erected in Siena for its leading family and for the Grand Duke of Toscany Cosimo III de Medici and his wife and son

[SPLENDID CEREMONIES]. [Triumphal arches and catafalques (elaborate funeral biers) erected in the years 1715, 1721-1723 and 1737].
[Sienna, ca. 1728, with 1 addition ca. 1737]. Folio (ca. 29 x 21 cm). 8 original drawings in black ink with ink washes plus 1 additional line drawing of a catafalque added about a decade later. Never bound, but formerly sewn. ll. 28-31, 34-37. Full description
€ 9,500
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Religious festivities in the Southern Netherlands

[SPLENDID CEREMONY - MECHELEN]. Prael-treyn verrykt door ry-benden, praelwagens, zinne-beelden en andere oppronkingen...
Mechelen, J.F. vander Elst, [1775?].
(2) [SPLENDID CEREMONY - BRUSSELS]. Beschryvinge van de ry-bende ofte cavalcade..
Brussels, J. vanden Berghen, [1770].
(3) [MEYER, Jean Thomas]. Beschryvinge van het zeven honderdjaerig jubilé van den heyligen Macarius...
Ghent, Jean Meyer, [1767].
3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Ad 1 with an engraved coat of arms, an engraved headpiece, and 16 engraved plates (including 14 folding). Ad 2 with 5 numbered folding engraved plates. Ad 3 with 15 mostly folding engraved plates, including one large folding plate showing fireworks (36.5 x 48 cm). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [12], 34 [= 38]; 36; [8], XII, 84 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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A prosecutors enquiry into the traumatic 1796 Dutch capitulation
at Saldanha Bay near the Cape of Good Hope

SPOORS, Jakob. Rapport van Jakob Spoors, als fiscaal van den Hoogen Zee-krygsraad, omtrend het gedrag van den capitein Engelbertus Lucas en verdere commandanten der schepen behoord hebbende tot het esquader in den jaare 1796. Naar de Oost-Indien gedestineerd; benevens de resolutie en sententie ten deze door den Hoogen Zee Krygsraad genomen en geslagen.
The Hague, 's Lands-Drukkery, 1798. 8vo. With the woodcut great seal of the Batavian Republic - the French-dominated republican government of the Netherlands from 1795 to 1806 - on the title-page (an allegorical female figure representing Freedom, with spear and freedom hat and with her hand on a book on a stand, next to the Dutch lion holding a Dutch flag). Modern blue cloth, title in gold on spine, new endpapers. [2], 151, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The great pragmatic history of medicine in the final edition overseen by its author

SPRENGEL, Kurt. Versuch einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Arzneykunde.
Halle, Gebauerschen Buchhandlung, 1821-1828. 5 volumes bound as 6. 8vo. With 4 engraved frontispieces. Contemporary dark gray paste-paper boards, with letterpress title-labels on spine. [10], 638, [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], IV, 762, [2]; X, 613, [3]; IV, 635, [1]; [2], XVI, 481, [1]; [1], [1 blank], [483]-969, [1] pp. Full description
€ 450
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The Hadhramaut in Southern Arabia through the eyes and camera lens of Freya Stark

STARK, Freya. Seen in the Hadhramaut.
London, John Murray, 1938. 4to. With the title-page in red and black, 1 map of the Hadhramaut titled: "Seen in the Hadhramaut", and 50 double sided plates. The plates are included in the pagination. Blue cloth with black lettering on front cover and spine. With dust jacket. XXIII, [1 blank], 199, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Specification of the cease-fire with Spain

[STATES GENERAL - COPYE]. Copye vande Brieven der Heeren Generale Staten vande Gheunieerde Provintien. Gheschreven aen den Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, ofte haere E. Ghecommitteerde Raden. Inhoudende de Limiten hoe verre den Stilstandt van Wapenen te Water ende te Lande is streckende.
Delft, Jan Andriesz., [1607/08]. Small 4to. With a woodcut rampant lion holding a sword within a garden fence (symbolizing the Dutch Republic) surrounded by a wreath, and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern plain paper wrappers. [4] pp. Full description
€ 400
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