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History, Law & Philosophy

Third copy located of an enormous broadside proclamation by the French Republican government in Cairo in French and Arabic, intended for posting on public walls

MENOU, Jacques-François ("Abdallah") de Boussay de. Proclamation aux habitans de lEgypte.
Cairo, Imprimerie Nationale, 6 brumaire an 9 [28 October 1800 CE]. Folio (141 x 42.5 cm). Five small oblong sheets, printed in French and Arabic in parallel columns, pasted together one above the other to form a single long broadside. Full description
€ 25,000
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The most important early Dutch book on hunting

MERULA, Paulus. Placaten ende ordonnancien op 't stuck vande wildernissen.
The Hague, Beuckel Cornelisz. Nieulandt, 1605. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31 x 20 cm). With attractive engraved title-page (showing Diana, goddess of the hunt, a hunter and a falconer surrounding an elaborate cartouche together with hounds, birds of prey, and prey) and 2 double-page woodcut plates showing the castles of Teylingen and Warmond. Contemporary vellum. [24], 264; 124; 59, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Extremely rare engraved illustrated report of a 1.5 kilo hail stone

[METEOROLOGY - HAIL STONE]. Abbildung der Größe, u. ganz besondern Farbe der 6 Zoll langen, u. 3 Zoll diken Schlossen, von 2. bis 3. ll. schwer welche d. 13. August. 1802. . ..
Nuremberg, Fr[au] Kraerin, Fr[au]. Daucherin, [1802]. 4to (20.5×17.5 cm). Engraved print on laid paper, coloured by a contemporary hand as published. Mounted on a piece of paper (ca. 1926?). [1] leaf. Full description
€ 1,950
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The first contemporary history of the Netherlands. In the first Latin edition, with a rare portrait of the author

METEREN, Emanuel van. Historia Belgica nostri potissimum temporis Belgii sub quatuor Burgundis & totidem Austriacis principibus coniunctionem & gubernationem breviter. Turbas autem, bella et mutationes tempore regis Philippi, Carli V. Caesaris filii, ad annum usque 1598. plenius complectens, conscripta.
[Cologne, A. Mylius, 1598]. Folio. With letterpress title-page in engraved border with scenes of trade and war (Verduyn, pl. XIV), additional engraved medallion portrait of the author mounted on blank back of title-page, by Hendrik Hondius the Elder, double-page engraved map of the Netherlands, by Frans Hogenberg and 22 engraved portraits on 19 plates. Contemporary vellum. [8], "623" [= 643], [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Splendidly bound history of France written by the king's historiographer

MEZERAY, Francois Eudes de. Abregé chronologique de l'histoire de France. ... Divisé en six tomes.
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1673-1674. With engraved frontispiece-title in the style of Romeyn de Hooghe and full-page engraved portrait of Louis XIV by A. Zylevelt in volume 1, 61 engraved portraits of French rulers in text.
With: (2) MEZERAY, Francois Eudes de. Histoire de France avant Clovis.
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1688. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece-title in the style of Romeyn de Hooghe. 2 works in 7 volumes. 12mo. Uniform polished, crushed, gold-tooled red morocco by the leading Brussels bookbinder Charles DE SAMBLANX (1855-1943). Full description
€ 2,750
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Extensive work on Mosaic law, with a section on Arabian horses

MICHAELIS, Johann David. Mosaïsch recht, of de ziel der wetten van Moses; ...
Including: Byvoegsels en verbeteringen op het Mosaïsch recht, ... achter aan eenige byzonderheden over de oudste geschiedenisse der paarden en stoeteryen in Palaestine en de nabuurige landen, in zonderheid Aegypten en Arabien.
Haarlem, Jan van Walré, 1781-1782 (parts 1-2); Jan Bosch, 1774-1776 (parts 3-6), 1778 (part 7). 7 parts in 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary, uniform half calf, gold-tooled spines. [12] 346; [14], 464; [10], 259, [1 blank]; [8], 414, [2 blank]; [8], 342; [2], CXXXII, 322, [4]; [6], 210, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Abbreviated rare edition of one of the most important pamphlets concerning the dispute
between the shareholders and the management of the Dutch VOC

[VOC - MIDDELGEEST, Simon van]. Den vervaerlijcken Oost-Indischen eclipsis vertoont aende Vereenichde Provincien door de participanten van d' Oost-Indische Compagnie. Met een oodtmoedich beklach aen de hoogh moghende heeren Staten: over de groote abuysen ende disordren deser Compagnie, mits de groote swaricheden die uyt dese te verwachten staen.
[1625]. Small 4to. With a small woodcut on the title-page. Modern half red faux snake-skin, new endpapers and paste-downs. 19, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Enormous panoramic Middle Eastern view with ruins, nearly 6 metres long

[VIEW - MIDDLE EAST]. [Mountainous landscape with Middle Eastern and classical Roman ruins, 6 shepherds with their flocks, several figures riding dromedaries and one riding a donkey, (date?) palms, lakes, etc.].
[Palestine?, ca. 1910?]. An enormous panoramic view drawn in coloured gouaches on a single, continuous roll of paper (70 x 583 cm), the drawing running to the edges of the paper. Full description
€ 35,000
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