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History, Law & Philosophy

Early humanist edition of Lactantius' most important works, printed in Venice

LACTANTIUS, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus and Giovanni Andrea BUSSI) (editor) [and others]. Opera [and additional works].
(1) LACTANTIUS, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. De divinis institutionibus
(2) LACTANTIUS, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. De ira Dei.
(3) LACTANTIUS, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. De opificio Dei.
(4) LACTANTIUS, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. De phoenice carmina.
(5) LACTANTIUS, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. [Epitome divinarum institutionem]. Nephytomon.
Additional works:
(6) RAUDENSIS, Antonius. [Lactantii Firmiani errata].
(7) GENUENSIS, Adam. His carminibus frater Adam Genuensis increpat fratrem Antonium. [Incipit:] Hic male corripuit stolidis Antonius aussis.
(8) BUSSI, Giovanni Andrea. Ioannis Andreae episcopi Aleriensis ad Paulum secundum Venetum pontificem maximum epistola.
(9) OVIDIUS, Publius Naso. Metamorphoses (extract).
(10) ALIGHIERI, Dante. Comedia, inferno XXV (extract).
(11) FORTUNATUS, Venantius. [De christi resurrectione]. [Incipit:] Lactantii fir. de resurrectio[n]is dominicae die/ [S]alve festa dies toto venerabilis aevo.
(Colophon:) Venice, Theodorus de Ragazonibus, 1390 [=1490]. 5 works and 6 additional texts in 1 volume. Folio. The text is set in Roman type with some incidental Greek.20th-century goatskin parchment, with the author and title stamped on the spine with black foil, the name of the author added in manuscript on the bottom edge of the book block. [1 blank], [147] ll. Full description
€ 6,000
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Freeing Christian slaves in Algiers and Tunis in 1720

[LA FAYE, Jean Baptiste de]. Voyage pour la redemption des captifs, aux royaumes d'Alger et de Tunis. Fait en 1720. Par les PP. François Comelin, Philemon de la Motte, & Joseph Bernard de l'Ordre de la sainte Trinité, dits Mathurins.Including: La tradition de l'eglise.
Paris, Louis-Anne Sevestre and Pierre-François Giffart, 1721. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece portrait of Louis XV, engraved by P.F. Giffart, folding engraved plate of the court of the Dey (Regent) of Algiers, and a regular engraved plate in the second part. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [8], 169, [1 blank]; [10], LX, 306, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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Colour-printed emblematic polemics for and against war with the Ottoman Empire

[LA HAYE, Jean de]. Peristromata Turcica, sive dissertatio emblematica, praesentem Europae statum ingeniosis coloribus repraesentans.
(2) [HARSDÖRFFER, Georg Philipp]. Germania deplorata, sive relatio, qua pragmatica momenta belli pacisque expenduntur.
(3) [MILAG, Martin]. Aulaea Romana, contra Peristromata Turcica expansa: sive dissertatio emblematica, concordiae Christianae omen repraesentans.
(4) [Anonymous French critic of Cardinal RICHELIEU]. Gallia deplorata, sive relatio, de luctuoso bello, quod rex Christianissimus contra vicinos populos molitur.
[Nürnberg, Wolfgang Endter] (ad 1 with a false colophon: Paris, Toussaint du Bray), [each title-page with a chronogram:] 1641 (ads 1-2, 4) & 1642 (ad 3). 4 editions published together in 1 volume. 4to. With 4 letterpress title-pages in red and black, each with the date in a chronogram, 2 engraved title-plates plus 12 full-page engraved emblematic illustrations, all on integral leaves, each with a small plate nested in a larger plate (7 in the Peristromata with a varying rectangular central plate in dark blue or black and the same outer plate of a Persian carpet in orange; 7 in the Gallia with a varying oval central plate and the same outer plate representing peace with the palm tree in a landscape device of the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft and a border representing war with military attributes). Further with 5 woodcut head- and tailpieces (plus 8 repeats), 21 "woodcut" decorated initials (5 series, at least some actually metal castings made from woodcuts) plus 8 repeats, and cast vine-leaf ornaments, acorns and other fleurons. Set in roman and italic types with incidental Greek and Hebrew. Light brown calf (ca. 1820?) by Charles Murton (ca. 1795?-ca. 1860?) in London, with his stamp on the front paste-down, sewn on 5 cords, gold-tooled spine with black morocco label, gold thick-thin fillets on boards, gold-tooled board edges, blind-tooled turn-ins, curl-marbled endpapers (white, red, blue, yellow and blue-green in that order), and an orange silk ribbon marker. 46, [1], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 34; 64; 51, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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History of Dutch America

LAMBRECHTSEN, Nicolaas Cornelis. Korte beschrijving van de ontdekking en der verdere lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland, weleer eene volkplanting van het gemeenebest der Vereenigde Nederlanden in America.
Middelburg, S. van Benthem, 1818. 8vo. With a large folding map (plate size 54.5 x 42 cm). Contemporary paper wrappers, with parts of the publisher's original printed-paper spine. [6], 102, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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The pre-Islamic coinage of the Arabs

LANGLOIS, Victor. Numismatique des Arabes avant l'islamisme.
Paris, C. Rollin and Druand; London, J. Curt (colophon and back of half-title: printed by Pommeret and Moreau, Paris), 1859. 4to. With 4 numbered engraved plates and 1 lithographed "bis" plate. Publisher's letterpress printed paper wrappers. XII, 158 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Around the world in 1180 days, with 2 folding maps and 31 steel-engraved views

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre Théodore. Campagne de circumnavigation de la frégate l'Artémise, pendant les annéees 1837, 1838, 1839 et 1840, ... Tome premier[-sixième].
Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1841-1854. 6 volumes. 8vo. With 2 large folding engraved maps and 31 steel-engraved views. With the maps coloured in outline or partly coloured, and with the routes indicated and coloured. Contemporary boards, covered with the publisher's original green printed paper. XXXIX, [1 blank], 343, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 467, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 548, [1], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 464, [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], III, [1 blank], 542, [2]; [3], [1 blank], 400 pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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Algeria and its notorious pirates

LAUGIER DE TASSY, Jacques Philippe. Beschryving van het koningryk en de stadt Algiers, met den tegenwoordigen staat dier regeeringe, landt- en zeemagt, inkomsten, staatswetten, werreltlyk recht en koophandel.
Including: Lyst der schepen, welke sedert den 24 december 1715, tot het einde des jaars 1724 door de Algiersche roovers van den staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden genomen zyn.
Amsterdam, Marten Schagen, 1725. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved title-page, folding engraved map of Algeria, folding engraved view and a folding engraved bird's eye view of Algiers. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled boards, gold-tooled board edges. [16], “300” [=298], [16] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Very rare and important account of Punjab before the Anglo-Sikh War, printed in Delhi

LAWRENCE, Henry Montgomery. Some passages in the life of an adventurer in the Punjab. Originally published in the Delhi Gazette.
Delhi, Gazette Press, by Kunniah Lall, 1842. 8vo. With a loosely inserted letterpress printed "Note by the publishers" declaring that in hindsight the publisher would have preferred this edition in larger dimensions and in 2 volumes, but the printer lacked understanding of "the art of book printing". Also included is a manuscript note with bibliographical information relating to Indian printing. Contemporary half red roan with gold-tooled title on spine, marbled sides. [IV], [III], 275 pp. Full description
€ 5,250
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