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History, Law & Philosophy

German translation of Euclid's "Elements"

EUCLID and Lucas BRUNN (translator). Elementa practica. Oder Ausszug aller Problematum und Handarbeiten auss den 15. Büchern Euclidis. Allen und jeden, des uhralten geometrischen nutzlichen Gebrauch, dess Cirkels Liebhabern ...
Nürnberg, Simon Halbmayer, [1625]. 4to. With the title set in an engraved border, and numerous woodcut mathematical figures in text. Contemporary limp vellum. [8], 92 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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First edition of nearly all Euripides plays, in Aldus's best and last Greek, type:
Thomas More's fictional hero gave a copy to the Utopians in 1516!

EURIPIDES. [Title in Greek then Latin:] Tragoediae septendecim [recté octodecim], ex quib[us]. quaedam habent commentaria. & sunt hae. Hecuba[,] Orestes[,] Phoenissae[,] Medea[,] Hippolytus[,] Alcestis[,] Andromache[,] Supplices[,] Iphigenia in Aulide[,] Iphigenia in Tauris[,] Rhesus[,] Troades[,] Bacchae[,] Cyclops[,] Heraclide[,] Helena[,] Ion[, Hercules furens].
(Colophon to each volume: Venice, Aldus Manutius, February 1503). 2 volumes. 8vo. With Aldus's anchor device on the last page of each volume, printed in Aldus's beautiful Greek type.Matching limp vellum (made from 2 leaves from a ca. 1560/70? Spanish legal manuscript), constructed or reconstructed ca. 1900. [268]; [190] ll. Full description
€ 40,000
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Rare document of National Socialist industrial imperialism in Eastern Europe

[FABRICS - NATIONAL SOCIALISM - KRONE]. Anilinovi boi za vulna, poluvulna, pamuku i izk[ustvena] koprina. [Aniline dyes for wool, blended wool fabric and cotton].
Sofia & Cherven Bryag, Alexander & Stoyan P. Darakchiev, [1938?]. With 256 well-preserved wool yarn and fabric samples showing a wide range of colours of aniline dyes, solidly mounted on thick cardboard. Original publishers gold-stamped black cloth with the "Krone" logo on the front board and title and publisher on the front board and spine. 26 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Erotic artefacts from the secret cabinet of the King of Naples, with 60 coloured plates

[FAMIN, Cesar]. Musée Royal de Naples, peintures, bronzes et statues érotiques du Cabinet Secret.
Paris, Abel Ledoux (back of half-title: printed by Everat), 1836. 4to. With engraved frontispiece and 60 numbered engraved plates by A. Delvaux, all coloured by a contemporary hand and some printed in colour a la poupée. Contemporary green half sheepskin. [4], XXX, [2], 159, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The division of Oregon Country between Britain and the United States of America

FÉDIX, P.A. L'Orégon et les côtes de l'Océan Pacifique du Nord, aperçu géographique, statistique et politique, avec une carte du pays d'après les documens les plus récens.
Paris, Librairie de Amyot (printed by Éd. Proux et Cie), 1846. 8vo. With a large folding map (40 x 52.5 cm) depicting what the United States called Oregon Country, dated 1846 and partly coloured in outline. Modern maroon half morocco. 258 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Collected literary works of the most famous professor of the 17th-century University of Padua

FERRARI, Ottavio. Prolusiones vigintisex. Epistolae. Et formulae ad capienda doctoris insignia. Item variae inscriptiones. Editio altera auctior & emendatior.
Padua, heirs of Paolo Frambotti, 1668. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With a general title-page and a volume 2 title-page, the former printed in red and black, each with the woodcut device of the printer-publisher Frambotti (Pallas Athena standing next to a tree with a scroll reading "Pacis opus"); some interesting woodcut head- and tailpieces. 19th-century gold-tooled green morocco, each board with the coat of arms of Gomez de la Cortina in a frame of double fillets. [12], 579; [8], 144 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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