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Europe / Germany

50 (mostly military) costumes in colour

[JESSEN, Heinrich]. [Trachten aus Alt-Hamburg].
[Hamburg, B.S. Berendsohn, Wilhelm Jowien, and others], [ca. 1850]. 8vo. With 50 hand-coloured full-page plates (ca. 20 x 12.5 cm) highlighted with egg-white, (44 lithographs, 3 engravings, 3 wood-engravings), including 33 after drawings by Heinrich Jessen. Contemporary blind-stamped decorated red cloth, front board with title lettered in gold. [50] plates. Full description
€ 1,250
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Travels through the Middle East, India and Europe, with 34 woodcut illustrations, including several trees

LA BOULLAYE LE GOUZ, Francois de. Les voyages et observations du sieur de la Boullaye-le-Gouz gentil-homme Angevin...
Paris, Francois Clousier, 1653. 4to. With a woodcut and an engraved author's portrait, 34 woodcut illustrations in text, including several full-page, and some woodcut initals, head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [16], 540, [10], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Journal of a 1674/75 overland voyage through India, Iran, Iraq and Syria to Amsterdam

LEEUWENSON, Joannes (Pieter Arend LEUPE, ed. & intro.). Eene overlandreis uit Indië naar Nederland, in 1674-1675.
[Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1863]. 8vo. Offprint, retaining the original pagination and collation, of an article in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, 6 (1863). 20th-century stiff paper wrappers, with a printed label on the front. pp. [89], 90-142. Full description
€ 1,250
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96 letters from Dutch diplomats throughout Europe, 1715-1729

[LETTERS - DIPLOMATIC]. [Official contemporary copies of incoming diplomatic correspondence to the Dutch government in The Hague from Dutch ambassadors, envoys, diplomatic residents and others in Vienna, Graz, Schaffhausen, Turin, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Moscow, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dresden, Regensburg, Warsaw, Grodno, Maastricht, The Hague, Brussels and Ostend].
[The Hague], letters dated 26 January-17 December 1715 and 7 November 1725-22 November 1729. Folio (32.5 x 20.5 cm). 96 letters clearly written in dark brown ink on paper, 84 in Dutch and 12 in French, mostly in a Latin hand (the Dutch ones from 1715 in a semi-gothic hand). Loose leaves in a modern portfolio. [96] letters ([138] written pp. on [97] ll.). Full description
€ 8,500
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Very rare pocket atlas of the Rhineland, owned by the commander of the Buffs
during the Battle of Fontenoy and containing the original entry in his ledger

L'ISLE (DELISLE), Guillaume, and others. Le flambeau de la guerre allumee au Rhin; representee en 36 nouvelles cartes geographiques, ... = De fakkel des oorlogs ontstoken aan den Rhyn; verbeeld in 36 nieuwe geographische landkaarten, ...
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk II, 1735. 8vo. With a double-page engraved title, two double-page engraved pages of text in Dutch and French, a folding engraved map and 36 double-page engraved maps; all coloured by hand. Original publisher's red sheepskin with a flap and wrapping band. Full description
€ 7,500
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On German mushrooms, mosses, cereals and grasses, with 111 hand-coloured engraved plates

LÖBE, William. Die Getreidearten und Hülsenfrüchte. Aus Deutschlands Landwirthschaftlicher Flora.
Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 28 hand-coloured engraved plates and 2 engraved plates.
(2) LÖBE, William. Die Gräser der Wiese und des Waldes. Aus der Landwirthschaftlichen Flora.
Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 19 (of 21) hand-coloured engraved plates.
(3) EBBINGHAUS, Julius. Die Pilze und Schwämme Deutschlands. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Anwendbarkeit als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel, so wie auf die Nachtheile derselben.Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 32 hand-coloured engraved plates.
(4) REDSLOB, Julius. Die Moose und Flechten Deutschlands. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung auf Nutzen und Nachtheile dieser Gewächse.Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 32 hand-coloured engraved plates. 4 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary half calf. [8], 54; VI, 72; [6], VIII, 64; [4], 96 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Attractive 15th-century prayer book, showing influences of the Cult of Saint Joseph

[MANUSCRIPT - PRAYER AND HYMN BOOK - LATIN]. [Devotionarium].[Incipit leaf 2r:] Or[ati]o deuota q[ue] debet dici[t] i[n] ficem diei ante dormitione[m].
[Northern Germany(?), 15th century]. 8vo. Written in Latin on relatively thin parchment (leaf 11.5 x 8.5 cm, text block 7.8 x 5.2 cm), in a gothic hand in one column of 17 lines per page using black/dark brown ink. The manuscript is rubricated throughout, with a 3-line red and blue initial at the start of each part, and 2- or 1-line lombards, alternating in red and blue, at the start of each smaller section, ruled in pencil. Early 19th-century(?) gold-tooled vellum showing a gold-tooled floral frame on both boards, with a leather closing tie on the front, gold-tooled board eges, gilt edges. [131] ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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Charming 16mo German manuscript prayerbook in contemporary blind-tooled pigskin

[MANUSCRIPT - PRAYERBOOK]. [1st rubric:] Form zu betten unser liebe[n] frawen mantel, Gebet. [incipit:] Cegrüest seiestu o süesse aller heiligste junckfraw maria ...
[Ravensburg?], [ca. 1670]. Small 16mo in 8s (10 x 8.5 x 4 cm; leaf: 9 x 7.5 cm). German manuscript in red and black ink on paper, written in an upright, semi-cursive gothic hand, with so-called lombardic initials in red, rubricated throughout. With 11 lines per page, text block 7 x 5.5 cm. Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over bevelled wooden (beechwood?) boards, sewn on 3 double supports, In total more than 100 impressions of about 9 stamps. Further with 2 strap fastenings with brass clasps (each with an owners(?) stamp: 1.5 mm roman capital initials "LH" above a 3 mm head in profile, facing right), catchplates and anchor plates, plain headbands, blue edges. With 27 mm roman capital initials "BR" in brown ink on the foot edge. [423], [3 blank] pp. plus 3 endleaves at the front and 5 at the back. Full description
€ 8,500
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