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Europe / France, Greece & Italy

Fine untrimmed copy of a pilot guide, with coloured maps and aquatint profiles

BOUGARD, René and John Thomas SERRES. The little sea torch: or, true guide for coasting pilots.
London, J. Debrett for the "author" [Serres], G. & W. Nicol, et al. [printed by T. Rickaby], 1801. Large folio (47 x 30 cm). With 20 numbered aquatint plates containing 137 coastal profiles, and 12 partly numbered engraved plates containing 24 maps of port cities, harbours, islands and the Strait of Gibraltar. All coastal profiles and maps beautifully and subtly coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary boards. VI, 144, [5] pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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The avifauna of Dauphiné, with 72 lithographed plates

BOUTEILLE, Hippolyte and M. de LABATIE. Ornithologie du Dauphiné ou description des oiseaux observés dans les départements de l'Isère, de la Drome, des Hautes-Alpes et les contrées voisines.
Grenoble, for the author and "les principaux libraires de la ville", by F. Allier, 1843[-1844]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 72 lithographed plates by C. Pégeron after Victor Desirée Cassien, and a large folding table. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. 416; 358, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 900
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The avifauna of Dauphiné, with 72 lithographed plates on china paper

BOUTEILLE, Hippolyte and M. de LABATIE. Ornithologie du Dauphiné ou description des oiseaux observés dans les départements de l'Isère, de la Drome, des Hautes-Alpes et les contrées voisines.
Grenoble, for the author and "les principaux libraires de la ville", by F. Allier, 1843[-1844]. 2 volumes bound as 1. Royal 8vo (27 x 18.5 cm). With 72 mounted lithographed plates by C. Pégeron after Victor Desirée Cassien, printed on china paper, and a large folding table. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. 416; 358, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Well-illustrated study of the coins of ancient France, large paper copy

BOUTEROUE D'AUBIGNY, Claude. Recherches curieuses des monoyes de France depuis le commencement de la monarchie.
Paris, Edme Martin, 1666. Large folio (42 x 27.5 cm). With title-page with engraved allegorical illustration by N. Bonnart (including a minting press), and numerous engravings in text incl. 7 full-page (on pp. 336, 342, 349, 354, 359, 364 and 370). Contemporary mottled calf (ca. 1693), richly gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges; and each board with the (later) gold-tooled British Royal arms in the form used in Scotland 1801-1816, encircled by the inscription, "The Society of Writers to the Signet" (that is the Signet Library in Edinburgh; stamp 3, ca. 1815). [16], 398, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Crossing the Atlantic between France and Brazil in the 19th-century: a manuscript decree detailing the establishment of an ocean liner service

[BRAZIL]. D'ORLEANS, Louis-Philippe. [MANUSCRIPT]. Ordonnance du Roi qui prescrit la publication de la convention relative à l'établissement d'un service de paquebots à vapeur entre la France et le Brésil.
Neuilly, 21 May 1844. Small folio (31.5 x 20 cm). Written in French in a very neat calligrapher's cursive. Sewn through 2 holes with a blue ribbon, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The first childrens pop-up book (1831), in the original publishers binding the engraved title-page and all 12 plates with moving parts and beautifully hand-coloured for the publisher

BRÈS, Jean-Pierre. Le livre-joujou.
Paris, Louis Janet, [24 December 1831]. Large 16mo in 8s (14.5 x 11 cm). With a letterpress title-page, an engraved title-page and 12 engraved plates, the engraved title-page and all plates with movable parts (moved with tabs), all 13 engravings and their movable parts hand-coloured for the publisher. Further with a wide variety of decorated types. Publishers original gold-tooled black half sheepskin, original publishers blue paper sides, printed letterpress, the front and back with the same cover-title, with a wood-engraved vignette, marbled edges. [2 blank], “11” [= 6], vii, [1], 157, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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The greatest map of Paris, 240 x 316 cm, here with the 20 sheets and key map bound as an atlas
in contemporary gold-tooled morocco with the Paris city arms

BRETEZ, Louis. Plan de Paris commencé l'année 1734. Dessiné et gravé, sous les ordres de Messire Michel Etienne Turgot, Marquis de Sousmons ... Achevé de graver en 1739.
[Paris, 1739]. Grand-Aigle folio (56 x 45.5 cm). An enormous engraved map of Paris in 20 numbered sheets plus a key map, at a scale of about 1:2000, each segment measuring 55 x 84 cm (plate size 51.5 x 80.5 cm; image 48 x 79 cm) which would give an assembled map with image size about 240 x 316 cm! The key map is slightly larger than the segments and folds out at the head. Bound as an atlas (but with segments 18 and 19, containing the cartouche, assembled to make a long fold-out) in contemporary gold-tooled red morocco, each board with as centrepiece the Paris coat of arms (a ship with chief a field of fleurs-de-lis). Full description
€ 15,000
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Five rare works by the Italian orthopaedist Lorenzo Bruni (1804-1848) bound together

BRUNI, Lorenzo. Sopra la sezione del tendine d'Achille e di qualche altro tendine come mezzo curativo dei piedi torti. Seconda edizione.
Naples, Filiatre Sebezio, 1845.
(2) IDEM. Agl'illustri scienziati del settimo congresso Italiano...
Naples, [Filiatre Sebezio?], 1845. With 2 double-page and 14 full-page lithographs.
(3) IDEM. Su i vantaggi che la ginnastica apporta al fisico al morale e a qualche malattia costituzionale.
Naples, Filiatre Sebezio, 1844.
(4) IDEM. Risultamenti clinici ottenuti nella sala ortopedica nell' ospedale di Santa Maria di Loreto in tutto l'anno del 1841.
Naples, Ministero di Stato degli affari interni, [1841]. With 4 folding lithographed plates.
(5) IDEM. Risultamenti clinici ottenuti nella sala ortopedica nell' ospedale di Santa Maria di Loreto in tutto l'anno del 1842.
Naples, Filiatre Sebezio, [1842]. With 3 lithographed plates, including 1 folding.
5 works in 1 vol. Super Royal (except ad 1 Demy) 8vo, mostly in 4s. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, marbled sides, gold- and black-tooled spine with title in 2nd of 5 fields. 24; [38]; 14, [2 blank]; [4], 24; [2], 43, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Complete first series (humans, mammalian quadrupeds, apes) of first edition of Buffon's seminal work

BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc. Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére, avec la description du cabinet du Roi.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1749-1767. 15 volumes. 4to. With engraved frontispiece portrait of Buffon, 19 engraved headpieces (with animals and putti), 2 folding maps ("Carte de l'ancien continent" and "Cart du nouveau continent"), 579 engraved plates (full-page and folding, including 1 unnumbered and 1 bis). Contemporary uniform mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. Full description
€ 5,000
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