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Europe / France, Greece & Italy

Molluscs from Agen and Aquitaine, presentation copy

GASSIES, Jean-Baptiste. Tableau méthodique et descriptif des Mollusques terrestres et d'eau douce de l'Agenais.
Paris, J.B. Baillière; Agen, J.B. Barrière, 1849. With 4 hand-coloured lithographed plates.
With: (2) GASSIES, Jean-Baptiste. Malacologie terrestre et d'eau douce de la région intra-littorale de l'Aquitaine.Paris, J.B. Baillère and F. Savy, 1867. With one lithographed plate. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, marbled endpapers. [4], 209, [4], [1 blank]; 30, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 250
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85 precise illustrations of the use of military arms and of French military uniforms in the 17th century

[GIFFART, Pierre]. L'art militaire françois, contenant l'exercice & le maniement des armes, tant des officiers que des soldats, réprésenté par des figures en taille-douce dessinées d'après nature. Avec un petit abregé d'exercice comme il se fait aujourd'hui. Dédié à Monseigneur le Marechal Duc de Boufflers.
"Paris" [printed in the Netherlands?], "Pierre Giffart" [publisher unknown], 1697. Small 8vo (16 x 10 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 85 full-page engraved illustrations (12 x 7.5 cm). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [14], 178 pp. Full description
€ 5,750
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Early and esteemed work on falconry, by the falconer of the Gonzagas' court in Mantua

GIORGI, Federico. Libro ... del modo di conoscere i buoni falconi, astori, e sparavieri, di farli, di governarli, et di medicarli, come nella tavola si puo vedere.
Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1547. 8vo. With Giorgi's woodcut phoenix printer's device on title-page and a stunning larger one at the end. Blue stiff paper wrappers (ca. 1800). 53, [2], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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The Paulus van Uchelen - Sir Andrew Fountaine copy,
finely bound for the former by Albert Magnus

GIUSTINIANI, Agostino de. Castigatissimi annali con la loro copiosa tavola della eccelsa et illustrissima Republica di Genoa, da fideli et approvati scritti accuratamente racolti.
Genoa, Antonio Bellone, 1537. Folio. Title-page in red and black with a woodcut device incorporating the coat of arms of Genoa supported by angels (the cross in the arms also printed in red), a large woodcut showing Saint George slaying the dragon on the back of the title-page; beautiful woodcut decorated initials (some pictorial) in the text (at least 5 series). Set in roman type, with the privilege line on the title-page in a larger rotunda gothic, and with 5 different vine-leaf ornaments. Gold-tooled strong ivory vellum (ca. 1674/89? ), bound by Albert Magnus for the Dutch book collector Paulo van Uchelen, sewn on 5 supports, each board gold-tooled with an outer frame of double fillets with very small, square cornerpieces, an inner frame of 2 double fillets with small cornerpieces within the 2 double fillets and a crown in each of the four corners of the inner frame. The gold-tooled spine contains a black label with a gold-tooled elephant at the head and just below a manuscript title. Red and brown sprinkled edges. [14], 282 ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Seven pamphlets on the Glorious Revolution and the Nine Years' War

[GLORIOUS REVOLUTION]. De Engelsche marsch; versien met allerlei soorten van nieuwe onvergelijkelijke verrekykers, en brillen. Vertonende den tegenwoordigen staat van alle Koninkrijken en landen van Europa. Met een korte verbeeldinge van de afkomste, het leven en de daden van Pater Peters; en een dispuit tusschen hem en een Engelsch Protestant.
Amsterdam, Cornelis Maertense, 1689.
(2) Twede deel van de Engelsche marsch, version met allerlei soorten van nieuwe onvergelijkelijke verrekykers en brillen... en een cathalogus van eenige koddige boekken die hy voor den Prins van Wallis heeft gekogt.
Amsterdam, Cornelis Maertense, 1689.
(3) Nieuwe geinventeerde brillen, voor alderhande gesichten, op de mode geslepen, op verscheyde slypsteenen.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(4) Nieuwe geinventeerde brillen, voor alderhande gesigten. Op de mode gesleepen, op verscheyde slypsteenen. Twede deel.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(5) De wonderlycke verrekyker siende in alle hoecken van de Europise werelt.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(6) De geest van Carel de V. verschenen aen Volkert, t'samenspraak houdende over de affaire van den tijd.
[Amsterdam?], 1688.
(7) De Franse quacksalver, of de boere klap beurs. Versien met veelderley koopluyden, of liefhebbers van alle nieuwe tydingen.
Groningen, Tjerk Velsen, 1689. 7 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary red half roan (sheepskin). 39, [1 blank]; 32; 24; 24; 24; 40; 38, [2 blank] p. Full description
€ 2,250
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18th-century colonial history of Mauritius, with an eye-witness account of the battle of Madras

GRANT, Charles, vicomte de VAUX and John Pope HENNESSY. Letters from Mauritius in the eighteenth century by Grant, Baron de Vaux including an account of Labourdonnais' capture of Madras.
Mauritius, printed for private circulation, 1886. 8vo. With a large, folding engraved map (43x59 cm). Contemporary half gold- and blind-tooled red calf, decorated (pseudo-marbled) paper sides. With the author and title lettered in gold on the spine. [2], X, 192, VI pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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3 militaria: on understanding the "human heart" of soldiers and on battles in the West Indies

GRASSE-TILLY, Francois Joseph Paul de. Memorie van den Graave de Grasse, betreffende de actien in de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
[Amsterdam?, 1782]. With 8 large folding engraved nautical nautical charts.
(2) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte schets over de noodzaaklykheid van de kennisse van het menschlyk hart voor een chef.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791.
(3) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte verklaringe van verscheidene actiën tusschen de Engelsche en Fransche vlooten, geduurende den laatsten oorlog. In de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791. With 21 folding engraved plates including nautical charts showing the French and English fleets near Grenada, Basseterre, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts and Santo Domingo on Hispaniola. 3 works in 1 volume. Royal 4to (29 x 23.5 cm). Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf. 55, [1 blank]; 27; [8], 25, [1], 5 pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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