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Early incunable from Augsburg with wonderful initials, a famous exegetic work by Holzinger who influenced Dante's "Purgatorio"

BONAVENTURA (pseudo) [= Conradus de SAXONIA]. Speculum beate Marie virginis: compilatum ab humili fratre Bonauentura.
Augsburg, Anton Sorg, 1476. Folio (26.5 x 21.2 cm). Set in a Gothic letter in 40 lines to the page, printed in 1 column. Rubricated throughout. With a large Maiblumen woodcut-initial and 16 smaller initials (of which 11 hand-coloured in red). Modern vellum, with a manuscript title on the spine. [48] ll. Full description
€ 17,500
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Souvenir album showing the Holy Land, Egypt, Athens and Venice in the second half of the 19th century

BONFILS, G. LEKEGIAN & CO, Brothers ZANGAKI, Collection MERLIN and Carlo NAYA. [Souvenir album with photographs of the Holy Land, Cairo, Athens and Venice].
[Palestine, Cairo, Athens, Venice, ca. 1890]. Oblong album (41.5 x 31 cm) containing 62 albumen prints, mostly 23 x 28 cm, with 2 smaller prints of ca. 16 x 28 and 5 large prints of 35.5 x 27 cm. Most of the photographs are numbered and captioned in French, and sometimes also in English, on the negative. Contemporary brown half morocco. [59], [11 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Beautiful contemporary hand-coloured copy of the very rare first edition of the first Spanish emblem book

BORJA, Juan de. Empresas morales ...
Prague, Georg Nigrin, 1581. 4to (17.8 x 13.6 cm). With a hand-coloured engraved title-page, incorporating the coat of arms of the dedicatee King Philip II of Spain, 100 hand-coloured engraved emblems, 2 hand-coloured woodcut decorated initials, and numerous woodcut ornamental tail-pieces throughout, all text and illustrations are set within a frame of double red lines. Contemporary overlapping limp vellum with the manuscript title on the spine and remnants of ties. [2], 101, [3] ll. Full description
€ 49,500
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First edition of a detailed description and illustration of the cities along the coasts of the Baltic Sea
in the context of the Crimean War

[BOSCHETTI, Ambrogio]. Il Mar Baltico e le sue coste descritti e illustrati con alcune carte geografiche topografiche ed orografiche per la guerre d'Oriente.
Triest, Colombo Coen, 1854. Large 4to (32.5 x 23.5 cm). With 1 folding map of the Baltic Sea as the frontispiece, 1 military plan of Kronstadt, 15 plates of Finnish, Swedish, Baltic and Russian cities, and 1 small illustration in the text on p. 58. Contemporary half brown cloth, grey paper sides, with the publishers front wrapper (for the "seconda edizione") printed letterpress on pink paper. 131, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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The first German edition of Boswell's Account of Corsica with a folding map

BOSWELL, James. Beschreibung von Corsica nebst vielen wichtigen Nachrichten und Anecdoten vom Pascal Paoli dem General der Corsen.
Leipzig, Caspar Fritsch, 1768. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved folding map of Corsica (29 x 44 cm). Contemporary paper-covered boards, spine with red title label lettered in gold, red edges. [14], 346 pp. Full description
€ 1,875
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Rare description of Mozambique in the 19th-century, written by a former captain general of the colony

BOTELHO, Sebastião Xavier. Memoria estatistica sobre os dominios Portuguezes na Africa oriental.
Lisbon, José Baptista Morando, 1835. 8vo. With six folding lithographic plates in the back, including maps of the Maputo, Inhambane, Quelimane and Mocambo bays, as well as a plan of its capital Maputo and a view of the residence of the Portuguese "capitão generales" (Captain-General) of Mozambique, a position which Botelho himself had held. Contemporary calf. [1], [1 blank], 400, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First modern treatise on oceanography, and a challenge to Machiavelli: rulers must be moral

BOTERO, Giovanni. Aggiunte fatte ... alla sua ragion di stato ove si tratta dell... con una relatione del mare.
2 [part 1]) Delleccellenze de gli antichi capitani libri due. ...
3 [part 4]) Dellagilita della forze del prencipe libri due. ...
4 [part 3]) Della riputatione del prencipe libri due. ...
5 [part 2]) Discorso della neutralita [del prencipe] ...
6 [part 5]) Discroso[!] intorno alla fortificatione ...
7 [part 6]) Relationi del mare ...
Rome, Giorgio Ferrari, 1598. A preliminary part and 6 text parts in one volume. 4to. With a general title-page and 6 part-titles. Set in an italic type (cut by Robert Granjon) with incidental roman. Sheepskin parchment (ca. 1700?). [22], [2 blank]; 72; 46, [2 blank]; 31, [1 blank]; 15, [1 blank]; 14, [2 blank]; 31, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,250
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Bottle made to look like a book, ca. 1830, with images of Benjamin Franklin and the distillery

[BOTTLE IN BOOK FORM]. Esprit de Francklin ... Le B[on].homme Richard.
Chalonnes sur Loire, Fremy frères, Bottrel et Cie., [ca. 1830]. Blown glass bottle made in the form of a book (15 x 10 x 3 cm plus 1.5 cm neck and lip). The "spine" is covered with gold-tooled red morocco, with 7 horizontal rolls dividing it into 5 fields plus a smaller 6th at the foot, the title and the French form of Franklin's pen-name in fields 3 and 4 and a decoration in fields 1, 3 and 5, the "boards" covered with paper, each with an lithographed rectangular decorative border enclosing an oval laurel wreath around an oval paper overlay with a lithographed view, that on the front board showing Benjamin Franklin and that on the back board showing a man in the distillery, each with accompanying texts above and below the wreath. The paper sides (but not their overlays) have a slight reddish cast. Full description
€ 9,500
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