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9 drawings of magnificent triumphal arches and funeral biers erected in Siena for its leading family
and for the Grand Duke of Toscany Cosimo III de Medici and his wife and son

[SPLENDID CEREMONIES]. [Triumphal arches and catafalques (elaborate funeral biers) erected in the years 1715, 1721-1723 and 1737].
[Sienna, ca. 1728, with 1 addition ca. 1737]. Folio (ca. 29 x 21 cm). 8 original drawings in black ink with ink washes plus 1 additional line drawing of a catafalque added about a decade later. Never bound, but formerly sewn. ll. 28-31, 34-37. Full description
€ 9,500
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A catalogue of medicines for sale at the Societas Pharmaceutica in London

STAPHORST, Nicolaus. Officina chymica Londinensis, sive exacta notitia medicamentorum spagyticorum, quae apud aulam Societatis Pharmaceuticae Londin. Praeparantur, & venalia prostant ... Editio tertia juxta exemplar Londini.
Jena, Christoph Cröckerus, 1701. 12mo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers over thin boards. [4], 68 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Specification of the cease-fire with Spain

[STATES GENERAL - COPYE]. Copye vande Brieven der Heeren Generale Staten vande Gheunieerde Provintien. Gheschreven aen den Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, ofte haere E. Ghecommitteerde Raden. Inhoudende de Limiten hoe verre den Stilstandt van Wapenen te Water ende te Lande is streckende.
Delft, Jan Andriesz., [1607/08]. Small 4to. With a woodcut rampant lion holding a sword within a garden fence (symbolizing the Dutch Republic) surrounded by a wreath, and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern plain paper wrappers. [4] pp. Full description
€ 400
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First account of the first official British diplomatic mission to China

STAUNTON, George Leonard. An authentic account of an embassy from the king of Great Britain to the emperor of China.
London, W. Bulmer and Co. for G. Nicol, 1798. 2 text volumes and 1 plate volume. 4to and folio plate volume. With 44 engraved plates in the atlas (1 folding map, 6 double-page plates and 37 full-page), 2 frontispieces in the text volumes (1 each), 1 full-page plate, and 25 vignettes in the text. Early 19th-century elaborately gold- and blind-tooled brown calf, with a red morocco title label and green morocco author and volume label on the spine, gold-tooled edges and turn-ins, marbled end papers. The atlas in gold-tooled half brown calf, with the same spine as the text volumes, marbled paper sides. [2], XXXIV, 518; [2], XX, 626 pp. + 44 plates. Full description
€ 18,000
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First edition of a local example of sericulture in Prussia under Frederick the Great

STEINBART, Johann Christian Anweisung zum Seidenbau, wie solcher auf das leichteste und vortheilhafteste zu treiben sey. Aus den richtigsten und zuverlässigsten, theils fremden, theils eigenen vieljährigen Erfahrungen des Züllichauischen Waysenhauses mitgetheilet.
Züllichau, R.S. Frommann, 1761. 8vo (17.5 x 10 cm). Contemporary wrappers, stapled. [12], 212 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Romantic travels in Germany, Switzerland and Italy

STOLBERG, Friedrich Leopold. Reis door Duitschland, Zwitserland, Italie en Sicilie. Uit het Hoogduitsch.
Amsterdam, J. Allart, 1798-1801. 4 vols. + atlas-vol. 8vo. With 19 folding engraved views by D. Vrijdag after the German originals, and 6 folding leaves with engraved musical scores. Contemporary half calf. XVI, 469, (1); 479, (1); 586, (2); 386, (2) pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Rare history of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire

STRADA À ROSBERG, Octavius de. Newe Keijser Chronick: das ist, warhaffte und vollkommene Beschreibung aller Römischen Keyser, so wol deren gegen Nider- als gegen Auffgang, von C. Julio Caesare, dem ersten Römischen Monarchen, biss auff jetztregierende Keyserl. May. Ferdinandum II. und das Jahr 1628 ...
Frankfurt am Main, Eberhard Kieser, 1629.
(2) IDEM. Continuation der Keyser Chronick, oder eigentliche, und wahrhaftige, historische Beschreibung der Leben unnd Thaten, beyder grossmächtigen Römischen Keyser, Matthiae I. und der jetznoch regierenden Keys. May. Ferdinandi II. Königen in Böhmen, &c. ...
Frankfurt am Main, Caspar Röteln for Eberhardt Kieser, 1628.
(3) IDEM. Genealogia, das ist, Geschlecht Register, oder Stammbaum, und Verzeichnusz aller Potentaten, Keyser, Königen, Ertzhertzogen und Fürsten ...
Frankfurt am Main, for Eberhard Kieser, 1629.
3 works in 1 volume. Folio. Ad 1: with the title set in a richly engraved border, a half page engraving of the coat-of-arms of the dedicatee Don Guillermo Verdugo on f. (2)r, and numerous engravings of coins with the portraits of the emperors in the text. Ad 2: with 10 engravings of both sides of coins in the text. Ad 3: with a large folding engraving (92 x 46.5 cm.) of the genealogical tree of the Dukes and Archidukes of Austria. With numerous woodcut decorated initials and woodcut head- and tail-pieces throughout.
(Near?) Contemporary mottled calf with a large gold-tooled armorial centre piece on both arms (with the letters "R. M. F." inside the coat-of-arms), a red morocco title-label lettered in gold on the gold-tooled spine, red and light blue sprinkled edges, marbled endpapers. [4], 596, [10], [2 blank]; 87, [1 blank]; 37, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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First Spanish edition of Strahlenberg’s work on the exploration of Russia and Northern Asia

STRAHLENBERG, Philipp Johann von and Josef Vicente TOMÁS Y CATALÁ (translator). Nueva descripcion geographica del imperio Ruso, en particular y en general de todas las provincias que componen aquel dilatado imperio, con muchas noticias historicas antiguas y modernas.
Valencia, Francisco Burguete, 1780. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. With a woodcut printers device on both title-pages (of part 1 and part 2) and two decorated initials (one at the start of each part). Contemporary vellum with ink-lettering to spine. [28], 188; [8], 237, [1] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Comparing Charlemagne and the French King Henri IV

STUCKI, Johann Wilhelm. Carolus Magnus redivivus, hoc est, Caroli Magni Germanorum, Gallorum, Italorum, et aliarum gentium monarchae potentissimi, cum Henrico M. Gallorum & Navarrorum rege florentissimo comparatio: utriusq[ue] regis historiam breviter complectens, quam regum & principum speculum possis appellare.
(Colophon: Zürich, Johann Wolf), 1592. Small 4to (19.5 x 15 cm). With a woodcut portrait of Charlemagne and Henry IV on title-page, two woodcut initials and a woodcut printer's device on the last leaf. 19th-century half calf, gold-tooled spine. 79, [1] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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The German flora in 15 volumes with more than 800 coloured images

STURM, Jacob [Ernst Hans Ludwig KRAUSE eds.]. Flora von Deutschland in Abbildungen nach der Natur. 1. Abteilung: Phanerogamen.
Stuttgart, Verlag von K.G. Lutz, 1900-1907. 15 volumes. Small 8vo. With 832 coloured plates, 56 uncoloured plates and 397 figures in the text. Original publishers decorated cloth. 192; 160; 175, [1]; 256; 320; 256; 224; 191, [1]; 287, [1]; 224; 223, [1 blank]; 288; 224; 191, [1]; 320 pp. Full description
€ 375
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