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Virtues and vices in 100 engraved emblems after Casper and Jan Luyken

SANCTA CLARA, Abraham à. Huy! und Pfuy! der Welt. Huy, oder Anfrischung zu allen schönen Tugenden. Pfuy oder Abschreckung von allen schändlichen Lastern. Durch unterschiedliche sittliche Concept, Historien, und Fabeln vorgestellt. Worinnen der Poet, Prediger, und waserley Standes-Personen für ihren Kram etwas finden können.
Nuremberg, Christoph Weigel; Würzburg, Martin Frantz Hertzen, 1707. Folio. With engraved allegorical title-page and 100 engraved emblems in text (measuring 10.5 x 12 cm). Contemporary vellum. [10], 200, [4] pp. & 100 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Stockholm

SANDAHL, Oskar Theodor. Des bains d'air comprimé. Court aperçu de leurs effets physiologiques et thérapeutiques précédé d'une description de l'établissement médico-pneumatique de Stockholm.
Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1867. 8vo. With 1 double-page lithographed plate and 1 mounted illustration, (possibly an original photograph of a lithograph), 1 illustration in text. Publisher's original grey wrappers with illustration on front wrapper. [8], 60 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Illustrated description of the Duchy of Brabant with a Counter-Reformation programme

SANDERUS, Antoine. Chorographia sacra Brabantiae sive celebrium aliquot in ea provincia ecclesiarum et coenobiorum description, ...
Brussels, Philips Vleugaert, 1658-1660. 24 parts in 1 volume. Folio (43.5 x 28 cm). With 26 double-page engraved plates, 2 engraved portraits (the author's portrait in facsimile), 12 engravings on 6 leaves, a full-page engraving, and 10 engravings in text. Most of these are views of churches, castles and abbeys with their gardens, and many by Lucas Vorsterman the Younger. Further with engraved illustrations on 23 (of the 24) title-pages, mostly portraits of saints or coat of arms. 19th-century blind-tooled, tanned sheepskin. Full description
€ 3,500
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Pioneering work on ophthalmology and eye surgery, the first ever published in Portugal, with 3 plates

SANTA ANNA, Joaquim José de. Elementos de cirurgia ocular oferecidos a sua Alteza Real o Senhor D. João Principe do Brazil.
Lisbon, Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1793. Small 4to (20.5 x 15 cm). With the woodcut coat-of-arms of Portugal on the title-page and 3 engraved illustration plates, printed on fold-out leaves so that they can be viewed while reading the book. At least the first was drawn by (Henrique José da?) Silva (1772-1834) and engraved by Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz (1768-1845). Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 279, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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A French treatise on swordfighting and a matching treatise against dueling, from 1610

SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars). Traicté de l'espee Francoise.Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With engraved emblematic heraldic device on title-page (right hand holding a sword, emerging from a cloud, with crosses and fleurs-de-lis on the sword's blade and in the background, the whole representing King Louis XIII protecting France and the Church) with the motto "Pro religione et regno".
With: (2) SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars). Traicté contre les duels. Avec l'edict de Philippes le Bel, de l'an M.CCC.VI. non encores imprimé.
Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With Périer's woodcut compasses device on title-page with motto "labore et constantia", borrowed from Christoffel Plantin. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 18th-century sprinkled calf. 56; [16], 125, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Collection of original striking but chilling photographs of mob killings
by one of Sicily's greatest mafia photographers

[PHOTOGRAPHS - MAFIA - SICILY]. SCAFIDI, Nicola. [Photographs showing mob killings, grieving families and funerals].
Palermo, [ca. 1961-1966?]. 5 loose silver gelatin photographic prints on baryta paper, ca. 24 x 30 cm, all but one with manuscript captions on the reverse. Full description
€ 4,500
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On the artillery changes in the French army of 1765, with 29 engraved plates

SCHEEL, Heinrich Otto de. Memoires d'artillerie, contenant l'artillerie nouvelle, ou les changemens faits dans l'artillerie Françoise en 1765. Avec l'exposé et l'analyse des obiections qui ont été faites à ces changemens.
Copenhagen, Claude Philibert and August Frédéric Stein, 1777. 4to. With an engraved illustration on the title-page, 29 folding engraved plates and 6 folding letterpress tables. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. [4], XVI, [8], 440, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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