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Highly important work on Portuguese law, written by order of the king

NUNEZ DO LEÃO, Duarte. Leis extravagantes collegidas e relatadas pelo licenciado Duarte Nunez do liam per mandado do muito alto & muito poderoso Rei Dom Sebastiam nosso Senhor.
Including: NUNEZ DO LEÃO, Duarte. Annotacões sobre as ordenacões dos cinquo livros.
Lisbon, Antonio Gonçalvez, 1569.
Folio. With the woodcut coat-of-arms of King Sebastião on the title-page and the divisional title-page of the second work, 6 large historiated woodcut initials, and numerous small decorated woodcut initials.
Later vellum, with the manuscript title in Gothic script on the spine, red sprinkled edges. [4], 218, [16]; 8 ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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The history of the Austro-Hungarian region from 1395-1612

OERTEL (ORTELIUS), Hieronymus. Chronologia oder historische Beschreibung aller Kriegsempörungen unnd Belägerungen der Stätt und Vestungen auch Scharmützeln und Schlachten so in Ober und Unter Ungern auch Siebenbürgen mit dem Turcken von Ao. 1395 biss auff gegenwertige Zeit denckhwürtig geschehen.
Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604.
(2) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Continuatio des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegwesens vom 1. Januari anno 1603 bis auf jetziges 1604.
Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604. With engraved title in elaborately decorated border with cavalry, arms and armour, large engraved folding map (28×51 cm), 30 double-page engraved views, 26 full-page engraved portraits, woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces.
(3) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Viertter Thail des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegswesens, was sich seithero Anno 1604 bis auf Ao. 1607 inn der ausgestandnen Rebellion mit dem Türcken, Rebellen und ihrem Anhang . . . zugetragen . . .
[Nuremberg, ca. 1613]. With engraved title-page, and engraved portrait of the author signed "H.V."
(4) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Appendix partis quartae Chronologiae Ungaricae, das ist; warhafftige ausführliche historische Beschreibung: was gestallt der aller durchleuchtigist Fürst und Herr herr Matthias Ertz Herzog zu Oesterreich, etc. Montags den 19 Novembris anno 1608 . . . und zum Römischen Kayser erkäret worden (ist; 1612) . . .
Nuremberg, Wolffgang Endter for the heirs of the author, 1622. With engraved portrait of author on the back of the title-page, and a folding engraved plate showing cavalry. 4 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [6], 581, [34], [10]; [2], 35, [1]; [12], 195, [12]; [2], 302, [7] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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Informative work on the history and discovery of America and British-American relations

[OLDMIXON, John]. Het Britannische Ryk in Amerika, Zynde eene Beschryving van de Ontdekking, Bevolking, Inwoonders, het Klimaat, den Koop-handel, en tegenwoordigen Staat van alle de Britannische Coloniën, In dat gedeelte der Wereldt... Uit het Engelsch, Als mede een omstandig Berecht aangaande Koffy en Koffy-plantery, Uit het Fransch vertaald.
Amsterdam, Rudolf & Gerard Wetstein, 1721. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Part I: Engraved frontispiece by J. Goeree dated 1720, title in red and black, 5 folding engraved maps, engraving in text, woodcut headpieces and initials. Part II: Engraved frontispiece by J. Goeree dated 1720 (same as in part I), title in red and black, 3 folding engraved maps, folding engraved plate, 2 full-page engraved plates, woodcut head- and endpieces and initials. The maps are by J. Keyser after H(erman) Moll. Contemporary full calf. (26), 300 (i.e. 296); (2), 327 (14, 1 blank) pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The only Portuguese manual on the typesetting of Greek, Hebrew and Arabic, for compositors of the royal printing office in Lisbon

OLIVEIRA, Custodio José de. Diagnosis typografica dos caracteres gregos, hebraicos, e arabigos, addiccionada com algumas notas sobre a divisão orthografica da linguage latina, e outras da Europa, ...
Lisbon, Impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. Text set in roman, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic type. With a small Portuguese woodcut coat of arms on the title-page and 4 engraved plates on 2 leaves bound at the end of the book. Later blue paper wrappers. 72, [14], VIII pp. plus [2] ll. with engravings. Full description
€ 4,850
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Collection of collotype views showing the waters and the architecture of the delightful city of Venice

ONGANIA, Ferdinando (ed.). Calli e canali e isole della laguna [frontispiece: "Calli et canali in Venezia"].
Venice, Tipografia Emiliana, 1894-1895. Imperial folio (ca. 55 x 37 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece showing a gondola in a Venice canal and 100 colletypes of the Venice canals, streets and buildings, mounted on guards and covered with flyleaves, index printed in red and black. Original publishers half brown sheepskin, beige cloth sides with blind-tooled frame on the front and back board and with a centrepiece with a boat in the lagoon of Venice and the gold-stamped title and author's name on the front board. [6] including the frontispiece, plus 100 collotypes. Full description
€ 2,500
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Fossils from Switzerland, with 33 plates

OOSTER, William Alexandre and Carl von FISCHER-OOSTER. Protozoe Helvetica. Mittheilungen aus dem Berner Museum der Naturgeschichte über merkwürdige Thier- und Pflanzenreste der schweizerischen Vorwelt.
Basel and Geneva, H. Georg (colophon: printed in Bern, Haller'sche Buchdruckerei), 1869-1871. 2 volumes in 5 separate parts. 4to. With lithographed map and 32 lithographed plates (numbered 1-13 and 1-19), including 13 double-page. All parts in original publisher's printed paper wrappers. [6], 14; [4], 16-39, [5]; [4], II, 27, [1 blank]; [4], 29-88; [4], 89-159, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 350
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From Rio de Janeiro to Batavia: a gripping account of the fastest circumnavigation of the globe of the time

ORTEGA, Casimiro de (translator), [Charles CLERKE (attributed)]. Viage del comandante Byron al rededor del mundo, hecho ultimamente de orden del almirantazgo de Inglaterra.
Madrid, Don Francisco Mariano Nipho, 1769. 4to. With a full-page, copper-engraved frontispiece, a large, folding, copper-engraved map of the Strait of Magellan in the back with the coasts highlighted in blue, and ornamental head-pieces throughout. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title and a (later) shelf mark ("143") on the spine. [18], 245, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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