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On the simple and compound medicines of the Prussian pharmacopoeia

HECKER, August Friederich. Anleitung zum zweckmäßigen Gebrauche der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Arzneimittel, welche in der Pharmacopoea castrensis Borussica enthalten sind. Eine Beilage zu dem medicinisch-praktischen Taschenbuche für Feldärzte und Wundärzte deutscher Armeen.
Berlin, Friedrich Maurer, 1806. Small 8vo (14.5 x 9.5 cm). With a wood-engraved medallion on title-page, depicting both sides, one including a portrait of J. Goercke. Contemporary marbled boards. XVI, 264 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Charming lithographed topographic and architectural views of northern France

HÉDOUIN, Pierre. Souvenirs historiques et pittoresques du nord de la France, ou Collection des plus belles vues et des plus beaux monumens, de cette partie de la France.
Paris, Dondey-Dupré, père et fils, 1830. Super Royal 4to (34.5 x 27 cm). With a letterpress half-title, title-page, 4-page letterpress introductory letter from Hédouin (dated 14 August) and 25 somewhat irregularly numbered, finely lithographed plates (mostly in landscape orientation with image size ca. 14.5 x 20 cm but the largest in portrait orientation 23.5 x 18 cm), printed on thin so-called "China" paper and mounted on blank leaves, each with a view of a site in northern France, by Pierre Langlumé after various artists, each followed by a letterpress account of the site. Modern half calf over contemporary boards with shell on shell marbled sides. [56] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The history of North Friesland, with a folding map and 5 town plans

HEIMREICH, Anton. Ernewerte Nordfresische Chronick, darin die Beschreibung derer dem Schleßwigischen Hertzogthum incorporirten Freschen Landschafften, ...
Schleswig, Johann Holwein for the author, 1668. 4to. Engraved frontispiece (incorporating 5 town plans and a portrait of the author), engraved folding map of North Friesland (at a scale of about 1: 450,000) dated 1668, and a folding letterpress genealogical table. 18th-century mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. Rebacked, preserving the original backstrip. [32], 410, [18] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Deluxe copy with a beautiful hand-coloured Arabic miniature on parchment

HEINE, Maurice. L'Islam sous la cendre.
Paris, [Jules Meynial] (colophon: Frazier-Soye), (19 February) 1918. Square 4to (25 x 26 cm). With three different versions of the frontispiece: a lithographed plate, a hand-coloured miniature painting on vellum, highlighted with gold, and an engraved plate; and with the half-title printed in blue and several words in the text printed in green and blue. Original green cloth. 26 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Second enlarged edition of the Hausmittel-Apotheke

HEINSE, Johann Phillipp. Hausmittel-Apotheke eine Sammlung von Ärzten und Laien erprobter und bewährter Heilmittel gegen die meisten Krankheiten, Gebrechen und Unglücksfälle. Aus medicinischen und gemeinnützigen Büchern und Zeitschriften zusammengetragen.
Gotha, Druck und Verlag des Verlags-Comptoir, 1843. 8vo. Half calf. XXVII, 416 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Luxurious collection of 390 coats-of-arms of important Flemish, Dutch and French noble families,
mostly hand-drawn and hand-coloured and some painted with gold and executed on vellum

[HERALDRY - FLANDERS - NETHERLANDS - FRANCE]. [Album containing coats-of-arms of Flemish, Dutch and French noble families].
[France, Flanders and the Netherlands, 17th and 18th century]. Folio. With 390 coats-of-arms (plus another 49 blank shields) of which 13 on vellum, all but 25 contemporary hand-coloured of which 17 painted with gold and 1 with silver and all but 3 drawn by hand. Mostly all coat of arms are captioned in brown ink in contemporary 17th- or 18th-century cursive hands, in which also the sometimes added manuscript text (on the same or another leaf) is written. Coats of arms on paper and vellum in various sizes, mounted on later folio-sized paper leaves. 18th-century half red roan (sheepskin), brown sprinkled paper sides over boards, manuscript title label on the front board. All loose leaves and quires mounted/stored on [29] ll, the quires loosely stored in a paper slip mounted on a leaf. Full description
€ 9,500
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Extremely rare first edition of a paleontological work on the fossil remains of an elk found in Maslów (Poland)

HERMANN, Leonard David. Relatio historico-antiquaria de sceleto seu ossibus alcis maslae detectis. Das ist: historischer Bericht aus der Antiquitaet von einem Elends-Thier-Körper oder Knochen ...
Hirschberg, Dietrich Krahn, 1729. 4to. With 1 full-page engraved plate showing in the upper part a reconstructed image of the elk and below some of its bones, antlers and other fossil remains. 19th-century red-pink decorated paper over stiff paperboards, new endpapers. [14] ll. Full description
€ 3,750
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"Father of History" in elegant & famous first Greek edition by Aldus Manutius, from the Arenberg library

HERODOTUS. [Historiarum] libri novem. Quibus musarum indita sunt nomina.
(Colophon: Venice), Aldus Manutius, (colophon: September 1502). Folio (29.5 x 20 cm). With Aldus's anchor and dolphin device on title-page and the verso of the last leaf. Late 19th-century blind-tooled, polished tan calf, the central panel with the arms of the Dukes of Arenberg. [140] ll. Full description
€ 69,500
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