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Rules and regulations of the Spanish cavalry, with the large and elaborate Spanish royal arms

ARCOS Y MORENO, Joseph de. Real ordenanza de cavalleria del Reyno, con las ilustraciones correspondientes a sus articulos, para le mejor instruccion de los tribunales, y professores ...
Madrid, Antonio Marin, 1757. 8vo. With the full-page woodcut arms of Ferdinand VI, King of Spain, before the half-title, a woodcut headpiece and several tailpieces, decorations built up from typographic ornaments, a decorated woodcut initial (plus 1 repeat) and a crowned A, M and E to represent the three autonomous southern crown lands. Contemporary vellum. [26], 406 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Biography of a famous abbess and reformer of Port-Royal. With notes on the history of Port-Royal,
Maubuisson and other monasteries

ARNAULD D'ANDILLY, Angélique de Saint Jean. Relations sur la vie de la Reverende mere Angelique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, ou receüil de la mere Angelique de Saint Jean Arnauld d'Audilly, sur la vie de sa tante la mere Marie-Angelique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, & sur la réforme des abbayes de Port-Royal, Maubuisson & autres, faite par cette Sainte Abbisse.
With: (2) ARNAULD, Angélique de Sainte Magdelaine. Mémoires pour servir à la vie de la R. Mëre Marie Angélique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, reformatrice de Port Royal.
[France], 1737. 2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with red morocco title-label, marbled edges and marbled endpapers. VII, 291; IV, 145 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Rare classic of Elizabethan horsemanship

ASTLEY, John. The art of riding, set foorth in a breefe treatise, with a due interpretation out of certeine places alledged out of Xenophon, and Gryson ...
London, Henry Denham, 1584. 4to. Gold-tooled red morocco (ca. 1890) by Riviere & son; rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [8], 79, [1] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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Graphically stunning 3-volume historical manuscript atlas

[ATLAS - HISTORICAL]. Atlas historique. - Souvenirs historiques. - Tableaux et cartes.
[Montpellier?], [date on spine of vol. 1:] 1851. 3 volumes. Folio (vol. 1) and large 4to (vols. 2-3). Neatly written manuscripts on paper with 23 graphically vibrant maps, coloured in outline with subtly shaded washes in grey (for the coasts) and numerous bright colours (for political boundaries), and with calligraphic headings. Contemporary bindings: vol. 1 red half goatskin; vol. 2 black half goatskin; vol. 3 black sheepskin. [1], [26 double]; [1], [22 double]; [1], 30 double, [1] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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43 photographic prints of city views and landscapes in Hungary, Austria and Germany, ca. 1897/99

[AUSTRIA-HUNGARY - GERMANY]. [Photographs of Budapest, Vienna and other cities].
Budapest, Dresden, Innsbruck, München, Calderoni és társa, Verlag von Stengel & Co, Fritz Gratl, 1897/1899. Oblong album (32 x 41 cm). Album with 43 photographic prints of various sizes (22 x 16.5 to 30 x 24 cm ), pasted on thick paperboard. Half black leather, red buckram sides, gold-stamped spine with the date "1899". [43] ll. Full description
€ 3,950
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Early (second?) edition of Habsburg Austria's medical ordinances and list of medicinal taxes

[AUSTRIA - PHARMACOPOEIA - TAXES]. Taxa medicamentorum in pharmacopoea Austriaco-provinciali contentorum. = Taxe der in der österreichischen Privincialpharmakopee enthaltenen Arzneyen.
Vienna, Johann Thomas Edlen von Trattner, 1777. 8vo. Mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, brown morocco spine label, marbled endpapers, red edges. [8], 95 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Important work on Arabian horses, describing a Spanish quest for thoroughbred Percherons

AZPEITIA DE MOROS, Luis. En busca del caballo Árabe. Comisión á Oriente. Turquía, Siria, Mesopotamia, Palestina. Memorias del viaje.
Madrid, Tip. "Sucesores de Rivadeneyra" 1915. Large 8vo. With photographic illustrations printed from halftone relief blocks in the text throughout and a lithographed map showing the sailing route in blue. Original publisher's printed and illustrated paper wrappers. 297, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [2], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Against Portugal's centralized power in Brazil

AZEREDO COUTINHO, José Joaquim da Cunha de. Alegasaõ juridica, na qual se mostra que saõ do padroado da coroa, e naõ da Ordem militar de Cristo, as igrejas, dignidades, e beneficios dos bispados do Cabo de Bojador para o sul, em que se compreendem os bispados de Cabo Verde, S. Thomé, Angola, Brazil, India até á China. Oferecida a Sua Alteza Principe do Brazil regente de Portugal.
Lisbon, Antonio Rodrigues Galhardo, 1804. 4to. With a woodcut coat of arms of Portugal on title-page. Contemporary, elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, with the coat of arms of Portugal on the front and back board, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. 82, [2] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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