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Stage design for the Real Teatro di San Carlo at Naples: 18 hand-coloured lithographs

CANNA, Pasquale. Raccolta di disegni alla Sacra Real Maestà D.A M.ria Cristina Borbone Regina di Spagna ed delle Indie.
[Naples, 1828-1831?]. Oblong 1mo (39×50 cm). One letterpress leaf dated 22 August 1830, mounted on flyleaf, and 18 hand-coloured lithographs, dated from 1828 to 1831, drawn on stone by Angelo Belloni, Federico Gatt, Gaetano Dura and Settimio Severo Lopresti, and printed by the "Reale Litografia Militare". Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, front board with letterpress title-label. Full description
€ 68,500
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Contemporary accounts of two power struggles, in Italy and in the Low Countries

CAPELLA, Galeazzo Flavio. De rebus nuper in Italia gestis [in the running heads: "De bello Mediolanensi"] libro octo ...
(Colophon: Antwerp, Maarten de Keyser), 1533.
With: (2) SERVILIUS, Johannes (Jan KNAAP). Geldrogallica conjuratio in totius Belgicae clarissimam civitatem Antverpiam, duce Martino Rosheymio, ...
Augsburg, Heinrich Steiner, 1544. 2 works in 1 volume. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). Contemporary vellum wrappers, with 2 fragments of the March and April calendar leaf (in red and black) of a manuscript Missale romanum (ca. 1475/1500?) used as end leaves. 96; [44] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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6th edition (the last in the authors lifetime) of sermons by a rabble-rousing preacher of 15th-century Italy in richly blind-tooled Bavarian pigskin (ca. 1500), the 5th known binding by this workshop

CARACCIOLO, Roberto. Sermones per adventu[m] domini cu[m] multis aliis inclusis. sermocionanti per utiles. famosissimi predicatoris Maiistri Ruberti de Licio Italici ordinis minoru[m]. [= Sermones de adventu, Sermo de S. Joseph, Sermo de Beatitudine, Sermones de divina caritate, Sermones de immortalitate animae].
Including: BOLLANI, Dominico (Dominicus BOLLANUS). De co[n]ceptione gloriosissime Virginis Marie [= De conceptione Beatae Virginis Mariae].
[Strasbourg, Martin Schott, 1484]. Small (Chancery) folio mostly in 8s (28.5 x 20.5 cm). Printed in 2 columns, set in 2 sizes of rotunda gothic type that Schott used for the first time in the present publication. With spaces left (without guide letters) for perhaps a hundred 3-line and dozens of larger manuscript initials, not filled in in the present copy.
Near contemporary (ca. 1500?), richly blind-tooled pigskin over square-edge boards (Eindbanddatenbank workshop w002296, active in Bavaria ca. 1473(?)-1502). With the remains of one strap-fastening (brass anchor-plate, remnants of the alum-tawed leather strap, but catchplate and clasp lost), blue-green edges. Vellum manuscript waste used for reinforcement, showing bits of Isaias 5:8-26 from a Vulgate Bible in a large textura hand. [100], [17], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 7,000
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Main work from the 15th-century "prince of preachers", copy from the Furstenberg collection

CARACCIOLO, Roberto. Sermones de laudibus sanctorum.
[Reutlingen, Michael Greyff, not after 1492]. 4to. Contemporary half pigskin, blind-tooled initials on the front board, with white pigskin restorations on the upper and lower third of the spine, gold-tooled parchment label on the spine, remnants of a central clasp, manuscript waste pastedowns. [230] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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The captivating tale of a Portuguese soldier's long journey home

CARVALHO MASCARENHAS, João de. Memoravel relaçam da perda da nao conceiçam que os Turcos queymàraõ à vista da barra de Lisboa; varios successos das pessoas, que nella cativàraõ. E de scripçaõ nova da Cidade de Argel, & de seu governo; & cousas muy notaveis acontecidas nestes ultimos annos de 1621 atè 1626
Lisbon, "Antonio Alvares, 1627" [=Antonio Pedrozo Galram, 1706]. 4to. With two woodcut tail-pieces and woodcut decorated initials (2 different series). Later quarter vellum with paste paper over boards. [1], [1 blank], [4], 100, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Condemnation of the Spanish conquerors

CASAS, Bartholomeo DE LAS. Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali di monsignor Fra Bartolomeo dalle Case o Casaus, Sivigliano, Vescouo di Chiapa.
Venice, Marco Ginammi, 1645. 4to. Woodcut printer's device (Hope, with anchor) on title-page, woodcut initials. Later half red morocco, marbled sides gold-tooled spine, marbled endpapers. 8, [4], XVII, [1], 31-184 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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The life of Catharine the Great

[CASTÉRA, Jean Henri]. Het leven van Catharina II, keizerin van Rusland.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1798. 8vo. 3 volumes. With 6 engraved portraits by Reinier Vinkeles. Contemporary marbled boards. XVI, 373, [1 blank]; X, 344; VIII, 348, [1, 1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Pioneering book of about 300 medicinal recipes in Spanish

CASTILLO, Juan del. Pharmacopoea universa medicamenta in officinis pharmaceuticis usitata complectens, & explicans.
Cádiz, Juan de Borja, 1622. 4to. With a helmed, crested and mantled woodcut Contreras coat of arms of the dedicatee on the title-page (dexter argent paly of 3 azure, sinister an inverted tower, the whole with a bordure containing 12 Xs) repeated at the end of liber I, woodcut device at the end of the text.Tree-pattern tanned sheepskin (ca. 1830), and the owners initials J.S. (for José Saranderes) in the 5th. [7], “335” [= 332], [6] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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Treaty for friendship and commerce between Russia and Denmark

CATHERINE THE GREAT, Tsarina and CHRISTIAN VII. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Traité d'amitié et de commerce, entre l'Empire de Russie et la couronne de Dannemarc, conclu à St. Petersbourg le 8-19 Octobre 1782.
[St. Petersburg], Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1782. Small folio (29.5 x 19.5 cm). Treaty between Russia and Denmark in Russian and French in 2 parallel columns in cyrillic (left) and roman (right) types. Disbound. 22 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Two treaties between the Russian Emipre and Sweden concluding the Russo-Swedish War of 1788-1790

CATHERINE THE GREAT & GUSTAV III of Sweden. Traité de paix, conclu entre ... l'Imperatrice ... de Russie ..., et ... le Roi de Suède ... 1790.
[St. Peterburg, Imperial Printing office, 1790] Folio. (30x20.2 cm). With the text in Russian and French in parallel columns, and with ornamental rules at the head of each page. Unsewn, marbled paper spine.
With: (2) Traité d'alliance défensif ... entre la Russie et la Suède ... 1791.
[St. Peterburg, Imperial Printing office, 1791] Folio. (29.5 x 20.6 cm). With the text in Russian and French in parallel columns, and with ornamental rules at the head of each page. Unsewn, side stitched, blue paper spine. 10, 20 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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