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Early Printing & Manuscripts / Religion & Devotion

Predicting the future: copy from the Broxbourne Library of the rare 1511 edition
of one of the most important prophetic astrologies of the 15th and 16th century

LICHTENBERGER, Johannes. Pronosticatio in latino rare & prius non audita: quae exponit & declarat nonnullos coeli ifluxus: & i[n]clinatione[m] certaru[m] constellationu[m] magne videlicet co[n]iunctionis & eclipsis: quae suera[n]t istis annis: quid boi maliue hoc tempore & in futuru[m] huic mu[n]do porte[n]dant: durabitq[uam] pluribus annis.
[colophon:] Venice, [Niccolò & Domenico dal Gesù = Nicolo & Domenico Sandri dal Jesus], 23 August [1511?]. 4to. With the large Dal Jesus white-on-black woodcut device, 45 half-page or nearly full-page woodcuts in the text, most with letterpress captions above or below, the first showing Ptolemy, Aristotle, the Sibyl, Birgitta of Sweden and Brother Reinhart receiving divine inspiration, with an explanation on the facing page in a 4-piece ornamental floral woodcut frame. Modern half red morocco. 39, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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A great compendium of canon law, finely printed in Antwerp for the English market

LYNDWOOD, William. Provinciale seu constitutiones Anglie: cum summarijs, atque justis annotationibus, politissimis caracteribus, summaque accuratione rursum reuise, atque impresse.
Including: BADIUS, Jodocus (Josse BADE). Tabula indices.
London, Franciscus Bryckman (colophon: Antwerp, printed by Christoffel van Ruremund, 20 December 1525). 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With two title-pages, each in a woodcut border. The first shows above heaven with the holy trinity surrounded by the heavenly population, and below the world with the pope and the king kneeling before the church, surrounded by the clergy; on the second title-page the coat of arms of England, a Tudor rose with the "IHS" and Saint George and the dragon. Printed in black and red throughout. Contemporary calf in modern slipcase. CCLV [= CCLVJ], [28] ll. Full description
€ 7,000
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Acts of the synods of the Archbishopric of Malines of 1570, 1607 and 1609,
printed by Plantin and Moretus

[MALINES - SYNOD]. Decreta et statuta Synodi Provincialis Mechliniensis, die undecima mensis Iunii, anni millesimi, quingentesimi, septuagesimi ... Praesidente D. Martino Rythovio Episcopo Yprensi ... nomine et loco ... D. Antonii Perrenot, Archiepiscopo Mechliniensis, & ... Cardinalis Granvellani.
With: Die vigesima sexta mensis Iunii anni millesimi sexcentesimi septimi ... et vigesima die mensis Julii eiusdem anno conclusae. Praesidente ... D. Matthia Hovio Archiepiscopo Mechliniensi ...
With: (Decreta et statuta Synodi Dioecesanae Mechliniensis): die quinta Maij anni millesimi sexcentesimi noni inchoataev, & die sexta eiusdem anni & mensis absolutae. Praesidente ... D. Matthia Hovio archiepiscopo Mechliniensi.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin (vol. 1), Jan Moretus (vols. 2-3), 1571-1609. 3 editions in 1 volume. With Plantins woodcut compasses device on the title-page of the first work, incorporating the coat of arms of King Philip II of Spain, and another on the last leaf of the third work, and the woodcut coat-of-arms of Archbishop Matthias Hovius (1542-1620) on the title-pages of the 2nd and 3rd works; some fine woodcut initials. Contemporary limp vellum, remnants of ties, with the title in manuscript on spine and front board. 79, [1]; 127, [1]; 76, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Rare post-incunable to overthink the four extremes (death, the last judgement, hell and heaven) and live free of sins, popular along the Modern Devotion

[MODERN DEVOTION]. [VLIEDERHOVEN, Gerardus de]. Quattuor novissima cum multis exemplis pulcherrimis & de terroribus mortis cum eterne beatitudis gloria.
Deventer, Jacobus de Breda, 1502. 4to. With a woodcut illustration (9.5 x 8.5 cm) on title-page with the symbols of the four Evangelists.19th-century blind-tooled calf, title in gold on spine, preserving some contemporary endpapers but also with later ones. [47], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare Dutch post-incunable on the value of learning and wisdom

MURMELLIUS, Joannus. Joannis Murmelii de discipulorum officiis q[uo]d Enchiridion scholasticon inscribitur. Ep[istol]a seu volumen divi Hieronymi ad Nepotianum de clericorum officiis cu[m] Murmellii commentariis. Hermanni Buschii carmen saphicu[m] in urbem Ruremundensem. Joa[n]nis Murmellii ode saphica de duplici voluptate.
Zwolle, Pieter van Os, ca. 1505. 4to. Woodcut title page illustration of Saint Jerome (88 x 66 mm), woodcut colophon illustration (73 x 55 mm). Later sheepskin parchment, wove paper pastedowns and late 18th-century endleaves (laid paper, watermarked 1783). [52] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Nataliss famous print series in their first editions with both title-pages highlighted with gold as rarely seen

NATALIS, Hieronymus (Jerónimo NADAL). Evangelicae historiae imagines ex ordine evangeliorum, quae toto anno in missae sacrificio recitantur, in ordinem temporis vitae Christi digestae.
Antwerp, [Martinus Nutius], 1593.With: (2) IDEM. Adnotationes et meditationes in evangelia quae in sacrosancto missae sacrificio toto anno leguntur. Cum evangeliorum concordantial historiae integritati sufficienti. ...
Antwerp, Martinus Nutius, 1594 (colophon dated 1595). 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Each work with an engraved allegorical title-page, extensively highlighted in gold, and woodcut initials and headpieces. Ad 1 contains a print series showing the life of Christ in 153 full-page engravings by the Wierix brothers, Jan II and Adriaen Collaert and Charles de Malery after Bernardo Passari and Maarten de Vos. It also has an engraved allegorical and ornamental headpiece on A2, reading "IHS In nomine Jesu". Mid 19th-century light brown calf with a blind-tooled ornamental frame on both boards, a gold-tooled spine, a black morocco spine label with the title in gold, red edges and marbled endpapers. [5] ll. plus 153 engraved prints; [1], [3 blank], 595 [= 593], [5] pp. Full description
€ 9,750
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Large-margined copy of a classic incunable with sections on witchcraft, by Ulms first printer, in a contemporary, richly blind-tooled Augsburg binding

NIDER, Johannes. Preceptorium divine legis [preceded by] Prologus in expositionem decalogi [= Praeceptorium divinae legis, sive expositio decalogi].
[Colophon:] Ulm, Johann Zainer the elder, [1478/79]. Chancery (Foolscap) folio. Set in a rotunda gothic type, the preliminaries in two columns, with spaces for manuscript paragraph marks and initials, filled in in red ink, the initials Lombardic, one with interior decoration. Contemporary richly blind-tooled calf over square-edged wooden boards (from an Augsburg bindery active 1473-1494: Eindbanddatenbank workshop w002141), sewn on 3 double supports. Further with a brass catchplate on the front board and a brass anchor plate on the back board. The anchor plate still secures remnants of the leather strap that would have had a brass clasp. [246] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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First illustrated edition of Osiander's Harmony of the Gospels, with 98 woodcuts

OSIANDER, Andreas. Harmoniae Evangelicae libri quatuor, in quibus Evangelica historia ex quatuor Evangelistis ita in unu[m] est contexta, ut nullius verbum ullum omissum, nihil alienum immixtum, nullius ordo turbatus, nihil non suo loco positum. ... Elenchus harmoniae, ...
(Colophon: Antwerp, Matthias Crom, 1540). 8vo. With a woodcut vignette at the foot of the title-page and the head of the first page of the main text (illustrating Luke 11), 1 full-page and 97 half-page woodcut illustrations by Levinus de Witte (including a few repeats). 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment. [164] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Illustrated first edition of the Dutch translation of "Der goldene Thron", intended for women & men

OTTO VAN PASSAU. Boeck des gulden throene of der xxiiij ouden.
Utrecht, [printer with monogram "tC"], [30 March] 1480. Folio. With 24 illustrations in text (ca. 9 x 6.2 cm), printed from 1 complete woodcut (plus 4 repeats) and 15 components assembled in different combinations, all rubricated and with architectural frames. The book has no printed initials, but spaces for manuscript initials, which have been filled with letters in the uncial style. Each of the 24 chapters begins with a large manuscript initial (the first 5-line with a penwork face in profile and further 4-line), 11 with two or more colours (mostly with penwork decoration extending into the margin), and others with interior white decoration. A smaller (2-line) initial with penwork extending into the margin opens the book's first page and there are numerous further 1-line and 2-line initials. Set in a textura type with capitals rubricated throughout. Woodcut printer's device at the end: a date palm tree with monogram "tC" (6.5 x 5.5 cm), the "t" perhaps also (or instead) representing a cross. Contemporary (Utrecht?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, each board in a panel design with the central part ruled in a lozenge pattern with about 200 impressions of 4 small separate stamps; re-backed, with modern morocco title label. [4], 197 ll. Full description
€ 185,000
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Exceptionally rare, very early Deventer printing of an almost unknown work attributed to Petrarca

PETRARCA, Francesco (attributed). Psalmi confessionales.
[Deventer, Albert Pafraet, ca. 1514-1517]. 8vo. With 2 allegorical woodcut illustrations. The first, on the title-page, shows "Cognitio" leaving the room to go inquire who wounded the Daughter (of) Zion. The second, on the last page, shows "Spes", "Fides" and "Cognitio" comforting the Daughter (of) Zion, who is lying in bed. Later sheepskin parchment with the title lettered in gold on the spine. [6] ff, Full description
€ 35,000
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