Best fish illustrations for centuries

SALVIANI, Ippolito (Hippolito).
Aquatilium animalium historiae, liber primus [all published], cum eorumdem formis, aere excusis.
Rome, Hippolito Salviani, 1554 (colophon: January 1558). Folio. With an engraved title-page and 98 figures on 81 full-page engravings (plate size 33 x 22.5 cm) printed on integral leaves, a Salviani's woodcut device on the last page, and about 100 decorated pictorial woodcut initials (2 series) including repeats. Recased in 18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. [8], 256 ll. Full description
€ 19,500
Rome, Hippolito Salviani, 1554 (colophon: January 1558). Folio. With an engraved title-page and 98 figures on 81 full-page engravings (plate size 33 x 22.5 cm) printed on integral leaves, a Salviani's woodcut device on the last page, and about 100 decorated pictorial woodcut initials (2 series) including repeats. Recased in 18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. [8], 256 ll. Full description