First Dutch edition of an eyewitness account of the 1573 siege of Alkmaar
Een cort verhael van de strenghe belegheringhe ende aftreck der Spangiaerden van de Stadt Alcmaer gheleghen in Hollandt. Die welcke de Spaengiaerts nae dat syse int Jaer MDLXXIII seven weecken beleghert hadden niet sonder haer groote schade ende schande hebben moeten nalaten, uyt het Latyn int Duytsch overgeset.
Delft, Aelbert Hendrickz., "1573" [1580 or soon after?]. Small 4to. With a woodcut illustration of a king on the title page, presumably the biblical king David with his shield bearing his coat-of-arms showing a harp (practically identical to the coat-of-arms of Ireland), and 1 woodcut decorated initial (roman capital). Set in textura types except for the italic running heads. 19th-century block-printed decorated wrappers (in blue). 29, [3] pp.