First edition of this important work on perspective

VIGNOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da.
Le due regole della prospettiva pratica. Con i commentarij del Egnatio Danti.
Rome, Francesco Zannetti, 1583. Folio. With a richly engraved architectural title-page by Cherubinus Albertus, 120 woodcut mathematical illustrations and figures in the text explaining perspective, including woodcuts of anamorphoses and 1 full-page woodcut, designed and cut by Danti, 29 engraved plates showing perspective designs, including 8 full-page, by Vignola. Further with a large woodcut printer's device on verso of the last leaf, and some woodcut decorated initials and head pieces. Later gold-tooled half calf and green decorated paper over boards, red and blue sprinkled edges. [1], [1 blank], [10], 145, [5] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
Rome, Francesco Zannetti, 1583. Folio. With a richly engraved architectural title-page by Cherubinus Albertus, 120 woodcut mathematical illustrations and figures in the text explaining perspective, including woodcuts of anamorphoses and 1 full-page woodcut, designed and cut by Danti, 29 engraved plates showing perspective designs, including 8 full-page, by Vignola. Further with a large woodcut printer's device on verso of the last leaf, and some woodcut decorated initials and head pieces. Later gold-tooled half calf and green decorated paper over boards, red and blue sprinkled edges. [1], [1 blank], [10], 145, [5] pp. Full description