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Cartography & Exploration / Voyages & Travel

Including the first illustration of Niagara Falls and first engraving of an American bison

HENNEPIN, Louis. Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays situé dans l'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la mer glaciale.
Amsterdam, Abraham van Someren, 1698. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece by Caspar Luyken, 2 folding engraved maps and 2 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [72], 1-312, [10], 313-506 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
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Unveiling Australia and the New World

HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, Antonio de. Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis. Nieuwe werelt, anders ghenaempt West-Indien.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622.
(2) ORDONNEZ DE CEVALLES, Pedro. Eyghentlijcke beschryvinghe van West-Indien, hoe die landen en provintien gheleghen zijn op wat maniere dat men die door reysen sal: ende wat rijckdommen van gout en silver elcke plaetse begrijpt.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1621.
(3) [LE MAIRE, Jacques]. Spieghel der Australische navigatie door den wijt vermaerden ende cloeckmoedighen zee-heldt Jacob Le Maire, president ende overste over de twee schepen, d' Eendracht ende Hoorn, uytghevaren den 14 Junii 1615.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622.
3 works in 1 volume. Small folio. With an engraved title, 17 engraved folding maps, an engraved portrait, 5 engraved plates in text, and woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine. [6], 111; 29; [16], 98 pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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The first complete account of the Le Maire-Schouten expedition

HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, Antonio de. Novis orbis, sive descriptio Indiae Occidentalis ... Methaphraste C. Barlaeo. Accesserunt & aliorum Indiae Occidentalis descriptiones, & navigationis nuperae Australis Jacobi le Maire Historia, uti & navigationum omnium per Fretum Magellanicum succincta narratio.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622. Folio. With an engraved title, 17 engraved maps (1 folding, 16 double-page), a full-page portrait, and 4 half-page illustrations in the text. Later three-quarter vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine, sprinkled paper sides, red edges. [4], "81" [=84], [2], "9" [=10], 11, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 40,000
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Popular story of an East Indiaman wrecked off the coast of Bengal

HEYDEN (HEIDEN), Frans Jansz. van der. Vervarelyke schip-breuk van 't Oost-Indisch jacht Ter Schelling, onder het landt van Bengale; ... beneffens een bondige beschryving der Koningryken van Arrakan, Bengale, Martavan, Tanassery, ... Den vyfden druk doorgaens met platen verciert.
Harderwijk, Jan Rampen, 1722. 4to. With 18 woodcut illustrations plus 1 repeat. Modern half vellum. 96 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Fine work illustrating the cities, ports, and factories of the Dutch East India Company in Asia and Africa

HEYDT, Johann Wolffgang. Allerneuester Geographisch und Topographischer Schau-Platz, von Africa und Ost-Indien.
Nuremberg, C. Tetschner, 1744. Oblong folio (31 x 36.5 cm). With 115 numbered engraved maps and plates, an engraved frontispiece, and an engraved title-page. Contemporary vellum, with the author and title lettered in gold on the spine, red edges. [24], 345, [4] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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The first British trade agreement with Mocha

[HEYNES, Edward]. Scheeps-togt van Mr. Edward Heynes, van Suratte na Mocha, gedaan in het jaar 1618. Verhalende, op wat wijse de Engelsse de koopmanschap, met de inwoonders, aldaar hebben opgerigt, en door schriftelijk verseekeringen (van den Bassa gegeeven) vast-gestelt. Als mede een beschrijving van de stad Mocha, des selfs huysingen, bolwerken en haven-plaats.
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, [ca. 1707?]. Folio (25.5 × 40 cm). Modern blue-grey paper covers. [5] ll. (text in 2 columns per page, 4 per leaf, 14 cols. in total). Full description
€ 850
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Romeyn de Hooghe's stunning etchings of royal festivities in The Hague

HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Voyage de sa Majesté Britannique en Hollande.
The Hague, Arnout Leers, 1692. Large folio (49.5 x 36 cm.). With an engraved portrait of King William III by Pieter van Gunst after J. Brandon, 11 full-page engraved plates (32.5 x 44 cm) and 4 half-page engraved plates (32.5 x 21.5 cm., including the engraved title-page) all finely engraved by Romeyn de Hooghe. Later half vellum and yellow paper side, with a brown leather title-label lettered in gold on the spine. [14] ll. Full description
€ 3,975
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On the prosperity of Cuba

HUBER, Bertrand. Aperçu statistique de l'île de Cuba, précédé de quelques lettres sur la Havane, et suivi de tableaux synoptiques, d'une carte de l'île, et du tracé des côtes depuis la Havane jusqu'a Matanzas.
Paris, P. Dufart, 1826. 8vo. With 6 folding letterpress tables and 2 engraved maps (1 folding), depicting Cuba and surrounding islands. Contemporary half calf, black- and gold-tooled spine. 331, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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A Dutch commander's Japanese diary with a large lithographed map

HUYSSEN VAN KATTENDYKE, Willem Johan Cornelis. Uittreksel uit het dagboek van W.J.C. Ridder Huyssen van Kattendyke, Kapitein-Luit. ter zee, gedurende zijn verblijf in Japan in 1857, 1858 en 1859.
The Hague, W.P. van Stockum (printed by Giunta d'Albani), 1860. 8vo. With large folding lithographed map (67 x 54.5 cm) depicting the west coast of Japan and Kiusiu, by E. Spanier after H.O. Wichers. Original publisher's printed stiff paper wrappers. [2 blank], [10], 236 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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